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Pakistan's Nuclear Submarine Development | News and Discussions

Good article regarding Pakistan Nuclear Submarine and makes sense too.

RUMINT suggests that Pakistan's nuclear submarine is likely to be based on the Qing Class Chinese SSK, which Pakistan is believed to receive 6 units of. Given the giant size of the Qing Class (5,000-6,000 tons), the submarine is ideally suited as the basis for a Pakistani SSN / SSBN. RUMINT also suggests that Pakistan is seeking a smaller sized nuclear sub that sacrifices speed for simplicity and ease of maintenance. The basic idea is that instead of hydraulic propulsion, the Pakistani subs will utilize an all-electric propulsion system that is charged by the nuclear power plant.

Such an arrangement fits in perfectly for the following reasons:

1. Pakistani SSNs/SSBNs do not need to keep up with a carrier group or large-scale task force; They are likely to operate solo, making the loss of possibly 3-5 knots in speed less relevant.

2. The Qing Class (and other SSKs) already have a highly advanced electric propulsion system. The Pakistani nuclear submarine would thus be a replacement of the diesel engine power generation with a nuclear power plant.

3. Electric propulsion has traditionally lagged behind hydraulic propulsion, but recent advances in the former has significantly reduced the gap in performance between the two.

4. Sets up future improvements in technology which are headed towards magnetohydrodynamic propulsion, saving on investment in hydraulic submarine propulsion which would have been a technological dead-end investment.

Taking a closer look at the possible type of nuclear power plant to be utilized, it is likely to be a small pressurized light water reactor. Such a reactor would require some R&D given that Pakistan does not have much expertise in light water reactors, and because the need for miniaturization. However, given Chinese expertise and potential assistance, this should not prove to be a difficult challenge to overcome. Moreover, Pakistan has a highly qualified and competent nuclear establishment that should be able to meet the challenge, insh'Allah.

Another potential help may have been the transfer of technology from France with the Agosta 90B submarine purchase. A number of key technologies were transferred including design and development skills and tools. Building of hulls and experience with Western subsystems, many of which are used in the French nuclear submarines would help the Pakistani SSN / SSBN, if it already has not found its way to the Chinese Qing Class.

In sum, while India is preparing her first indigenous nuclear submarine, Pakistan is well underway in making an equivalent capability upgrade. While the time-frame given in the media is 5-8 years, it is very possible that Pakistan is capable of building and fielding such a submarine in 3-5 years. The timeline for building and deploying such a sub is mainly dependent on how quickly and successfully the Indian nuclear submarine program is able to field and operate a submarine.

Read more: Grande Strategy

Another load of humbug.
Only one Qing class sub was ever built and that was a test bed for chinese SLBM and related systems.
It was never meant for mass production or export.

I am start going to troll here,but still that comment-SLBM of a country that havent tested it yet,will be more reliable than an already tested one was really funny.

Pontoons dont count as submarine...
Do you expect that CCP will tell you every thing they do .Pakistan already have technology to develop and design Submarine when they bought Agosta 90B and got the TOT now they just need small nuclear reactor to Power the submarine all electric .
Do you think a nation with limited capacity can develop Missile,Nuclear weapon including that fits in Nasr can not make a small reactor .What you are taking lately ?

Another load of humbug.
Only one Qing class sub was ever built and that was a test bed for chinese SLBM and related systems.
It was never meant for mass production or export.

Pontoons dont count as submarine...
India made first solid fuel rockets back in 60s,our first SLV was a solid fuel one.Indias Agni Technology demonstrator used solid fuel in first stage

If I remember correctly, India began its SLV development in the 70s. Next, if the Indians did indeed have the tech in the 60s then it should have been no problem integrating it into their early missiles. This only casts more doubts on the indigenous-ness of the said SLV or the claim that it was solid fueled.

No it does not,refer to my point above-Again India has preceeded Pakistan in nearly all fields related to missile technology-be that IRBMs,ICBM,SLBM,SAM,Quasi Ballistic Missiles and Ballistic missile defence and Supersonic Cruise missiles like Brahmos.

The areas which you have stated are areas in which Pakistan isn't even interested to venture in and/or has no need to (at least, we have never never officially acknowledge the efforts to do so), except for the IRBM perhaps. Its interesting how you call it foul play when we acquire missile tech but somehow the Russian Brahmos is still all fair game...more over you forget the LO Ra'ad and the Babur, which came way before the Brahmos and still have no parallel in Indian inventory.

Yes,it is a fact that India have a technological edge over Pakistan in fields like propulsion( worlds third largest solid rocket booster and ramjet engines,and is now working on Scramjets,)and guidance systems ( indigenous RLG based INS,better R&D and experience and regional navigation satellites ) and material technology(more r&d base in developing composites and alloys-heck they can even develop high perfomance alloys for Scramjets,can Pakistan develop such things?).Oh and India has eyes set on MIRV-remember Indian PSLV scoring world record by launching 10 satellites on a single mission?

Too many holes in this one. First, which shaman suddenly declared India's superiority in missile propulsion. Like I said before, we did bring the solid rocket motors way before you guys did and I'm sure our guys haven't been sitting on their behinds sipping chai since then. Second, India has claimed to be working on many things, but seldom do we see results, if any at all. I'll have to take the 'better R&D and experience' as a shamanistic claim as well, i guess. Third, haven't you heard about the Pakistani satellites and our access to Beidou? Fourth, I am not remotely aware of Pakistan's expertise vis-a-vis India in composite material development. I'll give this one to you for now, at least until I get better informed. Fifth, have you not been reading on Pakistani development of plutonium based and miniaturized nukes? What do you think they are for? Surely, they aren't meant for easy dowry exchanges only. Research the defense analyses on Pakistan's MIRV development.

