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Pakistan's Mirage 2000 Saga

I support the idea of some respected member, if we can, should acquire these mirages. Still a better choice for Pak fleet. Plus Pak has infrastructure to accommodate this plane. Now after Indonesian refusal, Qatar will reconsider lower price with better term of payments.
Hello gentlemen and PC,

If I had been reading the posts on this board correctly---then many of the posters have stated pakistani origin pilots and maintenance staff working in qatar / uae---flying maintaining and managing the fleet. So, my conclusion was that by this time they would have enough experience to help manage the pakistani fleet---for that reason, PC, I stated the the m2k's would be a shoe in as compared to the blk 52 which would be a totally new plane----possibly hardly anything compatible with the older version. Sarcasm aside---I want you to find out with a cool mind as to how much time it takes for a pilot to excel on an aircraft like the blk 52---but instead of doing any research and trying to find the right answer, you want to slam my statement back at my face.

My goodman---25 years ago I was also someone with a pakistani mindset---till I arrived in the u s one day---when I joined my auto engineering class I found out to my amazement and shock that whatever you know about the car---you open up the owners manual and look up everything step by a step even though you know everything----well in pakistan at that time---it would have been considered a matter of shame to open a book to do your job---because the famed Saadi Shirazi I believe stated that the books are a load for the donkey---intelligent men have everything in their brains---well it took awhile to get out of that mindset---now it is a matter of habbit---if there is anything contradictory to my belief---I look it up and find an answer before calling the other person ill-informed or less than truthful---but this thing is a learning experience----.

For that reason when someone asks me to post a link for something very basic that is available on the web that just lights up a flame----so please talk to people and friends and and find out the right answer and if I am wrong---god bless you, I will learn something new and then we can possibly go out and have a drink or two---coffee tea or soda whatever.

Araz---I don't know if you remeber that the french in the 60's put a sanction on the mirages manufactured for israel. Isarel was in love with that plane. They found out that the french had allowed the swiss to manufacture the plane----I don't know if the swiss ever manufactured the mirage or not---but the israelis found out that the designs were stored in a storage with minimal security. Now, I have read the story about it some 15 years ago---I don't remeber clearly---but the weight of the blue prints in all was over one ton---close to two. So---sanctions have visited a few---.

M2k-5 is a far superior plane than any bird in our inventory alongwith JF 17. Even m2k is as good a plane than any in pak inventory as of yesterday---let me ask you this---if a paf pilot can compete and outdo an F 16 flying his F7PG at times---I don't have any doubt in my mind of him taking this bird to its flying limits and when he does that----he has covered every single one of iaf aircraft mano a mano except for the su 30---.

You see I am going back to the transition in the early 90's to m2k----the payment of the F 16's should have been stopped immediately----a law suit filed in the u s court for a breach of contract right up front---and the money diverted to the procurement of the m2k's. The PAF would have moved along a totally different tangent----I keep on repeating the intensity of the threat level from across the border---people say that india also has m2k's---big deal---but they fail to realize that they don't have the paf pilots to fly them.

This issue of BVR that we are arguing today for the last many many years----who would have thought about such a thing like a paf fighter interceptor without bvr with the m2k's.

Now the question keeps on arising where would the money come from---some of it from EXPATS. By proper marketing and planning the expats would have helped their PAF to stand upto iaf any time everytime financially. You expats on this board tell me---would you have said no to a 100-200 500 or a 1000 dollars---not me----after the nuclear explosion the indian expats sent in 15---20 billion dollars----pakistanis hardly sent anything because our DEAR NAWAZ SHARIF put a restriction on foreign currency movement. We had the ability to send in at least 4---6 billion dollars---but our govt policies failed us.

We talk about the imminent threat from india----but we do nothing concrete about it except that we can lob some of our nukes at their houses---.

PAF are warriors----warriors by tradition are not good deal makers---it is not in their blood to haggle about things like price and accounting---warriors are also proud people---it is an inherent trait for being a fighter---that is where you need money men with pragmatic jewish kind of thinking to be your deal makers and deal breakers.

At the end of every discussion I want to ask this question---who benefitted the most from the breakup of this deal----the finger is always pointed towards india---as I state again---if paf had swithced over to the m2k's in the early 90's----the f 16's would have been a thing of the past by now---paf would have flying overlooking a different horizon---. All my attempts are trying to make my readers understand the importance of a NOW SCENARIO. All nations raise and maintain their armed forces for a now scenario---well in most of the feedback that I am getting---that scenario and the importance of it is totally misunderstood---the answer comes back to what we are going to have in 3 to 5 years from now.

