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Pak's deal 'No drone attack on camps training terrorists against India':NYT

Indeed, I agree with this. Same goes for the very local Pakistani spotters the CIA employs, they use the drone strikes as a way to settle petty scores between themselves and some other poor unsuspecting b@stard. No one said Drones were a good weapon.

the CIA, like any intelligence agency - will have an informant network. Sometimes with the host country's knowledge and sometimes without

the tribesmen who sell themselves as informants to a foreign government for the sake of settling "scores" are about as credible and as noble as the likes of the Ahmed Chalabis of the world who ran to the CIA claiming that his own country (Iraq) had weapons of mass destruction simply so he could "settle score" with Saddam Hussein. We saw what a mess that got the Americans into.

but then again these types of things can backfire in the dirty, secretive and sometimes dangerous world of intelligence.....happened to us, happened even to the services of the world's sole superpower


CIA prepared birthday cake for double agent who bombed Afghan base | World news | guardian.co.uk
I am surprised why Israel is silent (India is silent to save the vote bank), Israel should avenge Jews death in 26/11.

the ISI shared info with Israel's Mossad service regarding possible terrorist attacks on Jewish targets in hindustan. . .

let me enlighten you:

Pasha alerted Israelis about more attacks, News - World - Mumbai Mirror

regarding "avenging" and all -- israel knows that getting embroiled in South Asian affairs will only invite trouble for them and create enemies un-necessarily; and that too at a time when it's already dealing with hostile neighbours

so why should israel get involved or "avenge" any deaths? :laugh:
Adding to it, the man who killed Daniel Pearl was exchanged in Kandhar Hijack. If USA will not kill these hachlings, they will bite USA. The ultimate target is
b) Israel
c) India
The target place can be anywhere.

one of the masterminds of the murder of the journalist was arrested recently and is now locked up

Daniel Pearl Killer Arrested in Pakistan -- Daily Intelligencer

Daniel Pearl however should have known his limits as a journalist rather than brushing shoulders with individuals who could possibly be dangerous
A conspiracy theory to explain away inconvenient stuff? How come nobody in Pakistan thought of this before?

Its all out there, if you stop becoming a victim of your blind nationalism. Atleast consider the possibility, not now, when you grow much older.

What inconvenient stuff - The ramblings of a US newspaper that seemed to be in on the details of a 'secret arrangement' ? Right....!

Nope...no blind nationalism here, I'm just not so gullible ! I dunno but something about 'unnamed sources', 'intelligence officials who cannot be named' & newspapers reporting 'news coming to them about secret meetings or arrangements' never really could serve as a substitute for even circumstantial evidence, in my books.

I'm sure that in the midst of all the 'out there' stuff there might be a fact or two out there as well !

This reminds me of when Obama visited India and the bhartis were begging him to speak negatively of Pakistan.

Fail is Fail.

LoL @ Indians.

If you consider that as fail on our part then there are many instances of bigger fail for your country...like your country making it to failed state list once again in 2012.
What inconvenient stuff - The ramblings of a US newspaper that seemed to be in on the details of a 'secret arrangement' ? Right....!

Nope...no blind nationalism here, I'm just not so gullible so as to nod my head in agreement every time something I want to see pops up ever so conveniently I smile to myself at my own vindication ! I dunno but something about 'unnamed sources', 'intelligence officials who cannot be named' & newspapers reporting 'news coming to them about secret meetings or arrangements' never really could serve as a substitute for even circumstantial evidence, in my books.

Yes, all the LET changing their nameplate at Muridke to JUD under the same people one day before LET was ''banned'' is a figment of our imagination.

That the drone strikes have gone on WITH a nod from your army is not a credible position.

Yes, all the LET changing their nameplate at Muridke to JUD under the same people one day before LET was ''banned'' is a figment of our imagination.

That the drone strikes have gone on WITH a nod from your army is not a credible position.


What does the LeT have to do with drone strikes ? I'm sure with all the veritable evidence that you have against them & the JuD, it shouldn't take much to implicate them at a proper platform !

No tis not - its an allegation that may or may not be true ! An allegation that has been called out by the Army itself numerous times to be given the order to shoot them down.
But even if it does happen with a 'nod' from the Army, what evidence, even circumstantial evidence, do you have to advocate the veracity of the aspersions cast on Pakistan & the United States, as asserted in the article, as if such a deal does exist ?
What does the LeT have to do with drone strikes ? I'm sure with all the veritable evidence that you have against them & the JuD, it shouldn't take much to implicate them at a proper platform !

No tis not - its an allegation that may or may not be true ! An allegation that has been called out by the Army itself numerous times to be given the order to shoot them down.
But even if it does happen with a 'nod' from the Army, what evidence, even circumstantial evidence, do you have to advocate the veracity of the aspersions cast on Pakistan & the United States, as asserted in the article, as if such a deal does exist ?