It is not correct,many Pakistani members have said that Pakistans balistic missile program is not entirely indigenous,meanwhile DRDO was struggling to develop those indigenously,Now we have the know how,Our SLBMs,ICBMs and Quasi ballistic missiles are.best in class.

If you cannot believe that fact,please look at our own space launch vehicle fleet.Do not ever say that A country that can put a probe in moons orbit cannot make a better SLBM than Pakistan.

Foreign help or no foreign help, still doesn't take anything away from the fact that whatever concrete data we have on the same tier missiles puts Pakistani missiles ahead of India's. There are no copyrights or IPs in this arena. If the copied missile is better then it will give you a better boom as well. Because believe it or not, you won't be able to restrict the copier from using his weapons under claims that it is not original. And that initial, and maybe still continuing, foreign help only means that it's improbable that India has caught up.

I'm sure the Indians didn't have any foreign help in developing the SLV from Russia but I also see the SLBM producing, moon monitoring country still struggling to produce a proper LCA for their forces, which they so direly need. "Our SLBMs,ICBMs and Quasi ballistic missiles are.best in class"....well then I'm sure you must be intimately familiar with all the SLBMs,ICBMs and Quasi ballistic missiles in the world.
@gslv mk3 when will you stop lying? K-15 is a ballistic missile with a range of 700km.. not a quasi missile with "1000"km range.. even @Secur and many others have several times busted your bubble of "our missiles are better" bs...
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@gslv mk3 when will you stop lying? K-15 is a ballistic missile with a range of 700km.. not a quasi missile with "1000"km range.. even @Secur and many others have several times busted your bubble of "our missiles are better" bs...

Whether you like it or not K-15 is not a ballistic missile according to DRDO .

They never called it a quasi-ballistic missile but instead a 'shaped trajectory missile' .

As for busting the bubble , it depends on which missiles you are counting .
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Whether you like it or not K-15 is not a ballistic missile according to DRDO .

They never called it a quasi-ballistic missile but instead a 'shaped trajectory missile' .

Report from indian version of Dawn... The Hindu:

India on Sunday successfully test-fired the underwater ballistic missile, K-15 (code-named B05),
off the Visakhapatnam coast, marking en end to a series of developmental trials.


Same goes for his 1000km ranged missile rant..

As for busting the bubble , it depends on which missiles you are counting .

You might wanna check out posts of @Secur and @Hyperion ...
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Whether you like it or not K-15 is not a ballistic missile according to DRDO .

They never called it a quasi-ballistic missile but instead a 'shaped trajectory missile' .

Well , it isn't even a cruise missile . Because the only one , India has in development is Nirbhay which was supposed to be tested again , a month ago . As for the shaped trajectory missile claim , do provide a link .
Report from indian version of Dawn... The Hindu:


Same goes for his 1000km ranged missile rant..

According to DRDO , k-15 only has a 700 km range .

You have the DRDO chief (official version ) vs Hindu report .

I will go with the official version .

You might wanna check out posts of @Secur and @Hyperion ...

I have read it and still does not find any superiority other than in subsonic cruise missile .

Well , it isn't even a cruise missile . Because the only one , India has in development is Nirbhay which was supposed to be tested again , a month ago . As for the shaped trajectory missile claim , do provide a link .

They are calling it a hybrid .

As for the link , give me some time . I will find it out .
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According to DRDO , k-15 only has a 700 km range .

You have the DRDO chief (official version ) vs Hindu report .

I will go with the official version .

Sure post it here!

I have read it and still does not find any superiority other than in subsonic cruise missile .

As @Secur said in those post... apart from few software changes whats indigenous in brahmos? its just russian missile...
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Sure post it here!

As @Secur said in those post... apart from few software changes whats indigenous in brahmos? its just russian missile...

Even if I remove Brahmos from equation there are other areas where I don't see any competition .

SAM , ABM for eg .
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The PRC :china: and the :usflag: will always make sure india is contained.
Even if I remove Brahmos from equation there are other areas where I don't see any competition .

SAM , ABM for eg .

@Secur sir im sorry to disturb you... but its in ur domain...
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I have read it and still does not find any superiority other than in subsonic cruise missile .

They are calling it a hybrid .
As for the link , give me some time . I will find it out .

A country which claims to master the technology of supersonic cruise missile by acquiring Brahmos - based on P800 Onik must be able , in theory , to produce a subsonic cruise missile with little or no effort , no ? After all , a person who can drive a vehicle with manual transmission must have no problems , none whatsoever with automatic . Yet , we saw how the first test of Nirbhay failed with another planned test flight in July 2013 , which hasn't happened until now .

I only know of one hybrid which is the quasi ballistic - inheriting some flight profile characteristics of a cruise missile but still quite a ballistic one . Sure , take your time .
A country which claims to master the technology of supersonic cruise missile by acquiring Brahmos - based on P800 Onik must be able , in theory , to produce a subsonic cruise missile with little or no effort , no ? After all , a person who can drive a vehicle with manual transmission must have no problems , none whatsoever with automatic . Yet , we saw how the first test of Nirbhay failed with another planned test flight in Aug 2013 , which hasn't happened until now .

I only know of one hybrid which is the quasi ballistic - inheriting some flight profile characteristics of a cruise missile but still quite a ballistic one . Sure , take your time .

indians to Secur - how dare you expose indian hubris, we iz sopppar pawaar , we got many mizzzzlllleessss.

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