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Pak's deal 'No drone attack on camps training terrorists against India':NYT

well i know which is my flag Scumbag :lol:

I know many Pakistani ashamed of their flag here in US , When anyone ask which country they show Indian or Irani flag .... :lol: :rofl:

Only thing is remaining is their participation in Indian independence rally in US , I hope they will join Next year..... :lol:

Welcome to the forum- :woot:-
we had many of your likes here before- but they didnt last long- poor souls- my commiserations for you in advance- :lol:-
Without amrika such lads like TTP would not exist- they will be dealt with like pests- TTP plays like amrikas great equaliser-

It's an interesting POV. I'm not saying it's wrong, but I think time will tell us. How PA and the state go after TTP and its ilk will be something to see.

But I as not speaking only of the 'bad' militants. I was also speaking of the 'loyal' groups such as the Lashkar-e-Taiba. From my reading the LeT is a pretty powerful organization, a social/ political/ educational juggernaut as these things go. Do you think they will be content to function only as an unofficial sword arm of the Pakistani Army? It seems to me that once the heat of off, these groups too will want their peace dividend in Pakistan- more political power, a say in government and so on.
well i know which is my flag Scumbag :lol:

I know many Pakistani ashamed of their flag here in US , When anyone ask which country they show Indian or Irani flag .... :lol: :rofl:

Only thing is remaining is their participation in Indian independence rally in US , I hope they will join Next year..... :lol:

Then go for the Indian flags. It looks ugly with the donkey cart wheel in the center but still it is your flag. Go and use those flags instead of USA where you are living as an illegal immigrant.
Who cares what UNSCR 1373 says? When the previous SCR resolutions on Israel and Kashmir are implemented, I will care about 1373 too. I can pick and choose which resolutions to follow as well as you can, unless they all are implemented equally diligently.
Because U.N. Security Council Resolutions come in different flavors which may invoke different terms of the Charter. UNSCR 1373 invokes Chapter VII in the strongest terms - and Pakistan's diplomats signed it. Rather than a "sense of the U.N. members" resolution condemning India or Israel, UNSCR 1373 is law that U.N. members - especially the signatories - are to follow.

Please don't believe me but look it up yourself. It's not like your government is going to tell you that by defending and furthering the operations of the terror camps you are an accessory to international crime, is it?
Pakistanis conveniently miss the fact they have been denying all along. Regarding US, we don't expect anything from them as you guys are very well aware how US rolls, but even so we have made them give some statements in effect making Pakistan the rouge state(Maybe there are still many areas our interests lie :azn:).

This piece coming out of USA is not by Indian design but by Pakistan's stupidity of supporting extremists in the name of national interests.
Because U.N. Security Council Resolutions come in different flavors which may invoke different terms of the Charter. UNSCR 1373 invokes Chapter VII in the strongest terms - and Pakistan's diplomats signed it. Rather than a "sense of the U.N. members" resolution condemning India or Israel, UNSCR 1373 is law that U.N. members - especially the signatories - are to follow.

Please don't believe me but look it up yourself. It's not like your government is going to tell you that by defending and furthering the operations of the terror camps you are an accessory to international crime, is it?

Good point. Now please get the UN and USA to implement that 1373 law too. After all, USA agreed to what Pakistan asked of it to protect those camps, so USA is as much a party to skirting the "law" as Pakistan. When USA attacks Pakistan at will using 1373 as justification, then I will worry. Right now, both sides are playing ball by their own rules, not by UN's.
It's an interesting POV. I'm not saying it's wrong, but I think time will tell us. How PA and the state go after TTP and its ilk will be something to see.

But I as not speaking only of the 'bad' militants. I was also speaking of the 'loyal' groups such as the Lashkar-e-Taiba. From my reading the LeT is a pretty powerful organization, a social/ political/ educational juggernaut as these things go. Do you think they will be content to function only as an unofficial sword arm of the Pakistani Army? It seems to me that once the heat of off, these groups too will want their peace dividend in Pakistan- more political power, a say in government and so on.

Nope chances of that happening are very rare-
The two are completely different in ideologies-
As long as Kashmir issue is hot- LeT will remain focused on that-
Nope chances of that happening are very rare-
The two are completely different in ideologies-
As long as Kashmir issue is hot- LeT will remain focused on that-

But what has LeT been able to achieve?
Even Post 2014, a good flow of money to your western borders will keep your army occupied.
Good point. Now please get the UN and USA to implement that 1373 law too. After all, USA agreed to what Pakistan asked of it to protect those camps, so USA is as much a party to skirting the "law" as Pakistan. When USA attacks Pakistan at will using 1373 as justification, then I will worry. Right now, both sides are playing ball by their own rules, not by UN's.
That's precisely what I am objecting to: that Pakistan's influence - selfish, criminal, and murderous - is corrupting the U.S. But as much as it affects me, it affects you more - and you fail to protest that. How, then, can you complain when your kids get blown up, your police run organized crime rings, and your politicians, once elected, either are ineffective or can only wield the power to loot rather than govern? For it's all the same.
Nope chances of that happening are very rare-
The two are completely different in ideologies-
As long as Kashmir issue is hot- LeT will remain focused on that-

Read an interesting article today based on new US based research group study. It was titled something like "The short lives of LET recruits : They join at age 16 and die at 21"
That's precisely what I am objecting to: that Pakistan's influence - selfish, criminal, and murderous - is corrupting the U.S. But as much as it affects me, it affects you more - and you fail to protest that. How, then, can you complain when your kids get blown up, your police run organized crime rings, and your politicians, once elected, either are ineffective or can only wield the power to loot rather than govern? For it's all the same.

What a gem!

Now Pakistan is the one corrupting poor ol' USA? Yeah. Chor ultaa kotwaal ko daantey!
But what has LeT been able to achieve?
Even Post 2014, a good flow of money to your western borders will keep your army occupied.

This russian roulette is been played between us since 47-
While you will maintain a good flow of money to BLA or Afghanistan we will keep on playing our part Against you- be it LeT or whatever-
Why you guys suddenly become so innocent or i say ignorant some times and start complaining to the world about Pakistan like saints is above me-
@DESERT FIGHTER @Aeronaut @nuclearpak @chauvunist : How the hell do these juicy nuggets of information always get leaked out that would boost someone's sales & give someone else another 'I told you so' moment ? :undecided:

A conspiracy theory to explain away inconvenient stuff? How come nobody in Pakistan thought of this before?

Its all out there, if you stop becoming a victim of your blind nationalism. Atleast consider the possibility, not now, when you grow much older.
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That's precisely what I am objecting to: that Pakistan's influence - selfish, criminal, and murderous - is corrupting the U.S. But as much as it affects me, it affects you more - and you fail to protest that. How, then, can you complain when your kids get blown up, your police run organized crime rings, and your politicians, once elected, either are ineffective or can only wield the power to loot rather than govern? For it's all the same.

Yup it was us who nuked japan... it was us who raped iraqi women.. it was us who killed a dozen kids today in afghanistan... how about a nice cup of stfu?

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