What I am trying to say over here in so many post is that even after 5 years from today we won't have anything to show against the strike aircraft sitting on the tarmac at srinagar millitary air port.

We have one brand new aircraft after the other coming into the air force---the JF 17 is still a baby---it will take many a years to learn its full potential---FC 20---we won't even get it till 2014 if all goes well---we don't even have the engine for it yet---I am trying my hardest to make you people understand that you are putting all your eggs in a " baskjet "---whose strengths and weaknesses have never been proven yet. It is becoming so unbelievably difficult to get this point through---we are discussing the strategy and wargame and defence of a nation----and people are talking about 5 years from today. Amazing it is---:sniper: sometimes I just get blown away.:pakistan:
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Sir in my opinion one thing we need to do is stop dreading about the past, sure we can learn from our mistakes but its time we move on instead of dwelling about the past. Sure M2K-5 is a better plane than JF17 Block I but in my opinion Block II will be a totally different story. JF17 has more room for upgrades as compared to Mirage2000 or even F16, sir mark my words this bird will be one hell of a bird. It simply does not makes any sense for PAF to waste resources on M2K now.
Notorious =eagle,

I am not talking about procuring m2k's now---what I am talking about is----our past leads to our future---the oppurtunities we had and how we failed to take advantage of the situation---the mistakes that we have committed in the past unless acknowledged and accepted, will come back to haunt us all over---because they will be repeated so often again and again---.

As for jf 17----it is too small of an aircraft to be of any significant value agianst the AIR DOMINANCE FIGHTERS of the class of SU 30. For a nation, to base its integrity on two unproven designs is totally unconventional wisdom and totally un-heard of.

You see the blk 1 is not even ready and operational yet----paf can say anything about this plane---who would want their knees to be chopped off if this plane was found to be a DUD.

Where is the civilian authority which can oversee if this plane is capable of doing what it was promised to do. Where is the independent audit and analysis---there is nothing except for the word of the paf---there is old saying that "you don't have to stick your head into the bull's ar se---sometimes you have to take the butcher's word about the quality of the steak ".

That is what we have beend doing for the last 18 years---taking the butcher's word for it---one failure after the other---one procurement mess after the other---one failed deal after the other-----one payment fiasco after the other---it has always been a crying game for the paf since the 90's---they have always been blaming everyone else for their shortcomings and failures---it is their miscalculations every single time that have put us behind and underneath india for the upteenth year in a row---.

They are indeed great fighter pilots---but they are indeed a total failure otherwise. In the last 20 years, except for Mushaf all the air chief's have walked scott free after all their fiascos---. The man who worked the hardest to bring the air force upto par---paid for with his life---how ironic.

JF 17 and Fc 20 are no magic bullets and paf has yet to come up with the magic wand to make its problems disappear.

God almighty---if it wasn't for the incompetence of the IAF and its procurement policy and the selction of aircraft---we never had a chance.

Again---just like in my other post on the other thread I wrote about low flying aircraft sneaking through the defences of royal navy and then later through us navy during war games---what the excuse was-which actually was a ruse---same thing I am saying in my posts---one has to look a little bit deeper into what I am trying to say---.
I agree whole heartedly with Mastan Khan about his proposal about Mirage 2Ks. Though in my opinion PAF should have acquired those birds in 80s along with F16s. France had offered Mirages 2Ks in 80s very cheap as well though they were a bit less capable than F16s in those time. But during 80s Pakistan was in deep "love" with US and thought of never ending "love". The "love" for US was so intense that PAF keep paying for second batch of F16s even those were embargoed on false hope that US would resume delivery. In fact PAF paid about $600m to US for those embargoed planes and in return got wheat and soyabean. Did PAF or Pakistan government ever made any through investigation about this strategic debacle and who to blame for it? In opinion those decision makers should have been shot in public for their miscalculation and "one basket" policy. But 90s were bad time for PAF to order Mirages2Ks as government did not have money (because $600m was stuck in US for ordered F16s which it never received) as well as France tried to took advantage of the situation as PAF did not have much other alternatives. If PAF had the vision (like many air forces to order from multiple sources to minimize risks even for same capabilities, like Taiwan, Greece to name a few who operate both F16s and Mirage200Ks) to procure Mirages in 80s, it would not have been in this situation it was in 90s and even today. They could have smoothly keep updating those in 90s with BVR and even could order more as F16s were not forth coming (I even firmly believe that if PAF had second horses like Mirage 2Ks, US would not have embargoed F16s as it would not have serve any purposes).

