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Pakistan's New F-16s Can Beat India's Su-30s; Rafales Are The Counter

If you search in google " best spy agencies in world" you will find ISI on second position.Then question arises ----What ISI was doing when outside agencies were arming these rebels in PAK?
Is ISI only capable of launching attacks across the region but can't safeguard her nation?
Doesn't ISI scan thier network what is going on inside pakistan?
Then how come it is worlds best agency next to CIA>>>
Let me ask you a question was RAW having a sleepover during the planning of the 2002 parliament shooting and 2008 Mumbai attacks. Were they at a wedding during the 1993 Mumbai Bombing. Let me tell you if not for the ISI Pakistan would not be standing today. A spy agency like the ISI doesn't go around screaming successful operation. As for the CIA where were they when 4 planes were hijacked. Let me remind you what India is doing in Pakistan, can also be done in New Dehli and Mumbai, but tic for tac attacks will benefit no one and destroy any chance of peace on the subcontinent. No internal struggle can ever survive without external assistance
well its a good news then...........
Who lost hundreds of men while laying mines during the 2002 standoff?
well we dint loose "hundreds of men while laying mines" but those who lost there lives gave away many lessons to be learnt by owr forces and we did but in the end we got from the standoff what we wanted and your nation lost every credibility with kashmiri sepratists after that and still not able to make it right :haha:
first of all it is not an article but an attempt to fool pakistanis and you walked into it, even Eurofighters lost badly to MKIs:D secondly the only reason f 16s lost MMRCA bid is that they are outdated and failed to meet IAF expectations. lastly MMRCA deal went bad because we were to spend roughly $11 billions but it shot upto more than 20 billion.

one thing more, jf 17s are inferior aircraft and only bankrupt countries would buy them, furthermore Myanmar has still not confirmed its purchasing plans.
The same Eurofighter which your airforce wants so badly from last 10 years but too bad the rich myth has gone down the drain .
The same Eurofighter which your airforce wants so badly from last 10 years but too bad the rich myth has gone down the drain .

we don't want eurofighters, we are buying rafaels, frenchies are now asking for double the money sanctioned for MMRCA deal, so we setled for 36 and will buy good old MKIs:D

After landing in India and making tall claims about scoring against the Typhoons, for the benefit of home audience, the IAF was forced to retract from it's unrealistic frivolous claims as the otherwise professional RAF threatened to release some HUD videos showing the actual results.
Defence News - Air Force backs down on Indo-UK exercise 'claims'; says no wins and losses

Furthermore, some more revelations have come to light regarding earlier exercise in which the Indians again were claiming success against USAF F-15 Eagles without disclosing all the parameters of the exercise.

''However, another report added that this isn’t the first time the Indian Air Force publicly claimed a debated victory. Indian Su-30's claimed to have achieved a 9:1 kill ratio against U.S. Air Force F-15C jets during Cope India in 2004.
However, the kill ratio was proved right at the time but it was also explained that the F-15s were defeated because they were called to fight the Su-30s in scenarios that involved six Eagles against up to eighteen IAF aircraft with extra handicaps.''
Indian airforce behave like a bunch of thugs after every exercise. There is drama to all exercises be it with US or UK. No other professional airforce will do something like this.12:0, 9:0, 10:0, it's like kids playing some sort of a game. All fake chest thumping for no good reason. Let other air forces praise you so one can feel good about their professionalism. I had never ever heard anything like this from any other airforce. What we see mostly is an article or a book written by a well know officer, aviation journalist or a historian and talk about one another's performance in an exercise and that too many years after that particular exercise. Imagine IAF going for another exercise what that other airforce will think keeping the US and UK exercises in mind. Very unprofessional whoever is doing this.

