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Pakistan's former ambassador to US 'lobbying against own country', says Aziz

Both the U.S and Pakistan were supporting Jihadis in Afghanistan (Pakistan helping their American 'allies'), in this case the Americans were working in line with their 'national interest', the Pakistanis on the other hand were following a 'failed foreign policy'.

The U.S then gets Pakistanis to blame themselves about starting all this, very clever.
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The very fact that he was allowed to leave Pakistan even when he was caught having working against the interests of Pakistan should raise questions about the security establishment of this country and its courts. When you allow a traitor to go free than one shouldn't be grieving on what he has to say about Pakistan. The fact that Zardari government kept this traitor as an ambassador of Pakistan to US and Keyani allowed him to leave, both these gentlemen should be tried for treason. But considering Pakistan already going through tough times it would be better to let aside this fiasco and focus more on what can be done now to protect Pakistan and her interest keeping inview we have another treacherous moron heading this country and one who is on a self imposed exile. Pakistan currently is running without a PM.
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IF HH has zero credibility, then what is the problem here?

Problem here is, people like you get easily impressed towards his 'personnel' opinions. After all in today's time, opinions are planted through misinformation and constant media propaganda.
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Problem here is, people like you get easily impressed towards his 'personnel' opinions. After all in today's time, opinions are planted through misinformation and constant media propaganda.

As I said before, if his opinions bother you (or anyone else), the solution lies in presenting a better counter-narrative. There is nothing stopping the current Pakistani Ambassador, from taking effective steps to counter what HH is saying, is there? Why not ask the Pakistani government to direct its personnel to work harder and better, as trying to prevent anyone from voicing their personal views will never work.
Good initiative by the government,Its about time that some one took on these renegade Pakistani's, who use their pseudo affiliations with Pakistan to spread their anti-Pakistan B.S. I say strip him off his Pakistani nationality if he has any and book him for high treason.
Good initiative by the government,Its about time that some one took on these renegade Pakistani's, who use their pseudo affiliations with Pakistan to spread their anti-Pakistan B.S. I say strip him off his Pakistani nationality if he has any and book him for high treason.

Why hasn't HH been booked for this alleged high treason as of yet, then? What is stopping Pakistani courts from taking said action? Please present the case post haste!
So Sartaj Aziz is whining like a village "Maasi" against Hussain Haqqani rather than coming up with a counter-narrative.

The same is true for PDF jingoists who can only abuse and bash Haqqani but none of them can counter his opinion.

What causes the most pain to the shallow patriots is the fact that the Americans do listen to Haqqani as opposed to the typical Pakistani diplomatic banter.

You can only call him traitor blah blah blah but can never counter him.

It is easier to bash him than counter him effectively. What a dilemma!
It is easier to bash him than counter him effectively. What a dilemma!
Only the jingoists believe that a treason case against Haqqani could be proved through a piece of paper named as the infamous Memo. Anyone with a functional brain can understand that the treason case against Haqqani had no substantial grounds.
Only the jingoists believe that a treason case against Haqqani could be proved through a piece of paper named as the infamous Memo. Anyone with a functional brain can understand that the treason case against Haqqani had no substantial grounds.

That is why due process is important. Put up the case, or shut up. No third way. Prove the allegations in a court of law or drop them. No third way.
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What more can be expected from a bloody bastard like Hussain Haqqani
Can Pakistani diplomats counter him or would they just whine, cry and abuse in return?

Good initiative by the government,Its about time that some one took on these renegade Pakistani's, who use their pseudo affiliations with Pakistan to spread their anti-Pakistan B.S. I say strip him off his Pakistani nationality if he has any and book him for high treason.
Initiative? What initiative? To whine like a Maasi against Haqqani?:rofl::rofl:

Is this a diplomatic strategy?
Can Pakistani diplomats counter him or would they just whine, cry and abuse in return?

Initiative? What initiative? To whine like a Maasi against Haqqani?:rofl::rofl:

Is this a diplomatic strategy?

Hussain Haqqani is a spineless traitor , he doesn't even fit the definition of an ambassador


Ghaddar ku Ghaddar khe ke pukara ja sakta ha

The minimum "Ehd e Wafa" that we can do for our place birth is that if we cannot be loyal to it then at least don't betray it and work against its interest

but this is too much to expect from a dalla like Hussain Haqqani , who want "legal perspective" of his standing , mother fuccker

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