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Palestinian para-glider troops successfully attack Zionists' Tasalim base 40km deep inside occupied territories.

what air defense doing! (I borrowed the line from Ukrainians)

I asked that myself too, when Iranians shot down 176 Innocents because they sh1t themselves after the Americans toasted 2nd most important Iranian and Iranians did only material damage, except 100-110 "brain trauma" on US personel, 0 dead.
Alone the stampede killed 56 mourners and injured about 200 or so.
Well, Iranians killed way more Iranians in a self inflicted stampede than US personel after the US killed 2nd most important Iranian. :cheesy:
I beg the Iranians to attack the Jews, over Hezbollah from Lebanon and/or other others over Syria and the best, send regular IRANIAN (not shia-Afghans/Pakistanis) soldiers to kill some Kikes.
I bet even this one lonely Carrier-group is enough to make your panties yellow and brown.
Huge respect if you send an AShM and Palis will sink US vessel.
That's the problem with you guys. Too much talking.
For a Turk who alleges to only be interested in Turkey, you do seem to have a fixation with Pakistan.

I don't talk about Pakistan much I think you're confusing me with someone else

I don't even remember last time I spoke about Pakistan. I think it was when they arrested Imran Khan.
I asked that myself too, when Iranians shot down 176 Innocents because they sh1t themselves after the Americans toasted 2nd most important Iranian and Iranians did only material damage, except 100-110 "brain trauma" on US personel, 0 dead.
Alone the stampede killed 56 mourners and injured about 200 or so.
Well, Iranians killed way more Iranians in a self inflicted stampede than US personel after the US killed 2nd most important Iranian. :cheesy:
I beg the Iranians to attack the Jews, over Hezbollah from Lebanon and/or other others over Syria and the best, send regular IRANIAN (not shia-Afghans/Pakistanis) soldiers to kill some Kikes.
I bet even this one lonely Carrier-group is enough to make your panties yellow and brown.
Huge respect if you send an AShM and Palis will sink US vessel.
That's the problem with you guys. Too much talking.
Too much talking is from the other side .... Trump said in case of firing just one bullet by Iran he would attack 52 military sites within Iran .. Iran razed their base to the ground and he did nothing despite many tweets and threats only God knows how many were killed and they hid it ... like when we downed their drones be it 2019 or 2011 no response.
The same goes for isreal, its PM would go to UN stare at people like stupid shows stupid cartoons and then deny what he says ... only capable to attack Gaza and defenseless people ... for decades these people have been threatening Iran by military option nothing happened just too much talking. So far Iranian military doctrine conducted by militias surprised and damaged their military reputation worldwide be it 2006 or now.
There is a reason the US that has invaded Iran's neighbors 3 to 4 times in the past 4 decades has not attacked Iran despite all huffing and puffing.
I asked that myself too, when Iranians shot down 176 Innocents because they sh1t themselves after the Americans toasted 2nd most important Iranian
Air defence mistake during the fog of war which Iran apologised for.

You are comparing the performance of Iranian air defence in a conflict against the USA with the performance of Israeli air defence (in a territory 700x smaller than Iran and with full access to free/subsidised US air defence systems) in a conflict against a tiny militia with no air force. Says it all.

and Iranians did only material damage, except 100-110 "brain trauma" on US personel, 0 dead.
Largest ballistic missile attack against US forces in history.

Who else would do such an attack directly against US forces under Trump, who promised to destroy 52 Iranian cultural and historical sites if Iran dared to respond at all? Instead, Trump shit himself and backed down.

Some of those 110+ casualties are permanently mentally injured. One committed suicide and sent himself to hell due to his injuries shortly after. See for yourself:

Too much talking is from the other side .... Trump said in case of firing just one bullet by Iran he would attack 52 military sites within Iran .. Iran razed their base to the ground and he did nothing despite many tweets and threats only God knows how many were killed and they hid it ... like when we downed their drones be it 2019 or 2011 no response.
The same goes for isreal, its PM would go to UN stare at people like stupid shows stupid cartoons and then deny what he says ... only capable to attack Gaza and defenseless people ... for decades these people have been threatening Iran by military option nothing happened just too much talking. So far Iranian military doctrine conducted by militias surprised and damaged their military reputation worldwide be it 2006 or now.
There is a reason the US that has invaded Iran's neighbors 3 to 4 times in the past 4 decades has not attacked Iran despite all huffing and puffing.
Maybe US likes to milk rich Sunni states?
Iran is, since 1979 that what Saudi Arabia was before, especially regarding Israel/Palestine.
Then you have a long mutual relationship between SA and the US.
Iran is good as long it doesn't try to make Germany of 1933-1945 in the eyes of the US.
If you guys really think you could win an "all out war" with the US, where the US WANTS you removed, you are more than delusional.
Don't get me wrong, Iran can fight above it's weight, like Hezbollah (I mean the lebanese one) too but only to a certain lvl.
US war machine with not so (hypocritcal) pressure in the background and REALLY unleashed = another beast, to big to chew for Iran.
Iran has some nice plates on the table, pressure with Strait of Hormuz, European societies who doesn't want a big war because of US interest down there.
Russian/Chinese/NK subtile/direct intervention or using that war to own advantage (Taiwan, SK).
US doesn't want to lose their muslim "friends" in that region etc.
Iran is strong but US - fully unleashed with a wish of a completely wiped out Iran and no hands tied behind their back - Bye(I)ran.

