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Pakistan’s Missing Market. Resuming trade with India is a chance to escape spiraling crises.

i'm not opposed to trade with india but you can't just open the economy to indian goods without making necessary reforms.

Trade has to be done in a strategic manner. Forget prosperity as the end goal. The goal should be to make the indian economy depend on us to the point that Pakistan can do as it wills in kashmir while india whines & watches as it did in Galwan. What are the policies and actions that will lead us to that point? Have we thought about it. No, obviously not. Clearly, establishment doesn't actually understand what "geoeconomics" actually entails.

Also, there shouldn't be any trade with india until pakistan can actually produce something & its rent seeking elites are sorted out, otherwise this is a disaster in the making.
The goal should be to make the indian economy depend on us to the point that Pakistan can do as it wills in kashmir while india whines & watches as it did in Galwan. What are the policies and actions that will lead us to that point?

Pakistan has nothing to force that kind of dependency. China is more powerful than India. Pakistan never will be

If anything Pakistan is in a race to be most populous and corrupt state with Nigeria. All these discussions are to see if you can avoid that race.

China actions in Galwan have lead to closer India-USA partnership. You have to question China's wisdom here
Pakistan has nothing to force that kind of dependency. China is more powerful than India. Pakistan never will be

If anything Pakistan is in a race to be most populous and corrupt state with Nigeria. All these discussions are to see if you can avoid that race.

Where did I say it did, you dimwit? The whole point of my comment was that that should be the goal.

China actions in Galwan have lead to closer India-USA partnership. You have to question China's wisdom here

China created an excuse to circumvent the treaty & carry out a buildup along the LAC & they beat a few streetshitters for extra humiliation. They have fire control over india's key supply line in IOK. Now they're carrying out exercises & building infrastructure.

Also, you're potentially going to be dealing with a joint sinopak one-front war with the dumb political stunt you pulled in IOK 2019 by removing article 370. India-US partnership is weak sauce and nothing the Chinese can't deal with. US isn't going to fight for you. You're going to become another ukraine & that's IF they supply you with weapons. Maybe at that point they will need those for themselves.
Where did I say it did, you dimwit? The whole point of my comment was that that should be the goal.

China created an excuse to circumvent the treaty & carry out a buildup along the LAC & they beat a few streetshitters for extra humiliation. They have fire control over india's key supply line in IOK. Now they're carrying out exercises & building infrastructure.

Also, you're potentially going to be dealing with a joint sinopak one-front war with the dumb political stunt you pulled in IOK 2019 by removing article 370. India-US partnership is weak sauce and nothing the Chinese can't deal with. US isn't going to fight for you. You're going to become another ukraine & that's IF they supply you with weapons. Maybe at that point they will need those for themselves.

Does China want to become Russia ?
Everything in this article is fine, but -

And then, on the energy front, India already exports power to Bangladesh and Nepal and has significant surplus capacity.

I had to laugh at this statement. Even in metro cities, people use inverter. Load Shedding is a common word in huge number of places. I myself have an inverter, will go mad without that.
Everything in this article is fine, but -

I had to laugh at this statement. Even in metro cities, people use inverter. Load Shedding is a common word in huge number of places. I myself have an inverter, will go mad without that.
Where do you live ? Most of the metro cities have ample power supply , yes there are power cuts for short periods like 15 to 30 minutes may be for repairs , rural areas have 16 to 20 hours ensured power supply .
Where do you live ? Most of the metro cities have ample power supply , yes there are power cuts for short periods like 15 to 30 minutes may be for repairs , rural areas have 16 to 20 hours ensured power supply .

Prime Bangalore - Koramangala.
Does China want to become Russia ?

You mean doing well economically with a resurgent military while western economies go into stagflation & run out of weapons & ukrainians lose their territory? Yea, I'd imagine they would love to be in the same position as Russia is right now.
Most notable of Pakistan's exports in recent years has been its workers, largely unskilled and some skilled. That will not find demand in India. Among commodities, it is textiles. Again, India doesn't need much of that.

Don't waste your time on this thread. This was a sponsored FP article to support the cause of Nawaz Sharif before his return. Even when trade was going on between India & Pakistan, we always imported more from India.

India goods are cheaper and those imports would decimate any left Pakistani industry.
You mean doing well economically with a resurgent military while western economies go into stagflation & run out of weapons & ukrainians lose their territory? Yea, I'd imagine they would love to be in the same position as Russia is right now.

Let me know when Pakistanis queue up to immigrate to Russia. they must have missed the memo
All those Russian whores in Dubai and Mumbai must love all those ****
Let me know when Pakistanis queue up to immigrate to Russia. they must have missed the memo
All those Russian whores in Dubai and Mumbai must love all those ****

lololol you're dumb af

here is bloomberg saying the russian economy is now recovering. they took a small hit at first but they're doing fine

meanwhile in yankee land

this is just america. other westerners are doing far worse

so yes, the chinese would love to be in russia's position. a strong economy, strong military & an ever weakening west.
lololol you're dumb af

here is bloomberg saying the russian economy is now recovering. they took a small hit at first but they're doing fine

Russian economy is so great. European economy is so bad with stagflation.

<sarcasm mode on>
Pakistanis are queuing up to migrate to Russian land. All those Russian whores must love the d**k in Dubai and Mumbai.
<sarcasm mode off>

I do not care what you say. I do care what you do
Let me know when Pakistanis queue up to immigrate to Russia. they must have missed the memo
All those Russian whores in Dubai and Mumbai must love all those ****
You measure growth by Russian prostitutes?
What is this supposed to be? Pajeetonomics?

You lot are the lowest of the low, no decency pure degeneracy
Russian economy is so great. European economy is so bad with stagflation.

<sarcasm mode on>
Pakistanis are queuing up to migrate to Russian land. All those Russian whores must love the d**k in Dubai and Mumbai.
<sarcasm mode off>

I do not care what you say. I do care what you do

Like I said you're dumb af. The sanctions on russia failed while EU is suffering economically. So yes if china & india fight, china would love to be in the position russia is right now.

But like the low iq pajeet that you are, for some reason you're talking about pakistanis moving to russia, a country where they don't understand the language or culture & don't know much about in general compared to western countries.
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