I try to stay away from religious issues or rhetoric but I'd like to remind people that symbolism has been important to Shii'te culture since its initial days. Even with increasingly harsh restrictions on this liberal nature in Iran, portraits of the Prophet and other religious figures are common throughout Iran and many Imambarghas. If people are offended due to the sketches, portraits and drawings and the LHC has found it necessary to ban Facebook altogether, I urge the LHC to ban travel to Iran, the Federal Govt to cut off diplomatic ties, kick out the Iranian ambassador, recall our own and add Iran to the first line on the Passport where it states that "this passport is valid for travels to all countries except Israel". Why be tolerant of Iran then? Why be tolerant of anybody?
Ban everything. Fascism awaits us. People cannot act rationally and try to ignore things they get offended at. I have probably signed my death warrant and a fatwa for apostasy by saying this.
The thing I was most offended by was that every TDH on my friends list started complaining even last week that Jews were behind this all issue. Somehow everybody has supernatural powers to tell that Jews are behind everything. Facebook's hypocrisy of deleting anti holocaust groups quickly aside, I find it always offensive that half of my friends are members of three kinds of groups at the same time:- A love Islam/Muhammad group, an anti-India/hate group and and anti-Israel/antisemitic group.
Anybody who has joined any hate group, any offensive group should have no right to complain about any other hate group. Before complaining about these issues, unjoin your Israel/Jew/India/USA hate groups.