Air defence mistake during the fog of war which Iran apologised for.

Largest ballistic missile attack against US forces in history.

Who else would do such an attack directly against US forces under Trump, who promised to destroy 52 Iranian cultural and historical sites if Iran dared to respond at all? Instead, Trump shit himself and backed down.

Some of those 110+ casualties are permanently mentally injured. One committed suicide shortly after. See for yourself.

Yeah, more nuts than all other Muslims combined but still, after killing 2nd most important Iranian, relative pathetic.
Yeah, more nuts than all other Muslims combined but still, after killing 2nd most important Iranian, relative pathetic.
Not just "more nuts" but way more competent. US officials were in shock when they saw how precise the Iranian ballistic missiles were.

As a courtesy to Iraq, Iran informed them in advance of the ballistic missile strikes, so the USA had time to prepare and evacuate. Still, 110+ US casualties in the largest ballistic missile attack against US forces in history, with US President officially promising to destroy 52 Iranian cultural and historical sites if Iran responds at all, is no joke. Back then no one wanted to mess with Trump, but he took his losses and unilaterally backed down.
Not just "more nuts" but way more competent. US officials were in shock when they saw how precise the Iranian ballistic missiles were.

As a courtesy to Iraq, Iran informed them in advance of the ballistic missile strikes, so the USA had time to prepare and evacuate. Still, 110+ US casualties in the largest ballistic missile attack against US forces in history, with US President officially promising to destroy 52 Iranian cultural and historical sites if Iran responds at all, is no joke. Back then no one wanted to mess with Trump, but he took his losses and unilaterally backed down.
Trump was most peaceful POTUS, tbh.
He killed Soleimani because Soleimani was respectable military commander, problem was his teaching of partisan tactics which killed 600+ US soldiers.
He was a threat and the HAWKS in Washington (especially jewish ones) were annoying Trump.
So he decided to kill that dude.
I saw an Interview from American commander who saw that objectivly and that was BEFORE the killing of Soleimani, he respected him as a military leader.
Still, US is, especially if NOT hands tied behind their back (anti-Taliban actions were much more brutal than as an example) and fully unleashed + will to DESTROY a nation a completely different beast to all other countries in the world.
Trump was most peaceful POTUS, tbh.
Back then nobody had that impression. He was crazy and escalated conflicts a lot and, if we are honest, everyone was scared of him. He made a public promise to the world to raze 52 specific Iranian cultural sites to the ground if Iran dared to respond. How many would have backed down then? Instead, Iran proceeded to launch the largest ballistic missile attack against US forces in history, injuring >110 US soldiers (many of which cannot ever return to service and have permanent brain injuries which affect their daily lives).

He killed Soleimani because Soleimani was respectable military commander, problem was his teaching of partisan tactics which killed 600+ US soldiers.
Soleimani was on their list for a long time due to his role in assisting the Iraqi insurgency responsible for killing >600 US soldiers, as you say.

Those days Soleimani and Khamenei got arrogant, publicly threatening the USA and Trump. But even then Soleimani travelled freely across the region with no fear and died a hero. His successor, Esmail Qaani, is proving to be a very worthy replacement. More quiet but possibly more administratively astute, and we see the results of that in Israel now.

I saw an Interview from American commander who saw that objectivly and that was BEFORE the killing of Soleimani, he respected him as a military leader.
His legacy is the killing of >600 occupying US soldiers, fortifying the axis of resistance to create a ring of fire around Israel to project Iranian power beyond its border (taking conflicts outside of Iran and into the borders of its enemies) and defeating ISIS. A hero.
Still, US is, especially if NOT hands tied behind their back (anti-Taliban actions were much more brutal than as an example) and fully unleashed + will to DESTROY a nation a completely different beast to all other countries in the world.
Indeed. However, they have never faced an enemy as well prepared as Iran. Which isn't to say Iran can defeat the USA, it cannot, but Iran has raised the costs of engagement to a level too high for the USA to pursue.

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