Though I salute PAF for initiating projects like JF17s & FC20s but I would again warn not to put all hopes on "China basket" only. No matter how good they are, they lack credibility ( as China is still not known for producing credible fighters and it will take time to earn the credibility) which is very important for detarance. What if after a huge amount of these planes inducted we found some "cripping" bug or for some reason or other relation with China go sour (you never know...).

As I also not in favour of pursuing any hostile policy against US, so in opinion current F16s order is right one and as much of it would be paid with money received from US. But current Obama administration does not look much promising for delivery of them? I would be very relieved if those are delivered as promised.

So, even we got delivery from China and US, I would still prefer to keep at least one option from Europe. For this option the Qatar and/or UAE mirage2Ks would be excellent one as being second hand, I would hope "botherly" price with all accessories and weapons as well as PAF can try a long term payment schedule. The current in house expertise and facilities of PAF from old Mirage III/VI handling should not be let go wasting. So PAF (and PN) should try to use this opportunity if not too much trouble. At least these Mirages should not be acquired by IAF in any situation.


Has anybody read this post from the begining to the end---does anyone realize the fiasco that the paf been. 600 million paid into sanctioned aircraft---we could have stopped at the first 100 million---sued the u s govt for breach of contract---filed a lible for 10 time the amount ie---6 billion dollars---any u s court would passed judgement in pak's favour---the u s would have finalized the deal sooner----or there would have been money available for the m2k's-----that is the money I have been talking about when some of you asked me where the money would come from---.

Can anyone imagine 500 million paid in a dead purchase---the u s law specifically states that an agrieved party can stop payment on a contract if the seller has not met the primary guidelines---.

It is just like you go to a car dealer and draw a car that you ordered---the dealer says later that he don't like your face---so he won't deliver your car that you were paying for----and the stupid you keeps on paying for the next five years now hoping and praying to get a 10 years old car. The dealer out of the goodness of its heart may release the car after all.


Tell me --- anyone of you----if you people had a personal one on one contract for the delivery of a car---and the same thing happened to you----wouldn't you sue the behind of the dealer----why then was the u s spared---.

All this hatred and misery that is against the u s of a by the pakistani citizenery----there was no cause of hatred----this deceit and deception was of our own making---it has always been easy to lay the blame on the americans.

Has anybody read this post from the begining to the end---does anyone realize the fiasco that the paf been. 600 million paid into sanctioned aircraft---we could have stopped at the first 100 million---sued the u s govt for breach of contract---filed a lible for 10 time the amount ie---6 billion dollars---any u s court would passed judgement in pak's favour---the u s would have finalized the deal sooner----or there would have been money available for the m2k's-----that is the money I have been talking about when some of you asked me where the money would come from---.

Can anyone imagine 500 million paid in a dead purchase---the u s law specifically states that an agrieved party can stop payment on a contract if the seller has not met the primary guidelines---.

It is just like you go to a car dealer and draw a car that you ordered---the dealer says later that he don't like your face---so he won't deliver your car that you were paying for----and the stupid you keeps on paying for the next five years now hoping and praying to get a 10 years old car. The dealer out of the goodness of its heart may release the car after all.


Tell me --- anyone of you----if you people had a personal one on one contract for the delivery of a car---and the same thing happened to you----wouldn't you sue the behind of the dealer----why then was the u s spared---.

All this hatred and misery that is against the u s of a by the pakistani citizenery----there was no cause of hatred----this deceit and deception was of our own making---it has always been easy to lay the blame on the americans.

MastanKhan, you have brought up a wonderful point though it might be like poking needles in the eyes of patriot pakistanis. But the truth hurts a lot.

I totally agree with what you have said. It is extremely important to know ones history and the blunders made, in order, NOT to repeat those in the future.

We as muslims are so far away from our history, I am talking about the history of Islam, not just Pakistan. Just check the history of Islam, we were never without a Khalifah and never were we all DIVIDED into countries.

