@DESERT FIGHTER @TaimiKhan brothers
in this thread and elsewhere I have expressed my dismay over the way our men (army/ police) shoot the G3.. both are good in their own right but the match seems a forced one. although there are some exceptional shooters and over all those of us (including me) who have held this gun and fired it ... like the gun and can talk at length about how good this gun is.
but looking outside the shooting range in the actual field / war or operation.. the shot on target (or lack of it) leaves much to be desired so any future rifle should address this and keep an average Pakistani youth / soldier in mind who can handle that gun well and be a true shot.
that all said. I came across a video and seen some very good shooting power of our own men ..handling the G3. the guy below is Pakistani but his western (real or inspired) training is showing off.
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