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Pakistan's minorities minister Shahbaz Bhatti assassinated

Good to know how you are the ONLY one saying otherwise when the whole media claims that she actually confessed her sin and asked for forgiveness. How is it that she asked for forgiveness when she didnt even say anything bad at all? I wonder. And Dr. Afia...Yeah Connections to terrorists...Riiight. Its the public that isn't letting them return RD. Otherwise, the government was ready to return him the first day when their phone rang. And when I talked about Ahadith, you think I am ranting like a moron? Hmm. Nice. Such western media influence over you. I am not surprised. This was meant to happen. And that surah, I think was meant for the Kafirs. :) Not for muslims telling other muslims this. Anyway. I am not dealing with your part of religious matters. But yes, if someone tries to insult my religion, I will take every step to defend it. Just like if we forward any joke about our president, we will be sent to jail for 7 or so years. Like if we slap him, we get to sent to jail. Like if you try to defend your religion, foreign intelligence takes you away claiming you have links to terrorists. Nice.
Look. I think Blasphemy Law should not have punishment of death, it should have punishment of 20 years in jail. But who am I to decide that? Do YOU know more than those Ulama of our country? Or are you just gonna support even the wrong doers just like in the case of Lal masjid when they bombarded a masjid, just because they are in power? Hmm? Why dont we just let the Ulama deal with this and instead of coming up with what WE think, support them? Why not? Or, is it that you dont even trust them thinking that 99% of just Mullahs, huh? You are right, I dont know anything about religion. But they do. We need to support them. And not those people in government who dont even know anything about our religion. Do you expect those people who dont even know "Surah Ikhlas" to make decisions for us about our religion? Or those people who say "Someone must have given him the wrong script, thats why this guy said the Surah Ikhlas wrongly" ,huh? Dont tell me you are just like me, a young man who is too scared of all those religious laws that will take away many of our luxuries from us, if in case they are implemented. Because if this law is seriously implemented, other laws might follow. Are you too scared of Muslim kindom, like me? =) Trust me, its gonna be better than this and it will not be like what we have been fed by the western media. Anyway.

Do you know that the famous religious leader of JI was unable to recite Sura Al-Kausar correctly at a seminar? It is interesting to note that these were the same champions who resisted every attempt to amend blasphemy law. Ironical! I must say. How much these people know Islam?

JI leader recites Sura incorrectly

LAHORE – At a time when the incident of Interior Minister Rehman Malik’s wrong recitation from the Holy Quran at a cabinet meeting is still fresh in the mind of general public, prominent religious personality Liaquat Baloch committed the same mistake while reciting Sura Al-Kausar at a seminar held on Sunday.
The secretary general Jama’at-e-Islami, known for frequently quoting Quran and Hadith during speeches, failed to correctly recite Al-Kausar, the shortest surah in the Holy Quran that is remembered by even a primary student.
Baloch failed in his ‘attempt’, when asked for opening the seminar on Tahaffuz-e-Namoos-e-Risalat (PBUH) organised by Markazi Jamiat Ahle Hadith at a local hotel. He insisted that his recitation was correct, as Markazi Jamiat Ahle Hadith chief Senator Sajid Mir pointed that he (the JI leader) made a mistake in the recitation.
Sajid Mir presided cover the seminar which was also addressed by Abdul Ghafoor Haidri, Liaquat Baloch, Qari Zawar Bahadur, Allama Zubair Ahmed Zaheer, Allah Wasaya and other leaders.
The speakers demanded dissolution of committee constituted to review the blasphemy law and withdrawal of the bill submitted by PPP legislator Sherry Rehman.
Expressing dissatisfaction over the explanation given by Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, they said the government should abolish the committee formed to review the blasphemy laws to show its sincerity with the claim that no amendment in the laws was under consideration. The said committee is headed by Minister for Minorities Affairs Shahbaz Bhatti.
The speakers warned that the government would be ousted if the committee was not dissolved. They said the law for punishing the blasphemers had been devised by Allah Almighty and not by former military dictator Ziaul Haq. If that was the case, then Ghazi Ilm Din Shaheed would not have killed Jay Pal in the British era, they argued.
They were of the view that persons like Ghazi Ilm Din Shaheed, Amir Cheema and Mumtaz Qadri would continue to emerge if the rulers did not change their attitude.