I would like to quote a hadeeth about the situation of the Muslims:

Prophet (saw) said:
"It is expected that the nations will call each other from all horizons, as diners calling each other to feast from a platter of food in front of them." A person asked the Prophet (saw) would that be because of our small number that day. The Prophet (saw) said, "No, but you will be rubbish like the rubbish of flood water. Allah will put Wahn into your hearts and remove the fear from the hearts of your enemies because of your love for the world and your hate of death".

In another narration it was said: "and what is the Wahn, O messenger of Allah?" He (saw) said: "love of the world and the hate for fighting."Narrated by Ahmad with a good chain.

Narrated by Abu Daud with the words "hate for death", and it is a sahih hadith.
MastanKhan sahib,

Such a long post.... but no relevant material covered. You keep repeating PAF needs BVR capability NOW. Let me ask you this... Did I or anyone deny that? Did I or anyone say M2K are bad planes? or said that BVR is useless? or that JF-17 is superior to M2K?

Why do you keep repeating that?

I can understand your patriotism and I respect it but you are beating about the bush and not coming to the real point. The real point is: Is it worth being $100+ million a plane? Is it worth deviating money from missiles and subs and other things for a mere 32 planes? that's the question for which I haven't found any answer.

Do you realize what would have been sacrificed by diverting $4 billion for a procurement of 32 planes?? Are our defenses much better with a set of missiles and subs or would it have been much stronger with 32 planes?

Now the question keeps on arising where would the money come from---some of it from EXPATS. By proper marketing and planning the expats would have helped their PAF to stand upto iaf any time everytime financially. You expats on this board tell me---would you have said no to a 100-200 500 or a 1000 dollars---not me----after the nuclear explosion the indian expats sent in 15---20 billion dollars----pakistanis hardly sent anything because our DEAR NAWAZ SHARIF put a restriction on foreign currency movement. We had the ability to send in at least 4---6 billion dollars---but our govt policies failed us.

Excuse me, but are your whole idea is based on expats generating money for PAF buying the planes?

I am sorry but plans are made and tactics are developed with what is in hand rather then theoretical ideas fantasizing how everyone will just start jumping and sending money.

Now you are criticizing Nawaz sharif and govt...I fully agree, we have got not only the most corrupt govt. in the word but dumb enough people to keep re-electing them. I can possibly deliver far lengthy lectures on my frustration both with the politicians and the masses...and NO I do not believe that masses are innocent but lead by corrupt leaders.... you get what you deserve and politicians are no aliens but a production of our own society.

But what has that got to do with PAF procuring strategy? Do you seriously hope PAF can make a plan based on what govt "should" be doing?

Sorry, but I am really amazed at this logic. We have been far less technologically advanced but by the grace of Allah, no major war has been fought till now (since the 90s).... so there is still time... Even today we desperately need the J10s but we cannot get them because we do not have money, even our JF-17 is being bought on a loan. That may mean we probably would have to sacrifice all the gooddies we had planed for it.

How about the masses or expats coming forward to help PAF now?? Can you implement your formula today? Somethings are so good on paper but fail to realize in practice and you must rise above your patriotism to realize that.

Can anyone imagine 500 million paid in a dead purchase---the u s law specifically states that an agrieved party can stop payment on a contract if the seller has not met the primary guidelines---.

Bingo...I agree fully on that. I do not know how the deal goes or what the legal procedures are but it certainly sounded like a retarded thing to do. I, however , maintain that canceling this deal...which would have been great... would have generated little money for buying $100+ million M2K.


I second your thoughts. In fact, I have been repeating along those lines on many forums but mostly countered by people calling me "anti-pakistani". Going any further would make this thread into a political one so I shall refrain.

At the end of every discussion I want to ask this question---who benefitted the most from the breakup of this deal----the finger is always pointed towards india---as I state again---if paf had swithced over to the m2k's in the early 90's----the f 16's would have been a thing of the past by now---paf would have flying overlooking a different horizon---

With due respect, I beg to differ.

That kills the whole rationale behind going nuclear and maintaining the credible deterrence. In fact, I will go on to say that had such a deal or one or two more similar deals taken place, the biggest BENEFICIARY would have been India.

India would love nothing more than pushing us into an arms race where we can ill-compete. That's not to say that we should be sitting idly with no weapons at all, but we simply cannot go for such lavish purchases.

At the end, it didn't take the most modern planes to determine the winner of the cold war.

