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Pakistan's vast Shale Oil & Gas Reserves | Updates & Discussions

NOTHING of the sort will happen. The models are hysterically WRONG. Submerged countries? No crops? End of humanity? Hahahaaaa! The planet has been far warmer before and will be warming and cooling on its own cycles for thousands of years. And humanity will adapt. Hint: How many times has the Sahara desert been an ocean before in Earth's history? It is the height of arrogance to think mankind will control the global climate.

I have nothing to say....except laugh...
Sure, please do, but what about my question: How many times has the Sahara desert been an ocean before in Earth's history, long before any "man made changes"?

I think the world is mad spending $250 Billion on combating climate changes in the last four years. They should have asked you, and, bingo, they would have saved a whopping $250 Billion with US alone saving a cool $ 100 billion.
I think the world is mad spending $250 Billion on combating climate changes in the last four years. They should have asked you, and, bingo, they would have saved a whopping $250 Billion with US alone saving a cool $ 100 billion.

No Sir, the real goal of spending that $250 billion is to keep the prices of energy supplies high enough to be a problem for developing countries like China and others, but not so high to cause too many problems for the developed economies, while keeping control of the energy markets. Nothing in international politics is what it appears to be, ever. Pretty crafty, if you ask me.
@Argus Panoptes

Sir ji, if you were talking about "land entitlements", one answer to that is that the govt owns whatever lies "under a certain depth" of any land and can retain the right to access that resource. Given the current crisis, great sacrifices would have to be made.
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@Argus Panoptes

Sir ji, if you were talking about "land entitlements", one answer to that is that the govt owns whatever lies "under a certain depth" of any land and can retain the right to access that resource. Given the current crisis, great sacrifices would have to be made.

The real point about entitlements is to create the proper incentives for exploration by providing the financial incentives necessary for people to come and invest, either by private ownership of mineral rights, or the governmental model you describe. Recall the legal issues between the Government of Baluchistan and foreign companies over Reko Diq and you can have an idea of what it will be like if large scale oil and gas deposits are discovered. Getting the proper environment for such large scale projects and investment is not easy.
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does 9 billion barrels of potential shale oil reserves equal 8.64 trillion $...?

what is a barrel of oil today - $100 or so

I have the same question. A barrel of Brent Crude is $101 today.

So 9 billion x 101 = $901 Billion.

How come it became $8.64 Trillion

Can someone please explain me this calculation?

Surprisingly the article posted by OP doesn't show this amazing number $8.64 Trillion.

Is this some kind of Joke thread? Or Am I missing something here?

I am even more confused because 3.5 Billion Barrel of Oil fetches only 359 Billion dollars in Australia but 3 times more oil in Pakistan fetches 30 times more money :cheesy:

Trillions of dollars worth of oil found in Australian outback - Telegraph

The OP has balantly changed the title from "Pakistan's Latent Wealth" to a magic number. And we have already 5 pages of discussion on it. How come no one answered Sir Fatman's question :pop:
I have the same question. A barrel of Brent Crude is $101 today.

So 9 billion x 101 = $901 Billion.

How come it became $8.64 Trillion

Can someone please explain me this calculation?

Surprisingly the article posted by OP doesn't show this amazing number $8.64 Trillion.

Is this some kind of Joke thread? Or Am I missing something here?

I am even more confused because 3.5 Billion Barrel of Oil fetches only 359 Billion dollars in Australia but 3 times more oil in Pakistan fetches 30 times more money :cheesy:

Trillions of dollars worth of oil found in Australian outback - Telegraph

The OP has balantly changed the title from "Pakistan's Latent Wealth" to a magic number. And we have already 5 pages of discussion on it. How come no one answered Sir Fatman's question :pop:

The answer to your questions is called "Josh-e-Khitabat".
Congratulations to the people of Pakistan for unearthing this immense natural treasure.

Upar wala jab deta hai to chappar phar ke deta hai! (When it rains, it pours)
I think India should mind her own business and stay away from Pakistan. India is not trust worthy.

Yar you know history very well and who is claiming of whom being trustworthy. Forget it no point discussing about it and derailing the thread.

I have no comments..
@Aeronaut Can you correct the figure quoted in the title of the thread to "Pakistan's Shale Oil estimated to be worth $900 billion" please.
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@Aeronaut Can you correct the figure quoted in the title of the thread to "Pakistan's Shale Oil estimated to be worth $900 billion" please.

Whats the issue with price, the projected price is around $95 a barrel multiplied with the projected extractable barrels of oil?
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@Argus Panoptes

Sir ji, if you were talking about "land entitlements", one answer to that is that the govt owns whatever lies "under a certain depth" of any land and can retain the right to access that resource. Given the current crisis, great sacrifices would have to be made.

Sir as you have rightly pointed out, the government owns all the rights to any natural resources that are or may be discovered in private property. I am not to sure about the exact workings of mineral rights in Pakistan but i think after a certain depth it becomes property of the state.

Any legal eagles in the house?
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Whats the issue with price, the projected price is around $95 a barrel multiplied with the projected extractable barrels of oil?

95 dollars per barrel times the estimated 9 billion barrels as mentioned in the OP is about $855 billion, add a few billions more for good luck, and we are still at $900 billion, not the 8 TRILLION was mentioned in the original title. BTW thank you for correcting it.

Such fantastic and impossible claims only make us all look stupid and therefore should be corrected as much as is possible.

Sir as you have rightly pointed out, the government owns all the rights to any natural resources that are or may be discovered in private property. I am not to sure about the exact workings of mineral rights in Pakistan but i think after a certain depth it becomes property of the state.

Any legal eagles in the house?

No matter who the owner is, the point is that there has to be sharing to make it worth the while of those wanting to invest capital and technology to extract the reserves. Can we offer such sharing?
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