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Pakistan's First Coal Power Project Starts Functioning

Should have been utilized earlier but better late then never. Reliance on imported oil and gas needs to be reduced, and what better way than this.
Domestic coal is free, there is only the cost of extraction. We don't pay anybody for it, and mining it creates jobs at home.

Most important no money leaves the country.

Thar coalfield lasts tens of thousands of years. Think about it. They extract like 4 million tons per year. There are like 180 billion tons.

Should have been utilized earlier but better late then never. Reliance on imported oil and gas needs to be reduced, and what better way than this.

Saudi Arabia has a shit ton of oil. Iran has a shit ton of natural gas. Pakistan has a shit ton of coal. God has blessed Muslim countries with abundant natural resources.

Still trying to find its environmental study report too if anyone know kindly share the link .Allah kary sab acha hu first yeh also kekra 1 report due this month ENI rough estimation is around 1.5 billion barrel but off course its all estimation so just pray but environment is as much important due to our needs of today we cant destroy the tomorrow of coming generations

They use GE's latest ultra supercritical boilers equipped with sulfur filters. It's clean coal. About as clean as burning natural gas.

you are right but lack of energy doesnt effect health while using coal have detrimental effects in long run.
it does, thousand die of hunger in pakistan...super critical coal plants will have far less side effects than poverty

for reference even in 2050 USA and other devloped countries will be using 10x more coal than out total production
in germany it still >50%..they are not phasing out coal completely theyare simply chnaging the mix

i agree coal is not good for global warming but richer countries with per capital 50x greater than ours not poor countries should pay the price
Excellent news! I hope to see more coal power plants being built in Pakistan and completely solve the power issue that has been limiting Pakistani industry development and living standard.

Given the amount of coal reserves in Pakistan, the percentage of coal generation should be on par of that of China and US. Modern coal power plants is environmentally friendly. Also the coal power is the most economical form of energy sources, both in the development cost and running cost. The cost of building and running coal power plant is very moderate.

On the flip side, a major disadvantage of renewable energy that tends to be overlooked by environmentally keen general public is security of supply, which is extremely important trait for a robust power system. Renewable sources like wind and solar can have supply interruptions due to weather and needs to be backed up by more reliable sources like gas and coal.
If india is using 50% electricity from coal.and they all survive I am sure we would need only 20% of electricity from coal to cover all our electricity from coal compare to population wise.
Pakistan has about 180 billion tons of lignite reserves and GE’s technology can help the country use this indigenous resource instead of importing more expensive fuels to increase energy independence and save foreign exchange reserves.


It is a Pakistani CEO who is pulling the numbers of thin air

Look at coal reserves and coal production by country
If india is using 50% electricity from coal.and they all survive I am sure we would need only 20% of electricity from coal to cover all our electricity from coal compare to population wise.

Coal can provide 25%. Natural gas 25%. Wind and solar combined about 20%. Nuclear about 20%. Hydroelectric the remaining 10%.

GE will tell anything to sell the power generation equipment

Look at coal reserves and coal production by country

According to this wiki page at the bottom it says.

Recent discoveries in the Thar coalfield in Pakistan have given rise to a discovery of nearly 185 billion tonnes.
Coal can provide 25%. Natural gas 25%. Wind and solar combined about 20%. Nuclear about 20%. Hydroelectric the remaining 10%.

According to this wiki page at the bottom it says.

Recent discoveries in the Thar coalfield in Pakistan have given rise to a discovery of nearly 185 billion tonnes.

you are claiming to have the largest coal reserves in the world and you produce 4 million tons of coal every year
something has to give
you are claiming to have the largest coal reserves in the world and you produce 4 million tons of coal every year
something has to give

aaww honey what happened? wrong stock option?
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