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Pakistan's Top Gun Obsession

Wait weren't the F-16s used for delivering pinpoint LGB strikes on militant caves, training centres, ammunition dumps etc? How can the writer forget to mention this point? Also F-16s were used for Recon.
Wait weren't the F-16s used for delivering pinpoint LGB strikes on militant caves, training centres, ammunition dumps etc? How can the writer forget to mention this point? Also F-16s were used for Recon.

Just for info F-16s used GBU-10 which is MK-84 2000 pound bomb with an added laser guidance package AWC is making them indigenous.
Jesus Christ:lol: where did you come up with this theory, You and 99% Pakistanis have not seen its capabilities nor do people know about its new avionics and weapon systems so I would avoid making such claims.

Sir, it dosn't matter if i'm out of 1% or 99% Pakistanis but i'm sure your comments have shaken many hearts and makes me happy.

Sir, its my opinion that PAF should dedicate thunders for A2A role and use F-16 for A2G.
First batch of thunders can be exception as they are replacing A5 but later squardens should be prepared considering A2A.
^^^ Yeah, you just like this thread because they use your name .......:cheesy:

Lol ok mr mind reader ! i liked the thread & yes since you like to speak for me as well then yes my name too knock your self out ! :lol:
Just for info F-16s used GBU-10 which is MK-84 2000 pound bomb with an added laser guidance package AWC is making them indigenous.
Sir you don't realize how much happy your posts make me!:pakistan: <(Lols my first use of an emoticon in this forum!)
Jesus Christ:lol: where did you come up with this theory, You and 99% Pakistanis have not seen its capabilities nor do people know about its new avionics and weapon systems so I would avoid making such claims.

jf17 is a sino-pak joint venture. Both of whom are nascent fighter jet developers. f16 on the other hand is developed by US which is a veteran in the same field. Although jf17 could be better than A/B i doubt if it will surpass C/D variant. Hence, although we cant be sure, it is unlikely that it will be more potent than f16.

Moreover, are u aware of the combat record of f16? Outstanding.
jf17 is a sino-pak joint venture. Both of whom are nascent fighter jet developers. f16 on the other hand is developed by US which is a veteran in the same field. Although jf17 could be better than A/B i doubt if it will surpass C/D variant. Hence, although we cant be sure, it is unlikely that it will be more potent than f16.

Moreover, are u aware of the combat record of f16? Outstanding.

Since you are new here, you have no idea about Murad sb. Its like you are asking a university professor that do you know how to teach.
jf17 is a sino-pak joint venture. Both of whom are nascent fighter jet developers. f16 on the other hand is developed by US which is a veteran in the same field. Although jf17 could be better than A/B i doubt if it will surpass C/D variant. Hence, although we cant be sure, it is unlikely that it will be more potent than f16.

Moreover, are u aware of the combat record of f16? Outstanding.

I thought this might help you my favorite verse from the BIBLE.
Titus 2:1-15.
2:1 But as for you, teach what accords with sound [1] doctrine. 2 Older men are to be sober-minded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness. 3 Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, 4 and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, 5 to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled. 6 Likewise, urge the younger men to be self-controlled. 7 Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity, 8 and sound speech that cannot be condemned, so that an opponent may be put to shame, having nothing evil to say about us. 9 Slaves [2] are to be submissive to their own masters in everything; they are to be well-pleasing, not argumentative, 10 not pilfering, but showing all good faith, so that in everything they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior.
jf17 is a sino-pak joint venture. Both of whom are nascent fighter jet developers. f16 on the other hand is developed by US which is a veteran in the same field. Although jf17 could be better than A/B i doubt if it will surpass C/D variant. Hence, although we cant be sure, it is unlikely that it will be more potent than f16.

Moreover, are u aware of the combat record of f16? Outstanding.
You're talking with retired F16 pilot here buddy.Muradk has flown F16, Mirage III, Mirage 2000, F86 Sabre (in indo-pak war) , F104 Starfighter (in indo-pak war) and his son has flown JF-17 so i am sure he has much more data to evaluate the performance of JF-17.Yes, of course F-16 block60 would be better then JF-17 but we dont really know which radar is installed in JF-17 etc..it's all confidential.
Jesus Christ:lol: where did you come up with this theory, You and 99% Pakistanis have not seen its capabilities nor do people know about its new avionics and weapon systems so I would avoid making such claims.


Sir Muradk , i am really keen to ask about the JF-17 programe as i have been reading alot about its development.
The question still remains in my mind , Would we be able to develop an F-16 substitute ?

2nd: Please comment on the benifits of Local production of Jet fighters , on that i have thought is a really cool one.:chilli:

Like if we have our own fighter , Our Pilots would be more confident & one day we may have a Squadron like Blue angles or Russian Knights..what do you think sir?:smitten:
i disagree. the f-16s are far more lethal than jf-17s. its the most successful and the safest fighter program in the world. there is an article in this website that says just that.

but of course . avionics also matter

welcome on board!


well all iwas saying was that if we have to chose form F18 and F16 then F16 is better for PAF.
however i feel that we must not even go for F16 coze of all the strings attatched specially in a case where we have competant JF17 and FC20.
however if you want to compare b/w these two platforms bro, let me say, you know nothing about FC20 or even the next block JF17, it is premature to start saying that it is a below average system unless we see its actual performance. however the upgrades planned promise it to be a truely capable plane on par with F16z!!


Sir Muradk , i am really keen to ask about the JF-17 programe as i have been reading alot about its development.
The question still remains in my mind , Would we be able to develop an F-16 substitute ?

2nd: Please comment on the benifits of Local production of Jet fighters , on that i have thought is a really cool one.:chilli:

Like if we have our own fighter , Our Pilots would be more confident & one day we may have a Squadron like Blue angles or Russian Knights..what do you think sir?:smitten:

well the question was asked from Sir Murad but let me just say a few words about it.
The question still remains in my mind , Would we be able to develop an F-16 substitute
we have, the JF17 is a replacement for our F16. not in a sense that we are going to phase out F16 but yes it is on par with blk 30 blk 40 F16 in its current configration. more over as it is bound to go through upgrades you can imagin what the next blks will carry, the current configration of F16 ie blk 52 60 have surfaced after some 10 - 12 blocks and JF17 have started its run from Blk30. this shows it wont take much time to come on par with the blk 52z as well!

2nd: Please comment on the benifits of Local production of Jet fighters , on that i have thought is a really cool one.:chilli:
if yo know about the strings attatched to foreign deals and the term of Lost Decade for PAF you wont ask this question!
brother we have suffered heavily due to reliance on foreign assistance and are rightly commited to destiny of indegenious military hardware!

now i hopw that Sir. MuradK will agree with this and will be kind enough to add his knowlwdge to this,

my mistake then. But are u sure about this Muradk? I mean there are plentty of fakes in the world wide web

don't ever think abut sir murad like this again .be carefull when you talk abut our national hero and award winner from GOP.:angry: ITS SENSITIVE MATTER FOR US WHEN YOU SAY SOME THING LIKE THIS TO SIR MURAD MIND IT.
don't ever think abut sir murad like this again .be carefull when you talk abut our national hero and award winner from GOP.:angry: ITS SENSITIVE MATTER FOR US WHEN YOU SAY SOME THING LIKE THIS TO SIR MURAD MIND IT.

Dont boil your blood over some BR troll. You know how they are fed with anti Pakistan news at all times. Obviously are heros to them will also appear fake.
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