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Pakistan's top ten Enemies.

Caste system in Pakistan? .....Is Caste system present in Pakistan?

basic is to understand the quran, quran is islam, look we say many times that islam is misunderstood by extremists..

if you want to go into detail of the Quran and Hadith and seek to know every single thing, then i must say that you will never ever find a single min to search and learn other things. Let the ordinary people know the usual things, and as per advanced stuff, true clerics who have been trained in state run madrasas can teach the public true face of islam through media, TV,Radio, the internet etc.

so u mean that islam is making people extremists and terrorists??

No i didnt say that, but nearly all muslim world's extremists are the highly religious guys.

in pakistan islamiyat is compulsary upto the intermediate where the educated pakistan dont take extremism like the people in madrassahs do, therer they learn the texts by heart but never get to understand the true message for quran..

When i say madrasah, i dont mean the haqani type madrasah. state run madrasah which doesnt pile amunitions, which dont train suicide bombers. i am talking about madrasahs that their every single move is controlled by the gov and it is the gov which runs and dictate it.
Any solutions?

yes bro, the solution is better government, not all those corrupt and murderers who are ruling our lives.

everybody got the chance one to be in the government except Imran Khan, ppl should elect him because he might do something and there's no harm because he will be still better than them in always, hes educated and stuff,
and we need more education in Pakistan, ppl just vote politicians because they just happen to know them or bradrism.
yes bro, the solution is better government, not all those corrupt and murderers who are ruling our lives.

We get what we are. it depends on every nation. clever nations get clever and clean gov/politicians, less clever ones get stupid gov/politicians. we have to blame ourselves first before pointing finger on the politicians.
in india ur hindus consider the religion not very important, but here muslims in pakistan take their religion very seriously. muslims treat religion very different then many other religious communities, so the priorities are different to them as compared to us..

an example is muslims strictly follow the prayer times, its obligatory to them to offer prayers 5 times a day, last i talked to a hindu scholar who said that its entirely upto a hindu to go to mandir any time in his life, prayers r not fixed and like obligatory, so its very different how muslims treat their religion. its v imp to know that.

Valid point.

Hindus take religion to be an extension of regular life and not the reason to be alive.

Having said that there is nothing wrong with the Islam or any other approach to religion.

The list in post #1 is educating.I for one would like to know of the caste system referred to in the list.I thought India only was plagued by this ill.

The fact that the list has been complied shows that the ' silent majority' whose silence has led to these ills being perpetuated shall not let them perpetuate, it may take time but shall remedy itself.

The point of ' who will light my hookah' sounds very familiar. Been hearing this in my environment too as a child. Things have changed a great deal thru education .
4: Cast system

May be you are an Indian since you raise the issue of "Caste System". May be should remove Quaid-e-Azam photo and Pakistani flag from your profile. There is no caste system in Islam. Some people on PDF are still mired in feudalism and paganism while they have entered Internet age.
May be your are Indian since you raise the issue of "Caste System". May be should remove Quaid-e-Azam photo and Pakistani flag from your profile. There is no caste system in Islam. Some people on PDF are still mired in feudalism and paganism while they have entered Internet age.

Your curiousity is valid. However you are ranting.

The same evils are present in every SA nation in varying degree. I also agree that education is one thing that is most effective, that too on most of these causes.
hello all.

I have thought about this issue for a while & came up with a list of top ten Enemies that we have and we need to wage a war on them if we are to stand up as a great Nation.

Top 10 Enemies of Pakistan:

1: Feudalism

2: Illiteracy

3: Sectarianism

4: Cast system

5: Tribalism

6: Religious & social intolerance , bigotry & Prejudice

7: Social imbalance

8: Materialistic classification

9: Non urbanization

10: Ignorance of our human & cultural Potential

fuedalism& tribalism are at the top and connected to each other ! they control most of the land where masses are living & they will never let the fuedalism diminish unless empowered by the state . The residents of these areas are entirely dependent upon them .... doest matter if democracy or dictator ship the same fuedals are or either they appoint mna's and its not rocket science to understand that when people are economically bound additionaly they are illetrate they are power less. The same lot of politicians will keep appearing unless the system is changed.

Most of the problems are connected with them , once they are gone people will be liberated and they can decide whats good or not, education is secondary under the circumstances once this medevil system is finish it will empower people which will result in
Your curiousity is valid. However you are ranting.

Everybody is entitled to ranting once in a while. The caste system as practiced in Hinduism and Sikhism is not present in Islam. There are no castes and gotras in Pakistan. Although there is social hierarchy where rich marry among themselves as in other European countries.
The need of the hour is middle class leadership. Not the feudals but the Pakistani equivalent of Paswan, Lalu Prasad, Mayawati who are corrupt to the core but the middle class loves the underdog who rubs shoulders with the feudals. There are some like Mamta Bannerjee who are not corrupt too.
Everybody is entitled to ranting once in a while. The caste system as practiced in Hinduism and Sikhism is not present in Islam. There are no castes and gotras in Pakistan. Although there is social hierarchy where rich marry among themselves as in other European countries.

Well....we are not exactly discussing religion here. I assumed there is no casts in Pakistan. This is why I said I am curious.
My Grandfather was an academic from 1943 to early 1980's and he had a lot of people in is network including ministers at times and stuff like that.

once he called me years ago , i was 13-14 years old and he told me something that he said that i would never forget.

It was about the mentality of our politicians.

We have a university in Pakistan which is one of the largest in Asia & one of its campuses was supposed to be built in our area which was an undeveloped one.

My grand father spoken to one of the ministers at that time and urged him to get this process through and make it happen but he was socked what the minister replied.

He replied "If these people (Pakistanis) got educated then you tell me sir who is going to prepare my Huqqa ?"

He himself was a Cambridge university graduate , it depressed my Grandfather so much that he never forgot it and he took up the role of education people as much as he could and he ended up serving for 46 years as an academic. He helped 100s of young folks get educated and join army that they could become Independent at least and bring new ideas. He advised me to keep it mind and get better education and educate others which i am doing:D

there is difference between educated and well educated
its very important to be well educated
there is difference between educated and well educated
its very important to be well educated

In INDIA and PAKISTAN the criteria for literacy or a literate is the ability to write your name and read it and count up to some level ;)
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