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Pakistan's Identity Crisis: Can it explain itself without India?

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I answered this question in the youtube comments and I will answer it again here.

Pakistan can explain itself very easily
-istan means land
Pak means Pure.
Pakistan means Land of the Pure. This is the explanation.
India on the other hand, comes from the word Indus. India means land of the Indus river.
Can India explain why it named itself after a Pakistani river?
Can India explain itself without Pakistan?
absolutely not.
A nation’s identity is rooted into how much Kurban it can offer! As for Pak, it’s on a 24x7 basis…..

A piece of land becomes a Muslim Vatan only when it is drenched with the blood of the Shehits
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India means land of the Indus river.
Can India explain why it named itself after a Pakistani river?
Can India explain itself without Pakistan?
absolutely not.
India is the land Greeks named us after who got it from the Persians and India doesnt mean "Land of Indus" no such meaning exist. And officially its also called Bharat.

We dont have an identity issue, no Indian seems to be confused about their history. We are not the ones explaining countless times like you folks that you are not India. The thread itself is about your identity issue not ours.
As for river Indus, its a transboundary river originating in Tibet and flows through India to Pakistan.
India is the land Greeks named us after who got it from the Persians and India doesnt mean "Land of Indus" no such meaning exist. And officially its also called Bharat.

We dont have an identity issue, no Indian seems to be confused about their history. We are not the ones explaining countless times like you folks that you are not India. The thread itself is about your identity issue not ours.
As for river Indus, its a transboundary river originating in Tibet and flows through India to Pakistan.
So China can also claim indus?...
I answered this question in the youtube comments and I will answer it again here.

Pakistan can explain itself very easily
-istan means land
Pak means Pure.
Pakistan means Land of the Pure. This is the explanation.
India on the other hand, comes from the word Indus. India means land of the Indus river.
Can India explain why it named itself after a Pakistani river?
Can India explain itself without Pakistan?
absolutely not.
You are just nitpicking on the name. You dont like India, pick Hindustan or Bharat or XYZ (remember Shakespeare - whats in a name).
Aside from name, what is the identity of Pakistan? That is the question here.
You are just nitpicking on the name. You dont like India, pick Hindustan or Bharat or XYZ (remember Shakespeare - whats in a name).
Aside from name, what is the identity of Pakistan? That is the question here.
Ah watch the video? (Although he did a bad job in explaining it, some posters here could have done a better job)
@Indus Pakistan you have some threads point us towards em if you don't mind
I answered this question in the youtube comments and I will answer it again here.

Pakistan can explain itself very easily
-istan means land
Pak means Pure.
Pakistan means Land of the Pure. This is the explanation.
India on the other hand, comes from the word Indus. India means land of the Indus river.
Can India explain why it named itself after a Pakistani river?
Can India explain itself without Pakistan?
absolutely not.

I don't think the post is about etymology.
Ah watch the video? (Although he did a bad job in explaining it, some posters here could have done a better job)
Too long. Can you please provide the gist.
Anyways, the main guest has a Marxist ideology which is not acceptable to majority Pakistanis. The question is really for majority Pakistanis as to what they consider as Pakistan's identity.
That is the question here
Islam is our identity.Thats all.Pakistan was established for the Muslims of south asia.Anyone who came here in 47 partition is citizen of Pakistan,No matter what is his caste.Islam allows us to use the name of our castes so does the constitution of "Islamic Republic of Pakistan"
Now tell me what's wrong with it?
what they consider as Pakistan's identity
Religion only.there is nothing else to explain the existence of Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Ah watch the video? (Although he did a bad job in explaining it, some posters here could have done a better job)
@Indus Pakistan you have some threads point us towards em if you don't mind
he's practically making the same argument as our own Indus Pakistan, no? that the civilization on the Indus is somehow fundamentally different from the Gangetic civilization. but his own points are kneecaped by something he says earlier, that civilizational differences arise due to geographical barriers. the difference between the Gangetic plains and the Southern ghats with Narmada and Kaveri is greater than that between Gangetic and Indus plains, but can South India explain itself without the rest of India?
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