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Pakistan's Internet censorship


The reason YouTube maybe banned is because perhaps its proving to be more destructive than constructive.

lol...The humor is actually on you dear brother, you bring up beds, TVs, Mobiles, and Dancing.

All of them are totally different things, and are used for different activites; hence cannot be used to prove why "Youtube shouldn't be or should be banned."

For beds...you can do many things such as sleep in a bed, eat on a bed, read on a bed, study on bed, do AP Calculus on a bed etc. thus, you can do more constructive things with a bed than destructive. Adultery can happen anywhere so it does not apply, that it is human fault.

In TV's, they should show appropriate content and nothing despicable. Its proven that if you stay 7 to 10 feet (atleast 5 feet) you will not lose your eyesight. Again, I have refuted your illogical arguement. However if you really are persistent, you can wear glasses/contacts and most lately; you can apply for laser surgery. Finally if it was unintentional, Allah will not hold you accountable. Allah will only hold you accountable the things you did by choice. So for example if you did on purpose to hurt youself, yes, you are doing "haraam."

The mobile issue about radiation was quite recent, hence they fixed that issue already. Don't worry, its "okay" to use a mobile now, stop crying... :woot: and also please refer at the last three sentences of the last paragraph.

Some types of dancing are haraam, such as a girl and boy dancing together. (unless its a husband and wife) Or if you dance inappropriately.

Anyways, again I will say the same sentences again ---> Finally if it was unintentional, Allah will not hold you accountable. Allah will only hold you accountable the things you did by choice. So for example if you did on purpose to hurt youself, yes, you are doing "haraam."

Well, the ban has been lifted now but thats not the point. If YouTube is proving to be a Universal transit point for "haraam" videos and more destructive than constructive, then it should be controlled. My advise to YouTube is to assign a criteria for upoladed videos so it doesn't offend any particular group or anything viceful.

Most people will agree with me, but please don't try to change the World's decorum of morality or sense of inhibitions ; you won't be the one. ;) & :coffee:

In the end, Alhumdullah, whatever reason it was unblocked for was perhaps for the best.

Allah hafiz

As I said HUMOR IS LOST ON YOU. :yahoo:

Anyway Thank you for enlightening me what beds can be used for ! Calculus ? I thought they were for haram activities only. :devil:

One last thing if haram or whatever message are posted on U Tube what stops you from posting NON HARAM videos and spreading the message of your creator ? Why ban U Tube ?



lol why thank you...yes I was always the class clown :tongue: ...anyways...

All I can say is that for YouTube, to prevent any anger towards it, it should set up a rubric for videos being uploaded. Also the videos being uploaded should not degrade anything or promote anything that is offensive to any particular group and anything obcsene. I keep saying this over, and over again, yet people don't seem to give a wooden nickel about it.

lol why thank you...yes I was always the class clown :tongue: ...anyways...

All I can say is that for YouTube, to prevent any anger towards it, it should set up a rubric for videos being uploaded. Also the videos being uploaded should not degrade anything or promote anything that is offensive to any particular group and anything obcsene. I keep saying this over, and over again, yet people don't seem to give a wooden nickel about it.

Why in the first place go there and watch videos that offend you?
In different countries, different rules appy, and different actions will take place.

Please tell me what blocking YouTube will achieve, other than deprive the people of Pakistan of one of the most popular websites in the world? YouTube is not even blocked in Saudi Arabia.

Yes, do that! Be a rebel! Just the same old American slogan isn't it? Well if you are trying to evade the laws and rules only you and your comrades will suffer.

Watching YouTube is hardly considered rebellious, the vast majority of internet users in the world go on it regularly.

Ummm... What **** websites? Thats alright, I really don't want to know, but if they are there then there should some sort of action taking place aganist it.

millions of **** websites. just google it and see what comes up. It takes major work to block just one website. It would take an entire lifetime to block all the **** websites that exist today, even then the block would be ineffective, because there are new ones coming up every day.

And there are other methods through which people can bypass the bans, ie. downloading off ********, limewire or from file hosting sites such as putfile.

Well, if China can block some websites such as CNN and BBC or anything that promotes democracy why can't Pakistan not block YouTube?

That is a bad thing about China, not a good thing. That is what separates China from the developed world. As China grows more powerful, it is relaxing it's strict censorship laws, albeit slowly. Besides, their censorship is not because of religion, it is a carryover of their communist culture.

Its not always the YouTube website my dear friend. Technically YouTube is much more than any ordinary website out there. The thing with YouTube is that there are no restrictions or rules of uploading videos. Thus, anyone can put up anything they like. Secondly YouTube does not delete videos; it saves them. Also not only that, people can always "copy and paste" YouTube videos from one website to another. Are you starting to see the bigger picture here?

So people, may not always go to YouTube itself, but may indirectly try to get the videos to promote any obcsene activity or spam...
Please tell me what blocking YouTube will achieve, other than deprive the people of Pakistan of one of the most popular websites in the world? YouTube is not even blocked in Saudi Arabia.

I said many times before, if YouTube is being destructive, then its saving the Pakistani people from what is considered obscenity!

