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Pakistan's Internet censorship

I think they just banned Google.......... :blink:

Oh well cant reply u in the same tone.
Mothers training i guess.
Have fun Ms.Genius....
Happy draw Muhammad day to u and ur family..

I can also reach your mother, but your problem is with me not your mother, I just told you to point out where have i said that Yeah hijab is an evil thing.... and cartoonists who draw cartoons of Prophet Muhammad SAW are great artists we should give em nishan e haiders
I think they just banned Google.......... :blink:

naa darao mujhe - aage hi bara ghussa aa raha hai after hearing youtube banned :angry::angry:

Facebook ki khayr hai - thats not even a time pass website in my opinion
ya i also received text that facebook is losing like 2 billion Euros a day and i was like even the biggest corporation on earth doesn't earn that much.FB earns maybe 2 billion Euros a year.
emo and Pakistani nationalist would you guys accept my plea for ceasefire ?
Show me the bbc link.. and please dont use cheap oneliners.
Thank you

sorry man i didn mean it in offensive way. if it has hurt you i apologize. i did a research and i found that its some fake news. but there must be some advantages of banning. thou i still dun think so banning youtube was a good step. thou haan fb deserve this treatment.
So much for khilaf i guess...
I dont know if it isnt a violation against basic human rights?
And yeah its a excercise of freedom.......
Wat if i abuse ur parents and say its a freedom of speech?
Freedom of speech is only till a time u dont hurt anybodys feelings am i right?

We allow the practice of all religions in turkey. That doesn't mean you can violate our national dress code because it is against your religion. If you feel you have to then stop going to school. The majority of people in Turkey are fine with the rules. Even parents who wear headscarfs are fine with sending their kids to school not wearing them. They value certain things differently.

As for your other comment it would depend on the type of abuse. If it is sexual harassment verbally i can take you to court for that. If it is physical the persecution office will take care of that. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to those things. Of course i do not know the laws of Pakistan only the U.S. and Turkey so if things are done differently there then i respect that also.
naa darao mujhe - aage hi bara ghussa aa raha hai after hearing youtube banned :angry::angry:

Facebook ki khayr hai - thats not even a time pass website in my opinion
Ghusa mat karo pehlay hi itni si jaan hai zaki bhai kaheen jal kay bhasam hi na hojao:lol:
sorry man i didn mean it in offensive way. if it has hurt you i apologize. i did a research and i found that its some fake news. but there must be some advantages of banning. thou i still dun think so banning youtube was a good step. thou haan fb deserve this treatment.

Its ok bro.. sometimes we do get carried away while talking..
Thanks anyway.:cheers:
I am serious let me upload screen shot Google's banned

mujhe to pehle hi PPP passand nahi hai :lol:

I don't know what they are upto - i guess around 98% shares of facebook are owned by Google so they are just teasing with them :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Facebook was banned until 31st may and by the government's current reaction it seems like it will be banned until the page is not removed :lol:

Poor EmO - you are the only one who is suffering from all this :rofl::rofl:
There is this science called sociology in which a technique called ethnography is used. The basic aim is to understand human culture. You cannot understand a particular culture while sitting thousands of kilometers away. In order to learn any culture, one has to become part of it. One has to learn the language and lifestyle of the people.

Muslim culture is unique, like every other culture. Muslims love and respect their Prophet more than their parents. Keeping this in mind, making sketches and drawing that are intended to make fun out of Prophet (S.A.W) is a outrageous and a heinous crime.

The great minds of west are teaching us today about "Freedom of Speech" while completely neglecting and ignoring the mental torture and pain given to well over a billion people.

According to them, making fun of any one is OK but according to us there is a limit.

This is a clear indication of a clash between civilizations. Where civilizations are unable to understand each other.
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