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Pakistan's First Coal Power Project Starts Functioning

What's so great about coal power plant in 21st century? We should be getting away from this shit.. We are doing the opposite.

Yeah i know they produce less emissions than old generation plants but still poison is poison doesn't matter if it served in less quantity.
Go and tell this to world most powerful economies of US, China and India who are relying primarily on coal
What's so great about coal power plant in 21st century? We should be getting away from this shit..
Yeh I agree. We need to think of the environment that Europe, India and China are wrecking with their coal fired electricity plants. We can live in stone age to save mother earth by compensating for what India, China and Europe are doing. Rest of the world can use cheap coal but we will use expensive oil. I am sure India and rest of the world will thank us.

Yeh I agree. We need to think of the environment that Europe. India and China are wrecking with their coal fired electricity plants. We can live in stone age to save mother earth by compensating for what India, China and Europe are doing. Rest of the world can use cheap coal but we will use expensive oil. I am sure India and rest of the world will thank us.

Yeah thanks for agreeing with me. :D
Bravo!! First step toward energy independence. We need another 10 GW of Thar coal generation. Hydro power from Basha, Mohmond and other dams. Long term we have to get shale oil/gas online. By 2050 Pakistan should have a per capita energy production way higher then any other country in S Asia.
The EPTL power plant will utilise 3.8MTPA of coal supplied by Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company (SECMC) as both projects achieve their commercial operations date by June 2019.

How is this fuel being transported to the plant? Trucks, train, other means?
The fundsamental problem with Pakistan energy sector has been relying on expensive gas and oil for power generation. We are one of the poorest countries on earth yet insist on using the most expensive inputs ~ oil/gas.

In richer countries like USA, Europe, China coal is king. Even in India. Yet we have people sat in Pakistan while suffering from loadshedding and croaking about 'environment'.


Ps. Pakistan should aim to at least have 40% electricity from coal.
What's so great about coal power plant in 21st century? We should be getting away from this shit.. We are doing the opposite.

Yeah i know they produce less emissions than old generation plants but still poison is poison doesn't matter if it served in less quantity.
Do we have other luxury then this which can save 1.6 billion dollar per year? we need to find every possible way to bounce back our economy. Plant more tree will make it balance
Gr8 news and a long awaited one. I have been hearing about it since months now.

The new challenge for the viability and sustainibility of thar projects now are..
Mithi airport. No matter how strange it may sound but mithi airport needs to be started asap. Currently all mid tier workers and management of engro and upcoming and under construction hubco coal plant travel from karachi via road... Its like u fly to karachi, usually stay overnight in a hotel and then drive to thar. Its costly, injury prone and adds on to the overall cost..
Road and infrastructure. Karachi to mithi road is under construction since a while but there needs to be an alternative route from may be mirpur khas or hyderabad
Power produced from thar is expensive initially.. It will probably be one of the most expensive power we will produce for a while. Over the years the average unit cost from this project will average out to somewhere near 9 but till that happens government needs to balance the energy mix so as to prevent current accoubt deficit further.
Power produced from thar is expensive initially.. It will probably be one of the most expensive power we will produce for a while. Over the years the average unit cost from this project will average out to somewhere near 9 but till that happens government needs to balance the energy mix so as to prevent current accoubt deficit further.

That alone is the most important issue with this power plant.
Yeh I agree. We need to think of the environment that Europe, India and China are wrecking with their coal fired electricity plants. We can live in stone age to save mother earth by compensating for what India, China and Europe are doing. Rest of the world can use cheap coal but we will use expensive oil. I am sure India and rest of the world will thank us.

graph is very old sir can we have new one?
What's so great about coal power plant in 21st century? We should be getting away from this shit.. We are doing the opposite.

Yeah i know they produce less emissions than old generation plants but still poison is poison doesn't matter if it served in less quantity.

The entire world progressed using coal energy, now that its our turn for progress people complain about emissions. The percentage of emissions from 4000 MW of power for us will be around 26 million while the global emissions of developed countries are over 2 billion. We won't be more than 2% of the global emissions pool and Thar power plant is already state of the art and has the ability to filter out toxic emissions.
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