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Pakistan's newest threat: Army officer turns suicide bomber

From Raman's link above, could it be possible that the actual target was this american thing and the damage to the mess was only incidental?

Could it be possible Hindus behind this bomb blast! and hindu media is just trying to distract the investigations.
Could it be possible Hindus behind this bomb blast! and hindu media is just trying to distract the investigations.

could be but the only problem how much ever the indian media tries, the investigation is conducted by pakistanis only.
I doubt it was an officer of the PA who was the perpetrator of this attack, but this should be a wakeup call for the Pakistani authorities. We should institute a strict background check for every commissioned officer of all three branches of the military (second thought: why not even the soldiers and civilian wokers?). The ISI should know which schools the potential officer has attended while growing up, they should know where s/he has lived, where his/her relatives attend school, basically every little detail about the person should be known before allowing them to enter the military.

Here in the US any person who is remotely linked to the US military must go through a background check. My aunt, who is an accountant, had to go through a several hour long background check just because her firm has been hired by the US military. She does not work at a base or anything, yet they know everything about her. This sort of measure drastically reduces the risk of a spy or future suicide bomber from being allowed into such sensitive facilities.
I believe this sort of background check is a common place even in Pakistan. The degree to which they go for the check may vary.
I believe this sort of background check is a common place even in Pakistan. The degree to which they go for the check may vary.

If the background check is in place, then it failed or was not broad enough to include all workers at military bases. Since the US is so keen to teach Pakistan the ways of fighting terror, Pakistan should ask for help in this regard.
If the background check is in place, then it failed or was not broad enough to include all workers at military bases. Since the US is so keen to teach Pakistan the ways of fighting terror, Pakistan should ask for help in this regard.

US is a country where all your personal details are just a click away from the govt. You know the SSN number?, you know a-z of his life history, his school, his college, his companies, his shopping preferences ,where he was at any particular time and such details. I dont think Pakistan/India can get to such a stage in the next 25 years.
^ I think it is possible. Its basically like an identity card. Government requires it as some places like in institutions, companies and so on, and they have to provide the data to the government.
^ I think it is possible. Its basically like an identity card. Government requires it as some places like in institutions, companies and so on, and they have to provide the data to the government.
it has to be an UNIQUE identity card, the same card for every person. I can have one identity card from one school and next year join another school, what will connect these two, an unique identity card- which is what SSN is for US. So you have to give the card for every person in Pakistan, dont forget that.
If the background check is in place, then it failed or was not broad enough to include all workers at military bases.

It should be done, but given the way those who check antecedents work (in subcontinental countries), an elephant can slip past!

Four major instances in a row, one after the other, the nation and millitary at battle stations and still the incompetence of the millitary officers at an unbelieveably high level---it is shocking and beyond comprehension.

At first, it is a truck carrying 16 millitary personale that is abducted by the taliban---by the way these army men travelling through the active battle zone were un-armed--------------

If this instance would have happened in chechnya under russian command or in china----the colonel commandant, the major and captain incharged would have been court-martialled and put in front of the firing squad. But as it is pakistan---there are a thousand excuses-----.

Then around 150 troops in a convoy are rounded up by 20 plus taliban. There will be a white wash and the colonel and the major will be promoted to their next higher ranks respectively.

There is a bus carrying agency personale---it is blown to smitherens.

Then there is this explosion at the heart of the special forces installation and 25 are blown to bits---it showed how un-conscious is the security system in the midst of our millitary istallations.

I am concerned---pakistani millitary is coming up with too many excuses. It is a wake up call for the milltary heirarchy-----they must strike hard, they must strike deep relentlessly. If they start a job, they need to finish it---and stop making these peace treaties right in the middle of millitary actions. Pakistani millitary needs to re-think its strategy and what it wants to do and have a stragey planned, placed and enforced as to how it wants to face this suicide attack menace and hostage taking of its soldiers.

Baitullah Mehsud must be found and neutralized---he is responsible of too much mischief. Him and his cohorts must be taken to task.
The nation is confused on who to support. Support those who are fighting against the American interests or support those who are trying to stop the terrorism in our country.

Soon enough, we will have to choose the path, and it must be done, before its too late.

We are 2% of the total population. 18% percent sympathize these suicide bombers, while 80% are counting on us. - Pak Faziya
The nation is confused on who to support. Support those who are fighting against the American interests or support those who are trying to stop the terrorism in our country.

Soon enough, we will have to choose the path, and it must be done, before its too late.

We are 2% of the total population. 18% percent sympathize these suicide bombers, while 80% are counting on us. - Pak Faziya

link please for the percentages quoted?
link please for the percentages quoted?

Its just a saying.. No percentage. (Surely! not accurate or meant to be accurate.) I quoted somebody in PAF.
ok, i got you now.:cheers: The pakistan armed forces is the 2%.

I initially thought that Pak Faziya is some website/newspaper which did the survey.

Admin Edit: Percentage is not accurate. That means no, 2% is not the armed forces, but a general saying pointing at the people who are leaders.

Yup I understood what you said before itself, the statement I said meant, the 'we' in "We are 2% of the total population" are the pakistan armed forces.
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