The condition our economy is in today, is the collective responsibility of the whole nation including you and I. Please do not blame it on one dept. for the ills of the entire country. PAF is not responsible for banking and economic policies. It will make its decision based on what is given to it. PAF might have done blunders in purchasing in the past...surely we should learn from that...but I do not believe refusing to purchase such expensive planes was one of that.
Honarable Shamim Bhai,

Please note that Quatar initially asked $500.00 Mil for its 12 fighters and IND got it hooked by offering $375 Mil. Moreover, IND deceived its critics on over payment issue by making Quatari Amir to agree on adding 500 missiles (India looking again at Qatari Mirage fighters | Canada Updates) on that deal but not agreeing to pay anything more. From the beginning, IND gave an impression that it was dead serius but its main objective was to thwart/pre-empt PAK from getting them. After its successful manuever, IND started its natural treachery by throwing spanners to iritate seller, so the seller got pissed off. Where was GOP at that time and why didn't it jump on the gun? If PAK even got them by $400 Mil along with missiles then each unit would cost around $ 37 Mil. Later it could give them RAFALE's upgrade (Thale's RBE-2 AESA, DFRM etc) for another $13 M that would raise the cost around $ 50 Mil each.

Now coming back to UAE's Mirage. Those are already in 2000-9's standards and all 63 Mirages could very well be got for less than $3 Bil since UAE has purchased+upgraded them for $3.2 Bil (AFP: UAE eyes France's Rafale fighter). So, whole 75 (12+63) Mirages with with AESA +DFRM+Structural upgrade could be acquired by less or similar prices of F-Solas ($3.5 Bil Total ) without having extermely painful string of innocent's live's attached. Furthermore, for the delivery you didn't have to wait until 2011 either.

IMO, delay on signing or acquiring J-10 with its current form is showing similar pattern of complacency/non-seriousness by PAFers too. If engine is an issue then join in SCO, you will autometically come to CHN, RUSS's protectorate umbrella. Simultaeniously work on integrating Muslim forces. With 'Oil Rich' Middle Easterns, TURKEY and Malysia; It could be a good start. Where is the effort in that regard? Making AF SAR capable doesn't require astronomical amounts. So, why not pursuing that route, especially when your existence is on stake?

The reason behind telling you all these is to show you PAK's strategic impotence. Secondly I said ISRO (Means Israel) got 'Off the shelf' delivery and decided to acquire JSF without joining its developing scheme. OTH its blackmailing of U.S with sheer cunningness continued unabetted but what PAK got in return of making U.S lone super power and shedding its soldier/inhabitent's blood? My point is 'Art of negotiation/deception/treachery' needs to rigorously be practiced by us. From the moral point of view, its OK since we haven't started it and application of porportionate force is legal for defence.

m_Saint saheb.
Although i am not half as capable or experienced as Pshamim saheb, please allow me to respond to your post.For ease of response please allow me to respond to your post Paragraph wise and I will number it as such:-
1. I have no problems with this paragraph, however, as per my understanding Qatari Ameer decided to not sell to either party in view of annoying the other one. So that may have been a reason for nonprogression. Secondly, it has always been a case of not having enough money for all the toys that you want. If we wanted to french airforce could have provided us with planes as well , but still where would we have found the money for it.
2. UAE mirages may well be up for sale but as they have not yet even signed the contract, they will not pass those on tillthey start taking delivery of their Rafales. Knowing standard delivery times,it takes at least three yrs from signing of contract to delivery, As such the UAE ites may only pass the planes on afterthat period. If you imagine that they will sign in 2010, Mirage delivery to us will start in 2013and complete in 2015.You may be on the ball with the price and upgrades but please consider that your airframes would still be 12 yrs old. So when does one think about upgrading them and how much and for how long do you benefit from it. However, your argument about Mirage vs F16 cost analysis wise is a very valid one.
3. The J10 story is another one. PAF does not trust the rssians enough to go for russian engines. The Russians also would not sell to PAF ofr fear of upsettingthe indians. I think, that this decision was one of threat perception and in the current environment, PAF appears , at least on the surface to wait for Chinese developments to come on board before it commits itself.
4. You are right in that Pakistan,s policies are under the influence of US and will remain so ttill we are economically sound. however it is a case of whosoever pays the piper calls the tune it plays.
i look forward to your response.
>>>Notorious =eagle,

I hate when people start getting personal... It degrades the forum

>>>I am not talking about procuring m2k's now---what I am talking about is----our past leads to our future---the oppurtunities we had and how we failed to take advantage of the situation---the mistakes that we have committed in the past unless acknowledged and accepted, will come back to haunt us all over---because they will be repeated so often again and again---.