JI leader recites Sura incorrectly | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
It can, it should and it will be changed, there is no room for such nonsense man made laws to exist in the modern world.

Its a black law, a man made curse passed down by a dictator at the behest of Saudi Arabia.

This law will change.

Nothing will change.

Lets see.
Yep if nothing changes and the public continue to vote corrupt leaders. And continue with their intolerant and extremist mindset then Pakistan deserves to break up and collapse.
Aren't you saddened when foreigners kill innocent Muslim women and children ?

so we should follow suit ... shal we not as we claim follow the example of our prophet (pbuh) who spread islam by character not by violence .. what difference does that leave btw us and them .. shahbaz in another dead pakistani thats all ... and this defames and isolates islam and pakistan nothing else
Yep if nothing changes and the public continue to vote corrupt leaders. And continue with their intolerant and extremist mindset then Pakistan deserves to break up and collapse.

i can understand that its very dissapointing but what you must understand is we are all in this together , lastly we shoudnt think like it is what the enemies want ... to disintegrate pakistan and try impose their imported middleastern sharia
I always got your back my brother in Islam!!!!! Let's not liberals get away they blame every thing on our religion in this godless society !!!! Implement Islam and if then someone is treated badly then come and talk to us they are Al very impressed with western life styles most of them I shud say and now trying to be very sensitive My foot

there are 52000 mosques in karachi alone not sure about the rest of pakistan , there is enough islam in pakistan .. its high time to separate religion from state business ... Abolishing Blasphemy law wil be a great start GOP .. !!!!!!!!!
Get rid of the Mullahs in Lal Majid for a start and those religious leaders who did not even stand up in the 2 minute silence
Get rid of the Mullahs in Lal Majid for a start and those religious leaders who did not even stand up in the 2 minute silence

It's the biggest conspiracy of the west that's the British way of ruling separate church from politics don't support that brother
18 suspects held in Bhatti killing case - GEO.tv

ISLAMABAD: Islamabad police are currently investigating 18 suspects after taking them into custody in the case of Shahbaz Bhatti’s assassination, Geo News reported Thursday.

According to police sources, the men in detention were taken into custody from different locations on suspicion of their direct or indirect involvement in the crime.

The FIR of the case was registered in I-9 police station while the suspects are being investigated from a number of different aspects.

Meanwhile, the other law enforcing agencies are also engaged in the effort for hunting down the culprits by carrying out a simultaneous investigation into the incident.
there are 52000 mosques in karachi alone not sure about the rest of pakistan , there is enough islam in pakistan .. its high time to separate religion from state business ... Abolishing Blasphemy law wil be a great start GOP .. !!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately that not the way it works - there is no point reasoning with them, we will always lose that, because our attempt to reason is always seen as a mark of weakness, after all, they do their reasoning with bullets, with hate speech --- see, it's not new -- Pakistan can only limp along, it does not have the courage to do what must be done.

In the end, the unwillingness to assert themselves as a free peoples and nation, will mean that Pakistan must cease to exist - many will share the blame for this eventuality, the leadership of the Fauj cannot escape responsibility in the eyes of the nation, it is a betrayal beyond imagination.
This is really getting out of hand now with these mullahs wanting to kill anyone who disagrees with them.

In terms of significance, what we need is a "D-day", a full out crackdown on hate-preaching mullahs and extremists. There are too many of those who support blasphemy laws so we can't arrest every one of them, but what we can do is arrest and kill those who want to kill in the name of religion. The agencies need to also look where these guys are getting their instructions from and if there is any possible foreign involvement here. Whatever the case is, we cannot let this go on for too long.

