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Pakistan's top ten Enemies.

Top 10 Enemies of Pakistan:

1: Feudalism

2: Illiteracy

3: Sectarianism

4: Cast system

5: Tribalism

6: Religious & social intolerance , bigotry & Prejudice

7: Social imbalance

8: Materialistic classification

9: Non urbanization

10: Ignorance of our human & cultural Potential

Black Blood:

In my personal opinion, 1-6 and 10 are inter-linked. The solution is pretty obvious. The right kind of education. Not the one which breeds intolerance - both social and religious - and incompetence. Many literates are also intolerant, corrupt and help to maintain the hold of feudalism and social imbalance. Education must serve to create tolerance by raising awareness and inculcating the ability to question the social norms and evils. In my view, our education system is just dishing out degrees and not imparting the right kind of learning. This needs to be set right if we have to move forward. It must be free of bias if we are to promote tolerance.

Personally, i don't see tribalism and caste system as such grave threats. They are fast losing their significance in the country.

Social imbalance and Materialistic classification. Social balance is hard to achieve because of the meterialistic classification. The only way to reduce their impact is to ensure Merit and Justice. The two are vital virtues if we want to move forward. In a way, these are also linked to the education issue but must be ensured by governments. But we cannot hold a government alone responsible because we must keep our house clean oursleves. In part, these two things have to come from within through awareness and the right kind of education.

I really don't see non-urbanization as an issue. I envy the simple life in a village. Rather, it's the rapid urbanization which has created the rush towards materialism. Not that i am against urbanization, but it should be planned.
Everybody is entitled to ranting once in a while. The caste system as practiced in Hinduism and Sikhism is not present in Islam. There are no castes and gotras in Pakistan. Although there is social hierarchy where rich marry among themselves as in other European countries.

Shia, Sunny and Ahmadias ? im sure their conflict follows the same principles as the caste system.
Shia, Sunny and Ahmadias ? im sure their conflict follows the same principles as the caste system.

The difference between caste and sect is very clear cut. You are born in a caste and you live your life and die within that caste. Nobody can change their caste from Harijan/Untouchable to Brahman/Jat. In Islam, you can change your sect from Sunni to/from Shia to/from Ismaili to/from Wahabis. It is similar to changing denominations within Protestants sects and Catholicism. Ahmadi/Qadiani are not Muslims.
Top 10 Enemies of Pakistan:

1: Feudalism

2: Illiteracy

3: Sectarianism

4: Cast system

5: Tribalism

6: Religious & social intolerance , bigotry & Prejudice

7: Social imbalance

8: Materialistic classification

9: Non urbanization

10: Ignorance of our human & cultural Potential

100% agree with BB
In my opinion the biggest problem is Ignorance and because of it all other evils exist. If we can some how cater this Ignorance (on both individual and community level) we might find our selves in a very good situation.
While agreeing with your list allow me to put it in different words. the biggest problem right now is militancy. then (lack of)education and non-industrialization.
my solution would be to eradicate militancy. this cant be done without US and indian support. any plans to crush militancy completely will take care of kashmiri jihadists as well so that can convince india to support us by cutting baloch insurgents supply and reducing troops on our boder to free our military. US will need to keep supporting us with military aid during this nationwide crackdown which will soon trun into a sort of civil war. NATO will also need to run a parallel big offensive in Afganistan. this clean up may cost upto a fifth of our population (killing active militants and potential recruits). but it will be worth it. only a leftist, secullar-minded leadership is capable of taking such a step. so US and india better support such elements in pakistan.
after that comes the rebuilding. a high quality educational plan must spearhead that to accelerate industrial development through innovation and invention. :tup:
Top 10 Enemies of Pakistan:

1: Feudalism

2: Illiteracy

3: Sectarianism

4: Cast system

5: Tribalism

6: Religious & social intolerance , bigotry & Prejudice

7: Social imbalance

8: Materialistic classification

9: Non urbanization

10: Ignorance of our human & cultural Potential

100% agree with BB

True these are the evil forces for any country....

Hope Pakistan will give due attention here ... than towards India...

Just for adding some :flame: .. why is India not included in this?? :D... hee heee just kidding :partay:
Where is Zardari? Should be on the top of the list.
Caste system in Pakistan? .....Is Caste system present in Pakistan?

Yes of some sort but not like the one you have over there in India.

Islam rejects Cast system and promotes equality crystal clearly. In an Islamic state casts have no place but unfortunately they do exist in Pakistan and influence our mainstream socio politics.
May be you are an Indian since you raise the issue of "Caste System". May be should remove Quaid-e-Azam photo and Pakistani flag from your profile. There is no caste system in Islam. Some people on PDF are still mired in feudalism and paganism while they have entered Internet age.

I think you need to cool down a bit and stop being stupid.

There is a Cast system in Pakistan though not as bad as Indian system but still it exists. Usually derived from Ethnicities , people take pride in being part of a certain family which in my opinion is absurd.
Shia, Sunny and Ahmadias ? im sure their conflict follows the same principles as the caste system.

Well,All you guys missing the simple point here,,,
Get it straight



The difference is that Indian Caste system is based on the religion Hinduism ...like Kshastrayas ,Brahman,Shudras and Untouchables ...This class-system is complete insult of Humanity (No Offense)..But in Pakistan Class system is based on ethnicity like Arayin,Jatt,Gujjar etc etc..Religion has nothing to do with it.:cheers:

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