If people tend to stay in history then nothing happens. One needs to think even beyond near future. Aviation is about decades and not what next three years... You had some oppertunities... If you took them you would have paid the French with more then French fries... If you only knew what you paid fot those ancient miraged then anyone would agree with me that it was the right choice not to go for more. And do you see anyone bying French now? They tried to sell Rafale to everybody... Thank God they failed. People know what restrictions is has... Untested and unpayable... You saw why Indonesia rejected them? Cuse of high maintenance costs...

>>>As for jf 17----it is too small of an aircraft to be of any significant value agianst the AIR DOMINANCE FIGHTERS of the class of SU 30. For a nation, to base its integrity on two unproven designs is totally unconventional wisdom and totally un-heard of.

Well, which scenario will we see serious numbers of SU30 going over Pak? The girls do not even have the guts to do little punitive strikes. They will get wet paints if they have to do more. And why would MKI be such good plane? What makes Pakistani plane a lot less? Another blown up story without any fact. It is like... We Israeli are superior to anything... Yeah.. An now this mater think tank member thinks that Indian SU30 is superior.. And we should probably beg for f22.

>>>You see the blk 1 is not even ready and operational yet----paf can say anything about this plane---who would want their knees to be chopped off if this plane was found to be a DUD.

Sure. PAF has less idea about what it is then you... PAF helped designing it. They pretty sure about what it can. Why else buying 250? We should introduce you to ACM and alter the plans...

>>>Where is the civilian authority which can oversee if this plane is capable of doing what it was promised to do. Where is the independent audit and analysis---there is nothing except for the word of the paf---there is old saying that "you don't have to stick your head into the bull's ar se---sometimes you have to take the butcher's word about the quality of the steak ".

It is always political motivated and hardly technical. It happened in Europe over and over again. F104... F5... F4... And yes, even F16.... What makes you sure that you can find someone that understands planes?

>>>That is what we have beend doing for the last 18 years---taking the butcher's word for it---one failure after the other---one procurement mess after the other---one failed deal after the other-----one payment fiasco after the other---it has always been a crying game for the paf since the 90's---they have always been blaming everyone else for their shortcomings and failures---it is their miscalculations every single time that have put us behind and underneath india for the upteenth year in a row---.

Maybe look at what India does... Don't start blaiming someone without knowing what circumstances it acted.

>>>They are indeed great fighter pilots---but they are indeed a total failure otherwise. In the last 20 years, except for Mushaf all the air chief's have walked scott free after all their fiascos---. The man who worked the hardest to bring the air force upto par---paid for with his life---how ironic.


>>>JF 17 and Fc 20 are no magic bullets and paf has yet to come up with the magic wand to make its problems disappear.

Would you do better?

>>>God almighty---if it wasn't for the incompetence of the IAF and its procurement policy and the selction of aircraft---we never had a chance.

Let us make you ACM...

>>>Again---just like in my other post on the other thread I wrote about low flying aircraft sneaking through the defences of royal navy and then later through us navy during war games---what the excuse was-which actually was a ruse---same thing I am saying in my posts---one has to look a little bit deeper into what I am trying to say---.

Which depth do we need?
Hello gentlemen and PC,

If I had been reading the posts on this board correctly---then many of the posters have stated pakistani origin pilots and maintenance staff working in qatar / uae---flying maintaining and managing the fleet. So, my conclusion was that by this time they would have enough experience to help manage the pakistani fleet---for that reason, PC, I stated the the m2k's would be a shoe in as compared to the blk 52 which would be a totally new plane----possibly hardly anything compatible with the older version. Sarcasm aside---I want you to find out with a cool mind as to how much time it takes for a pilot to excel on an aircraft like the blk 52---but instead of doing any research and trying to find the right answer, you want to slam my statement back at my face.

My goodman---25 years ago I was also someone with a pakistani mindset---till I arrived in the u s one day---when I joined my auto engineering class I found out to my amazement and shock that whatever you know about the car---you open up the owners manual and look up everything step by a step even though you know everything----well in pakistan at that time---it would have been considered a matter of shame to open a book to do your job---because the famed Saadi Shirazi I believe stated that the books are a load for the donkey---intelligent men have everything in their brains---well it took awhile to get out of that mindset---now it is a matter of habbit---if there is anything contradictory to my belief---I look it up and find an answer before calling the other person ill-informed or less than truthful---but this thing is a learning experience----.