I was personally thinking that we should leave the blasphemy law for later as we've got more important things to deal with at this point, but this is really getting out of hand now. Well I think we can still leave the blasphemy law for later, but we MUST crack down on those who want to kill anyone who disagrees with them.
Stranger than fiction - Pakistan once again in denial

Taliban say they did it but agencies also looking at Xe, RAW

By Shakeel Anjum
Friday, March 04, 2011

ISLAMABAD: Without ruling out the involvement of Taliban in the killing of federal minister Shehbaz Bhatti, the intelligence agencies are also taking a hard look at the possible involvement of Xe International, (formerly Blackwater) and indian intelligence agency RAW, and are specifically looking into the activities of a white foreigner who is acting as a “security consultant” in Islamabad.

“There is some rock-solid evidence indicating foreign involvement in the high profile murder,” intelligence sources told The News. They also do not rule out the involvement of the Indian intelligence agency RAW (Research & Intelligence Wing), which is known to have a role in destabilizing Pakistan in different areas. “Keeping in view the evidence, the aspect of using the name of Tanzeem al-Qaeda and Tehrik-e-Taliban Punjab by hidden hands, cannot be ruled out altogether,” sources said.

Intelligence agencies expect to track the assassins of federal minister through geo-fencing. “But it could take around three weeks as the geo-fencing is very complex and time consuming job,” a source said. Geo-fencing is a process in which, using highly sophisticated equipment, the agencies can go through the entire call date of the relevant transmission towers in the vicinity. Though the number of telephone calls may run into hundreds of thousands, the system cuts through the maze with the use of certain buzz words.

Intelligence officials told The News that they found suspect the activities of the foreigner who was living under the umbrella of an NGO and running an office in sector G-11 of Islamabad. “Nobody knows what he is doing in Islamabad and on what mission,” they maintained. Other members of the NGO belong to Muslim countries in the Middle East. The foreigner also met with some security officers a couple of days back posing as “security consultant” and interviewed them regarding the current security situation of Pakistan asking them whether Pakistan could face Libya-like situation in the near future.

Sources, quoting an intelligence report, disclosed that the Blackwater has occupied/hired 286 houses in different residential sectors of Islamabad for their suspicious activities. The terrorists used 7.62 mm AK-47 (Klashnikov), an automatic gun and sprayed 35 bullets with two guns, police sources said adding that police recovered all the 35 empties from the scene.

The terrorists threw on the road the pamphlets with Kalma-e-Tayyaba printed on them and also the name of the holy Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) after killing Shahbaz Bhatti. No Muslim can ever think of dropping on ground such sacred material however, the source said and added that this condemnable act may also have been committed precisely to divert the investigations away from the religious extremist groups.

The people engaged in the investigation of the case, didn’t rule out either the involvement of Shahbaz Bhatti’s driver Gul Sher, after finding some controversial points in his statement. The driver, during the questioning when asked how he kept himself safe from the bullets, told the investigating agency that he bent down on his seat as the gunmen started spraying the car with bullets. Some eyewitness accounts however rejected this view saying that Gul Sher kept sitting on the driving seat fearlessly and the attackers only aimed at the minister.

The driver told the investigators that he saw three or four gunmen who took part in the shooting but most of the eyewitnesses confirmed that two assailants sprayed the car with bullets from both sides. The family members of the slain minister however told The News that Gul Sher was a trustworthy personal driver of Shahbaz Bhatti and hailed from the slain minister’s ancestral town of Khushpur[
Yes RAW is so mighty and powerful that they have successfully made Pakistan their playground. While our Army and ISI are just watching. Was it RAW that initially supported and trained Taliban? Was it RAW that introduced intolerance and extremism to Pakistan? Was it RAW that put blasphemy law in Pakistan?
What's the denial here? Foreign agencies cannot be involved? Though I personally doubt it at this point, t it's not like their involvement is not possible.
inna lillah wa inna ilaihi rajioon

PPP cannot protect themselves from the terrorists, how they will protect people?

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