LOL, are you joking! Have you even been to or lived in KSA? If KSA hasn't blocked anything, it has blocked most! KSA has gone so far they even banned specific webpages within networks and organizations they thought was inapropriate. For example wikipedia and encarta links will be blocked.

Nice arguement about the YouTube not being blocked in KSA...however I'm pretty sure they blocked the specific webpages with those specific videos they believed are wrong!

Watching YouTube is hardly considered rebellious, the vast majority of internet users in the world go on it regularly.

lol, again you are taking or atleast misunderstanding me. I said if there is a country that has laws or rules and if you are trying to evade them, then you are being a rebel. Most people will agree with me...

millions of **** websites. just google it and see what comes up. It takes major work to block just one website. It would take an entire lifetime to block all the **** websites that exist today, even then the block would be ineffective, because there are new ones coming up every day.

No, thats okay, bs is bs. Why should I go and try to find out how many there are. LOL, are you joking! Have you even been to KSA? If KSA hasn't blocked anything, it has blocked most!

And there are other methods through which people can bypass the bans, ie. downloading off ********, limewire or from file hosting sites such as putfile.

There are some who consider these so called "********" as stealing, because you are only receiving as the consumer, while the producer of whatever it maybe gets nothing in return.

That is a bad thing about China, not a good thing. That is what separates China from the developed world. As China grows more powerful, it is relaxing it's strict censorship laws, albeit slowly. Besides, their censorship is not because of religion, it is a carryover of their communist culture.

Communism is a political ideology.
However some in China think its a religion!
What do you have to say about that? :azn:
Allah Hafiz
As many of you may know, a group of people on facebook are observing "Everybody draw Muhammad day"(Astaghfirullah) on the 20th of May. Unfortunately, non-muslims fail to realise that there are over 1.5 billion muslims in the world, and only a handful of them are terrorists. Attempts such as these, to get even with the terrorists will come to nothing, except that more muslims will be drawn towards the terrorist's ideology by proving that non-muslims cannot be trusted to respect religious and social views of muslims. I request all members with a Facebook id to please use "Report Abuse" option and try and stop this unjustice.
If nothing else, this action will radicalise even the neutral muslims, making matters much worse.
Why do we need to act paranoid when these kind of things happen, why cant we just ignore these people..? So what if they are drawing our prophet, would it in any way descrease the stature of our prophets, or would it decrease the love and respect we have in our hearts for our Beloved Prophet..?

Creating so much fuss about it would only play into their hands. It will create more publicity and attention for them.

I think muslims must learn to ignore these kind of incidents and stop being so insecure.

Just my opinion, no offence intended.
Why do we need to act paranoid when these kind of things happen, why cant we just ignore these people..? So what if they are drawing our prophet, would it in any way descrease the stature of our prophets, or would it decrease the love and respect we have in our hearts for our Beloved Prophet..?

We can ignore it, but think of this, won't it encourage them to try such acts again ? They believe that they can hurt the sentiments of muslims in the name of "Freedom of Expression" and if someone passes a statement regarding avenging such action, they are immediately dubbed "Terrorists". These double standards have to be dealt with.

Creating so much fuss about it would only play into their hands. It will create more publicity and attention for them.

It will also help bring their actions to light. Maybe someone will make them suffer the consequences of such actions.

I think muslims must learn to ignore these kind of incidents and stop being so insecure.

I believe a sufficient show of force(along non-violent lines) is necessary to show these people that we are not a community that takes insults lying down.

Just my opinion, no offence intended.

None taken.
this is what these people have always done, this is their job. i think it is better if we ignore them. our religion is great it has taught us to respect other prophets including Jesus, we cannot even think about insulting him. The greatness of our Prophet Muhammad SAW lies in this fact.
this is what these people have always done, this is their job. i think it is better if we ignore them. our religion is great it has taught us to respect other prophets including Jesus, we cannot even think about insulting him. The greatness of our Prophet Muhammad SAW lies in this fact.

Kind of unfair though, we can't abuse their religion where as they can have a crack at ours any time they please.
Kind of unfair though, we can't abuse their religion where as they can have a crack at ours any time they please.

its better to take a crack at the perpetrator,rather than taking a crack on the religion followed by him,in the process hurting the sentiments of a whole lot of other people who have done nothing wrong...

cmon..following a religion makes a person civilized..how can we act uncivilized just to protect that very religion???It sounds contradictory isnt it???
Come on, no one even cares what they do, people like you promote such things and blow it out of proportion.

Should we go fight everyone who has something bad to say or do, let God deal with them, and what will we achieve by beating or hurting them anyway apart from putting our name through mud once more.
I think it is best to ignore them. I strongly believe that there are channels in the west(Europe+America) that want to create as much hatred and tension as they can between muslims and the west to gain whatever they want to gain. These channels can only be successful if we get obssessed with this issue and react to it without a good thinking. Trust me the public in these countires dont give a damn about these cartoons and dont care about it.
I am half expecting mass murders across the united states and the other half im expecting nothing to happen.

but seriously they can do whatever they want to do. quit complaining.
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