For that reason when someone asks me to post a link for something very basic that is available on the web that just lights up a flame----so please talk to people and friends and and find out the right answer and if I am wrong---god bless you, I will learn something new and then we can possibly go out and have a drink or two---coffee tea or soda whatever.

Araz---I don't know if you remeber that the french in the 60's put a sanction on the mirages manufactured for israel. Isarel was in love with that plane. They found out that the french had allowed the swiss to manufacture the plane----I don't know if the swiss ever manufactured the mirage or not---but the israelis found out that the designs were stored in a storage with minimal security. Now, I have read the story about it some 15 years ago---I don't remeber clearly---but the weight of the blue prints in all was over one ton---close to two. So---sanctions have visited a few---.

M2k-5 is a far superior plane than any bird in our inventory alongwith JF 17. Even m2k is as good a plane than any in pak inventory as of yesterday---let me ask you this---if a paf pilot can compete and outdo an F 16 flying his F7PG at times---I don't have any doubt in my mind of him taking this bird to its flying limits and when he does that----he has covered every single one of iaf aircraft mano a mano except for the su 30---.

You see I am going back to the transition in the early 90's to m2k----the payment of the F 16's should have been stopped immediately----a law suit filed in the u s court for a breach of contract right up front---and the money diverted to the procurement of the m2k's. The PAF would have moved along a totally different tangent----I keep on repeating the intensity of the threat level from across the border---people say that india also has m2k's---big deal---but they fail to realize that they don't have the paf pilots to fly them.

This issue of BVR that we are arguing today for the last many many years----who would have thought about such a thing like a paf fighter interceptor without bvr with the m2k's.

Now the question keeps on arising where would the money come from---some of it from EXPATS. By proper marketing and planning the expats would have helped their PAF to stand upto iaf any time everytime financially. You expats on this board tell me---would you have said no to a 100-200 500 or a 1000 dollars---not me----after the nuclear explosion the indian expats sent in 15---20 billion dollars----pakistanis hardly sent anything because our DEAR NAWAZ SHARIF put a restriction on foreign currency movement. We had the ability to send in at least 4---6 billion dollars---but our govt policies failed us.

We talk about the imminent threat from india----but we do nothing concrete about it except that we can lob some of our nukes at their houses---.

PAF are warriors----warriors by tradition are not good deal makers---it is not in their blood to haggle about things like price and accounting---warriors are also proud people---it is an inherent trait for being a fighter---that is where you need money men with pragmatic jewish kind of thinking to be your deal makers and deal breakers.

At the end of every discussion I want to ask this question---who benefitted the most from the breakup of this deal----the finger is always pointed towards india---as I state again---if paf had swithced over to the m2k's in the early 90's----the f 16's would have been a thing of the past by now---paf would have flying overlooking a different horizon---. All my attempts are trying to make my readers understand the importance of a NOW SCENARIO. All nations raise and maintain their armed forces for a now scenario---well in most of the feedback that I am getting---that scenario and the importance of it is totally misunderstood---the answer comes back to what we are going to have in 3 to 5 years from now.

What I am trying to say over here in so many post is that even after 5 years from today we won't have anything to show against the strike aircraft sitting on the tarmac at srinagar millitary air port.

We have one brand new aircraft after the other coming into the air force---the JF 17 is still a baby---it will take many a years to learn its full potential---FC 20---we won't even get it till 2014 if all goes well---we don't even have the engine for it yet---I am trying my hardest to make you people understand that you are putting all your eggs in a " baskjet "---whose strengths and weaknesses have never been proven yet. It is becoming so unbelievably difficult to get this point through---we are discussing the strategy and wargame and defence of a nation----and people are talking about 5 years from today. Amazing it is---:sniper: sometimes I just get blown away.:pakistan:

