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Pakistan's new Shaheen-III MRBM uses Chinese transporter, says source

Blue Marlin

Jul 7, 2015
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Pakistan's new Shaheen-III MRBM uses Chinese transporter, says source


Pakistan's new Shaheen-III medium-range missile uses a Chinese 16x16 transporter erector launcher, according to an Indian source. Source: Via DailyPakistan.com
Pakistan's new Shaheen-III medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) is carried by a Chinese-made 16-wheel transporter erector launcher (TEL), an Indian government source told IHS Jane's on condition of anonymity.

The Indian source noted that Pakistan began negotiations in 2012 with the China Precision Machinery Import-Export Corporation (CPMIEC), which resulted in the export of "two 16x16 WS-21200s for use as TELs for Shaheen-III missiles".

Pakistan is believed to have taken delivery of the TELs at the end of February or in early March 2016. The source also said that Pakistan's National Engineering and Scientific Commission has set up an assembly line at the Punjab-based National Development Complex to assemble TELs for Pakistani missiles.

The WS-21200 - a previously unreported designation - is manufactured by the Hubei Sanjiang Space Wanshan Special Vehicle Co of the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC).

China provided WS-51200 TELs to North Korea in 2011, the Indian source stated. Six of these vehicles currently carry North Korea's KN-08 and KN-14 intercontinental ballistic missiles. "There is no doubt China is involved in the proliferation of missile technology," said the Indian official.

The Shaheen-III's WS-21200 TEL and the WS-51200 used by North Korea have much in common, including the same headlight and direction indicator patterns. One main difference, however, is that the WS-21200 uses a forward-tilting windshield glass structure not used by the WS-51200.

However, this glass structure is used by the 8-wheel TEL cab of Pakistan's Hatf 9 (also known as Nasr) 60 km-range tactical nuclear missile, which is virtually the same as the TEL cab of China's DF-11A short-range ballistic missile made by CASIC.

Revealed to the public for the first time during Pakistan's military parade on 23 March, the Shaheen-III - a surface-to-surface, land-based ballistic missile - is allegedly capable of carrying a nuclear or conventional warhead to a range of 2,750 km.

China Is Selling TEL's to Pakistan and set up an assembly plant of TEL's in Punjab

and Indians Concluded that China is also involved proliferation of missile technology...

Oh China Please Give us DF-4 (CSS-3) and DF-31 (CSS-10)
Also JL-1 and JL-2 for S-20 Subs that we are Buying from you
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pakistan is using chines TELs since beginning whats now here ? india is using russian TELs also why blame us what you are doing yourself same ? also latest agni-v was fired from The 8 x 8 Tatra TELAR (transporter erector launcher) rail mobile launcher is the launch platform for the missile.
read the book
Managing India's Nuclear Forces
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Pakistan's new Shaheen-III MRBM uses Chinese transporter, says source


Pakistan's new Shaheen-III medium-range missile uses a Chinese 16x16 transporter erector launcher, according to an Indian source. Source: Via DailyPakistan.com
Pakistan's new Shaheen-III medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) is carried by a Chinese-made 16-wheel transporter erector launcher (TEL), an Indian government source told IHS Jane's on condition of anonymity.

The Indian source noted that Pakistan began negotiations in 2012 with the China Precision Machinery Import-Export Corporation (CPMIEC), which resulted in the export of "two 16x16 WS-21200s for use as TELs for Shaheen-III missiles".

Pakistan is believed to have taken delivery of the TELs at the end of February or in early March 2016. The source also said that Pakistan's National Engineering and Scientific Commission has set up an assembly line at the Punjab-based National Development Complex to assemble TELs for Pakistani missiles.

The WS-21200 - a previously unreported designation - is manufactured by the Hubei Sanjiang Space Wanshan Special Vehicle Co of the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC).

China provided WS-51200 TELs to North Korea in 2011, the Indian source stated. Six of these vehicles currently carry North Korea's KN-08 and KN-14 intercontinental ballistic missiles. "There is no doubt China is involved in the proliferation of missile technology," said the Indian official.

The Shaheen-III's WS-21200 TEL and the WS-51200 used by North Korea have much in common, including the same headlight and direction indicator patterns. One main difference, however, is that the WS-21200 uses a forward-tilting windshield glass structure not used by the WS-51200.

However, this glass structure is used by the 8-wheel TEL cab of Pakistan's Hatf 9 (also known as Nasr) 60 km-range tactical nuclear missile, which is virtually the same as the TEL cab of China's DF-11A short-range ballistic missile made by CASIC.

Revealed to the public for the first time during Pakistan's military parade on 23 March, the Shaheen-III - a surface-to-surface, land-based ballistic missile - is allegedly capable of carrying a nuclear or conventional warhead to a range of 2,750 km.

You just break out the top secret news...
ISI must be looking for you
They get these info form a guys in Temples. We should tell them watch PK saw they won't dial wrong number
. . .
The whole shaheen series use post separation manuverability.....feature only used by chinese df series.....
And all they are worried about is TEL vehicle....
Based on physical evidence and public material. However post separation manure is on paper not witnessed except few private eyes.
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@Blue Marlin
I livid in UK for many years (working) I never saw any British (original GORA) with so much interest in Pakistan's defense...even I met military veterans they have very little or casual interest in Pakistani Defense. Nut my friend you are proving me wrong.
There something kala (black) in Daal (lentils).
ask yourself why?................................
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