we don't want eurofighters, we are buying rafaels, frenchies are now asking for double the money sanctioned for MMRCA deal, so we setled for 36 and will buy good old MKIs:D
So what's that MMRCA part 2 is about. Where again you are inviting all the players for a lollipop which do not exists.Money should not be a problem since you are so rich. Should buy 150-200 easily or wait are we coming back to real life I mean teja.
Indian airforce behave like a bunch of thugs after every exercise. There is drama to all exercises be it with US or UK. No other professional airforce will do something like this.12:0, 9:0, 10:0, it's like kids playing some sort of a game. All fake chest thumping for no good reason. Let other air forces praise you so one can feel good about their professionalism. I had never ever heard anything like this from any other airforce. What we see mostly is an article or a book written by a well know officer, aviation journalist or a historian and talk about one another's performance in an exercise and that too many years after that particular exercise. Imagine IAF going for another exercise what that other airforce will think keeping the US and UK exercises in mind. Very unprofessional whoever is doing this.

So what's that MMRCA part 2 is about. Where again you are inviting all the players for a lollipop which do not exists.Money should not be a problem since you are so rich. Should buy 150-200 easily or wait are we coming back to real life I mean teja.

there will be more MKIs with Tejas mk2, no MMRCA.
Let me ask you a question was RAW having a sleepover during the planning of the 2002 parliament shooting and 2008 Mumbai attacks. Were they at a wedding during the 1993 Mumbai Bombing. Let me tell you if not for the ISI Pakistan would not be standing today. A spy agency like the ISI doesn't go around screaming successful operation. As for the CIA where were they when 4 planes were hijacked. Let me remind you what India is doing in Pakistan, can also be done in New Dehli and Mumbai, but tic for tac attacks will benefit no one and destroy any chance of peace on the subcontinent. No internal struggle can ever survive without external assistance
What INDIA is doing in pakistan??? You guys have habit of claiming everything but feel shy to prove it. I was just laughing when US state department released a news that pakistan did not submit any proof agnaist RAW , while they have spent 2-3 weeks blasting their emotions on RAW.
I was just dumb stuck after pakistan started blaming RAW and i was wondering what happen to RAW??
From which institute did get coaching ? IIM or IIN
What INDIA is doing in pakistan??? You guys have habit of claiming everything but feel shy to prove it. I was just laughing when US state department released a news that pakistan did not submit any proof agnaist RAW , while they have spent 2-3 weeks blasting their emotions on RAW.
I was just dumb stuck after pakistan started blaming RAW and i was wondering what happen to RAW??
From which institute did get coaching ? IIM or IIN
trust me on this they will show proofs of RAW funding and arming terrorism in land of the pure "at the right time " :coffee:
trust me on this they will show proofs of RAW funding and arming terrorism in land of the pure "at the right time " :coffee:
Then i must get my passport and visa ready!!
Gotta go!11:cheesy:
Indian airforce behave like a bunch of thugs after every exercise. There is drama to all exercises be it with US or UK. No other professional airforce will do something like this.12:0, 9:0, 10:0, it's like kids playing some sort of a game. All fake chest thumping for no good reason. Let other air forces praise you so one can feel good about their professionalism. I had never ever heard anything like this from any other airforce. What we see mostly is an article or a book written by a well know officer, aviation journalist or a historian and talk about one another's performance in an exercise and that too many years after that particular exercise. Imagine IAF going for another exercise what that other airforce will think keeping the US and UK exercises in mind. Very unprofessional whoever is doing this.

First of all Indian Air Force is a very professional and never makes these types of chest thumping claims or statement, its mainly due to our so called BANDALBAZ Desi Journalists and the media. The pakistanis also played an importantant role in interpreting these kinds of Speculated and Bullshit news and our so called nationalist jignostics members of both pakistan and india makes the playgroud for the bullshit discussion in the forum.

Both IAF and PAF are professional force because before joining the force you takes the oath as below

Here for your enlightenment, check the difference of oath taking of both armed forces

(In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.)