Mastan Khan.
man you do have a few very valid points there. I have to agree that it was perhaps the wrong decision to not have acquired them in the 80s especially when the f16 deal went sour. Pakistani government really lacked the balls then to do what you suggested and they have chronically underestimated the love that all the ex pats have for pakistan. I would have shifted all my reserve mooney to pakistan if that ganja moron had not shat in his pants and shut all the foreign currency accounts.
i have also read about the birth of kfir and how technology was borrowed:lol::disagree: inspite of french imbargoes. I think our Governments just lack the guts to do something as bold as the israelis. However, they have uncle sams backing because uncle Sams pulse and purse strings are in their hands:lol::D. Man may Allah keep you happy.
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Okay first, i am not going to tolerate anyone dissing JF17. Just look at the funds that were allocated for this project and look at the plane that was delivered. PAF and China should be saluted for making such an amazing plane for such dirt cheap price. What makes you think that JF17 will not be able to take out SU30, that huge flying elephant with its massive RCS is going to be an easy target for SD10. Nodoubt MKI is a good plane but its not a Raptor, people need to leave their defeatist mentality behind :angry:. PAF pilots have already said that JF17 is almost equally as good as F16 Block 15, and Block 15 is an amazing machine. The second batch of JF17 will include better avoinics, radars and better suites; its going to be equally as good as Block 52 if not better. Just think about it, if this plane didnt fullfill PAF's requirment they could have easily spent that money buying EF, Rafaele or Grippen.
You are right, we need to look at our history to make a better future but if we remain stuck in the past than nothing good happens. No offence but you have to understand the circumstances in the 90's. We were more focussed on developing missiles and the airforce was not the most important component in our war machinery. Keep in mind that its our nuclear and missile capability that kept our enemy on a leash. Also if we would have gone for the M2K's, i dont think we would have spent money on the JF17 project. As usual we would have just relied on foriegn technology instead of spending money at home. I understand your frustration but i think its about time you accept the reality that PAF will never acquire M2K's. In the future, PAF will have three platforms(JF17, J10 and F16) and possibly after 2020 we might have JXX.
I think there is a chance that PAF might get Mirage 2000-5/-9, but please take the following source with some salt!


Dassault is looking for customers to buy the Mirage 2000-9 aircraft that the United Arab Emirates intends to replace with Rafales, Chief Executive Charles Edelstenne said March 19. A first delivery of the Rafale to the UAE would not be before 2012, and the UAE Air Force would probably need about three year's time to train aircrews on the new aircraft. "We have time to prospect," he said. DGA Chief Executive Laurent Collet-Billon said March 17 that the French Air Force would not be taking the Mirage 2000-9s from the UAE.

PAF could build up a fleet of 80 Mirage 2000-5/-9 by 2019 - consisting of ex-UAE, ex-Qatari and ex-French fighters. PAF can upgrade them with better avionics, ECM/EW and perhaps even an AESA radar...while equip them with MICA-IR/RF.
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i think if paf should buy all these mirages and give all old mirages to our navy or our navy should buy these from qatar on defer payments i know they will sell pn for sure and it will sharpen the teeth of our navy's air arm
We can either go for the FC-20 or the Mirages.

One thing is 1980s/90s was a different story...2009 is another story. Mirage 2K line is closed....upgrading them will be costly and somewhere down the line any overhauling/ spare parts would be costly and difficult.

i think if paf should buy all these mirages and give all old mirages to our navy or our navy should buy these from qatar on defer payments i know they will sell pn for sure and it will sharpen the teeth of our navy's air arm

Isn't it the PAF that operates some dedicated planes for the navy??
Mirage 2K line is closed....upgrading them will be costly and somewhere down the line any overhauling/ spare parts would be costly and difficult.

With this logic PAF must be using their Mirage III/IV planes for paper weight as their production lines are closed away long back. But in reality, as we are speaking, PAF is trying AAR on these type (two Mirage III is modified to get AAR probe for trial with Ukranian air refueler that PAF has ordered. Do you know why and how?

Do you know which make and type of air crafts PAF has mastery for overhauling, modification, R&D than any other air crafts in its inventory. Just think for a second why it is so? Now the next question would be: should PAF really go waste this skill when the saga of Mirage III/IV will come to end some day?

We dont need these planes, all of PAF's resources are focussed on JF17 and J10.

God forbid if something go wrong with JF17 or J10 or china, I hope PAF can provide enough walls to each pilots (and Pakistanis) to bang their heads on. Though I do not blame only you to think in this line (to put all eggs in one basket) or blame PAF (its top decision makers are Pakistanis after all like you and me..) because it is in our gene. We only see either black or white, never gray. We either love or hate, never the middle path and than of course if something go wrong it is others faults. After doing slavery to US for 60 years, we found a new master China, who love us till the end of time and who has a magic wand and cure of all our problems.

Well, I have had enough....
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