So a deal doesn't exist, then what's stopping Pakistan from stopping these strikes? The rhetoric in Pakistan is that these strikes fuel terrorism and since the region concerned is within Pakistan itself and not some territory occupied by a hostile power- why not stop the strikes? If the government can't do it then surely the PA can, its never been shy about stepping in to save the country before?
Adding to it, the man who killed Daniel Pearl was exchanged in Kandhar Hijack. If USA will not kill these hachlings, they will bite USA. The ultimate target is
b) Israel
c) India
The target place can be anywhere.

Dont mix up talibans and LeT-
Amrica is wise enough to differentiate between the two- as proven by OP-
Stop trying- :lol:-

And the league is different the threat faced by Amrica and Israel- you should stop trying put india in the same category- :lol:-
So a deal doesn't exist, then what's stopping Pakistan from stopping these strikes? The rhetoric in Pakistan is that these strikes fuel terrorism and since the region concerned is within Pakistan itself and not some territory occupied by a hostile power- why not stop the strikes? If the government can't do it then surely the PA can, its never been shy about stepping in to save the country before?

Drone attacks started under army rule. Wikileaks have also been clear about the approval of kayani. But even if we get a video of kayani verbally repeating his approval, we must remember the osama videos failed to convince people in deep denial.
Drone attacks started under army rule. Wikileaks have also been clear about the approval of kayani. But even if we get a video of kayani verbally repeating his approval, we must remember the osama videos failed to convince people in deep denial.

I've provided US embassy Islamabad cables in the past here on PDF itself on various topics, from extremism in Pakistan's Punjab to Zardari sahib talking to the diplomats about Pakistan's involvement in 26/11. It ain't gonna make a tiniest bit of difference, the only source acceptable to them are their own mouthpieces- even third party opinions fail to see the light of the day in their mist. The good thing is that their acceptance of it is irrelevant, its not as if they'd stop even if they admitted to it. Let us not forget that everything that goes wrong is Kuffar conspiracy. At least we rectify ourselves when we make a mistake. The only thing to take from this is that attrition will continue- it should silence some of the track-2 "diplomats". Their cacophony had become deafening. "Oh Pakistan has suffered the most at the hands of these terrorists, we must work with them not against them." Idiocy, straight and clear idiocy. They bred these demons let the reap their just rewards for it, let us as always be ready for attrition and kill the infiltrators in Kashmir. We can afford it, lets see how long they can.
If you consider that as fail on our part then there are many instances of bigger fail for your country...like your country making it to failed state list once again in 2012.

In 2009 it was ranked at 10.

Now it's not even in the top 10 countries.

And that too despite an IDP/refugee crisis which still lingers (exacerbated by Afghans); 3 major natural disasters; endemic corruption, etc.

so your logic and reasoning seems to warrant a "fail" label as well
US wanted India to participate in war on terror and the aim was to create ill will for India in Pakistan. The US aim was to spoil India-Pakistan relations to the lowest level, by making India do anti Pakistan activities and by making India aggressive towards Pakistan.

Finally the US would have left peacefully and made sure that India and Pakistan would end up in a war in 2-5 years or India and Pakistan relations would deteriorate to the lowest levels for next 30 years.

Anyhow US never had any true intention of removing the India specific militants. The WOT was just a candy given to India to embroil in into a long term conflict with Pakistan, same as you can see in South-North Korea situation.

Sadly for US India didnt fall for it, and refused to be militarily drawn into the WOT, and also India/Pakistan continued to find ways to improve relations (albeit not that successful but at least the relations didnt become abysmally low like those of North-South Korea).

US spent billions and failed in its scheme to deteriorate India-Pakistan relations and to hinder India's long term growth prospects. and now US is willing to pull out. An epic fail for US.

US only came for its own interests from beginning. The WOT had three aims,

destruction of terrorists aimed at US ONLY.
Making India-Pakistan relations like North-South Korea.
Making sure India is not a competitor to US by embroiling India in Pakistan conflict on terror for 3 decades.
So a deal doesn't exist, then what's stopping Pakistan from stopping these strikes? The rhetoric in Pakistan is that these strikes fuel terrorism and since the region concerned is within Pakistan itself and not some territory occupied by a hostile power- why not stop the strikes? If the government can't do it then surely the PA can, its never been shy about stepping in to save the country before?

The Government is; we believe the NRO was more than just a National Reconciliation Ordinance ! And the PA or the PAF aren't doing it because of the probable consequences of such an undertaking; the last thing we need now is even more demonization & giving our detractors a veritable action to, almost inevitably, be linked with 'they - the Pakistanis - are supporting Afghan Taliban' ! Or giving tangible credence to the Army's extra-constitutional actions whilst its been remarkably restrained in the light of what Zardari & Co. have managed to do to Pakistan - Neither of which we can afford right now !

At any rate, the absence of any movement on stopping these attacks, may, at best, slap the PA with the label of cowardice though others may call it expedience, but I fail to see how it 'substantiates' a deal simply on the basis of 'So if its not that then it must be the converse' - Fine....anything to substantiate that or are we merely talking in terms of conjectures & imaginative extrapolations ?

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