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Pakistan's vast Shale Oil & Gas Reserves | Updates & Discussions

You are right that other types of energy sources will gain market share, but HC energy forms will remain overwhelmingly dominant in my view. I can respect your opinion without agreeing with it.

Besides, cheap, reliable energy and how it is used is what is important, not its particular forms.

The pace of investment that is going in alternative energy resource is unprecedented, mainly because of the global warming caused by the fossil fuels, and most countries have pledged or pledging to cut carbon emission in next 20years.

This is the tipping point for carbon based fuels. In future carbon based fuels may not be that attractive and may be discouraged by the governments by huge taxes (Similar to taxes on cigarettes )
The pace of investment that is going in alternative energy resource is unprecedented, mainly because of the global warming caused by the fossil fuels, and most countries have pledged or pledging to cut carbon emission in next 20years.

This is the tipping point for carbon based fuels. In future carbon based fuels may not be that attractive.

The global warming train will be derailed pretty soon too, mark my words.
The global warming train will be derailed pretty soon too, mark my words.

Global warming will assume more and more importance. There are countries in the world that are going to be submerged in next 20 years, with that comes huge humanitarian crisis. Than there is also a great danger of decrease in crop production because of global warming as fertile lands around the world are slowly turning into deserts.

If not controlled, Global warming may well spell the end of human on this planet.
You guys normally abuse the Arabs for relying on their oil reserves....
This method of extraction wrecks your environment as well.
25 years from now may be too late...world might have move to alternative energy sources by then. Pakistan must act now.




Geothermal potential is est at 35000 Megawatts.


Hope that not all Pakistanis think so :tup:

Indian private enterprise should be welcomed to invest in Pakistan. It will build trust.

You guys normally abuse the Arabs for relying on their oil reserves....
This method of extraction wrecks your environment as well.

Try living in Pakistan for just 48 hours these days without electricity.
The KP Governor was given an update about plans to explore the area for oil and gas, that is all. The headline concluding "abundance" is wildly and typically incorrect.

I see it as a very encouraging sign.

The first step toward any major new discoveries of mineral resources is always a geological survey and estimate. It's this work that entices exploration companies to drill and prove.
That's good news. Now for the bad news....

It takes two barrels of water to produce one barrel of oil shale liquid (source: Argonne National Laboratory and RAND). And without cutting-edge water treatment technology, the water discharge from oil shale refining will increase salinity in surrounding water, to unacceptable levels poisoning the local area.

So then, to extract 9 billion barrels of shale oil, you would need 18 billion barrels of water!! And that is the hitch! But there's more bad news.....In addition to the environmental impacts of oil shale, and the huge requirement of clean water, vast amounts of energy are required to support production. NRDC cites Rand Corporation estimates that generating 100,000 barrels of shale oil would require 1,200 megawatts of power—or the equivalent of a new power plant capable of serving a city of 500,000 people!!

And then, shale oil production faces huge technical and environmental obstacles and is many times more expensive to extract compared to crude oil. Shale oil, has not yet been commercially developed even in the United States, only shale gas, because of the huge investments involved and technical aspects that have not been mastered so far.

Considering this, it would be a decade or more for Pakistan to exploit its reserves, though extracting shale gas would be comparatively easier and the way forward. Shale oil extraction would be financially unaffordable for Pakistan as the infrastructure required would be gargantuan.
The objective is not just extraction. Its about the complete ecosystem.

1. Technology to pull out the gas
2. Storage facility
3. Transport facility

Then you need trained manpower to support the above and maintain the infrastructure.

The above can be achieved, if you have a coherent strategy with relevance to shale. Who will drill? Who will transport? Are current power generation companies equipped to use the gas.

If a decision is taken today, you are looking at a 10 year time frame before it works. And this is being optimistic about this.
Pakistan is not going to be a semi industrial country let alone an industrialized or developed country.

After the five years of this government and as long as same people come to power again and again in turns, come and read this post again and again.

No mention of citizen in the constitution

No gas for the majority of the citizens

No electricity for the majority of the citizens

No quality education for the majority of the citizens

No technical education for the elderly un-educated

No water for the majority of the citizens

No proper shelter for the majority of the citizens

People called Ayub a dog and he stepped down. The present politicians are called SOBs and their whole families are remembered by bad words openly but these politicians don't have any shame and their tongues pant on the news of elections and chairs just like a dog. They will sell their daughters and sons for some hours for the sake of chairs.

Pakistan will not start to move forward unless all the current faithful politicians leave the country for good or are killed, i did not use the word die as dieing a natural death will take time so the quickest way for Pakistan to be on track to becoming a developing country is by killing all the politicians through a bloody revolution. No change will come to Pakistan unless a bloody revolution takes place against these politicians because they won't leave or behave just like as a dog's tail cannot become straight even if it is kept in a flute for 100 years. These politicians again and again did their best and are doing their best to make sure their personal interests are always safeguarded and are superior and important than the national interests and the rights of the common man.

May Allah not help Pakistan. I say these words because these fit the mentality of the majority of Pakistanis. Allah helps those who help themselves but Pakistanis like to have same corrupt people again and again.
Pakistan needs to act fast.

Won’t make any difference how fast does pak act...time is not in Paks favour....to explore and develop this untapped reserves, you need huge capital investment, integrated infrastructure, stable govmt policies, safe social economic environment for foreign investors, advance tech know how..u have neither of these...no country in this would pour billions to develop untapped resources in Pak….it is not at all a nartual choice to any country!

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