I, ____________, do solemnly swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to Pakistan and uphold the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan which embodies the will of the people, that I will not engage myself in any political activities whatsoever and that I will honestly and faithfully serve Pakistan in the Pakistan Army (or Navy or Air Force) as required by and under the law.

May Allah Almighty help and guide me (A'meen).
Third Schedule: Oaths of Office

Here of Indian Army:

I ( name) hereby solemnly swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India,as by law established and that I will, as in duty bound honestly and faithfully,serve in the regular Army of the Union of India and go wherever ordered, by land, sea or air, and that I will observe and obey all the commands of the President of the Union of India and the commands of any officer set above me, even to the peril of my life.

So what's that MMRCA part 2 is about. Where again you are inviting all the players for a lollipop which do not exists.Money should not be a problem since you are so rich. Should buy 150-200 easily or wait are we coming back to real life I mean teja

Sir its HAL Tejas and the name is very simple to remember without much effort.
What is MMRCA part 2. India has already choosen Rafale with 36 in its first tranche and negotiations for the 90 to be produced in India are going on. All the news of Dassault scraping the deal is just the crap and its the product of some of the journalist which i showed you above. Its called the negotiation+barganing for the 90 jets to be produced in India and discussions for the selections of the Indians Vendors, production costing etc etc

there will be more MKIs with Tejas mk2, no MMRCA.
Its already hapenning pls wake up. As far as your earlier comment of MKI beating Eurofighter is concerned these types of exercise is done to the friendly practice of tactics and should not be taken as a actual war and pls note that during such friendly engagements, only gun-versus-gun scenarios can be simulated, & not dissimilar air combat using the HMDS/all-aspect WVRAAM combination. Therefore, as a cautionary note, even friendly exercises like EX INDRADHANUSH should not be taken as a serious example of realistic dogfights.
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First of all Indian Air Force is a very professional and never makes these types of chest thumping claims or statement, its mainly due to our so called BANDALBAZ Desi Journalists and the media. The pakistanis also played an importantant role in interpreting these kinds of Speculated and Bullshit news and our so called nationalist jignostics members of both pakistan and india makes the playgroud for the bullshit discussion in the forum.

Both IAF and PAF are professional force because before joining the force you takes the oath as below

Here for your enlightenment, check the difference of oath taking of both armed forces

(In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.)

I, ____________, do solemnly swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to Pakistan and uphold the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan which embodies the will of the people, that I will not engage myself in any political activities whatsoever and that I will honestly and faithfully serve Pakistan in the Pakistan Army (or Navy or Air Force) as required by and under the law.

May Allah Almighty help and guide me (A'meen).
Third Schedule: Oaths of Office

Here of Indian Army:

I ( name) hereby solemnly swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India,as by law established and that I will, as in duty bound honestly and faithfully,serve in the regular Army of the Union of India and go wherever ordered, by land, sea or air, and that I will observe and obey all the commands of the President of the Union of India and the commands of any officer set above me, even to the peril of my life.

Sir its HAL Tejas and the name is very simple to remember without much effort.
What is MMRCA part 2. India has already choosen Rafale with 36 in its first tranche and negotiations for the 90 to be produced in India are going on. All the news of Dassault scraping the deal is just the crap and its the product of some of the journalist which i showed you above. Its called the negotiation+barganing for the 90 jets to be produced in India and discussions for the selections of the Indians Vendors, production costing etc etc

Its already hapenning pls wake up. As far as your earlier comment of MKI beating Eurofighter is concerned these types of exercise is done to the friendly practice of tactics and should not be taken as a actual war and pls note that during such friendly engagements, only gun-versus-gun scenarios can be simulated, & not dissimilar air combat using the HMDS/all-aspect WVRAAM combination. Therefore, as a cautionary note, even friendly exercises like EX INDRADHANUSH should not be taken as a serious example of realistic dogfights.
well said lad. no one knows the f16's or the su30's true capabilities. its very easy to say something but proving it will be difficult.
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