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Pakistanize Islam and destroy sectarianism

Pakistan as a state needs to look very closely at her social ecosystem to maintain equilibrium and patriotism.

The US example is perfect for this. Americanism was a term coined during the formation of a united states of America in an attempt to bring Christianity and Judaism in line with American values. See the book below, a very interesting read.

Americanism: The Fourth Great Western Religion: Amazon.co.uk: David Gelernter: 9780385513128: Books

In order for Pakistan to progress her society and become independent she must push attachment from the Army and Religion to the state as the masses opinions can change. However the state is as is and to achieve true synergy all eyes must be focused on this entity.

You will be asking how? I don't know how, its a complicated process and will take years of weaning the public away from current mindset.

What I do know is by Pakistanizing Islam would mean a destruction of Sunni/Shia divide which is currently bringing Shia hegemonic champions Iran/deobandi takfiri Saudis into play in internal affairs and will stop sectarian conflicts from being bred in future. Essentially it will ensure society falls into line with true Pakistani values and foreign intelligence agencies will no longer have a playground to have fun in.

A good place to start would be to start reworking the curriculum in school and madrassahs. But what content and how to avoid becoming heretics. Ahmadiya movement was an epic failure by British who tried to do just this.

How about the ideia of delinking Religion from Nation and allow individual to practice their faith?
Ban any Religious movement to hold on to any mosque.

Put all mosques under Government.
Limit religious gatherings to private places or Strict government approval in case of bigger events.
Legislate Madrissas, Kick out all uneducated mullahs force them to do other work instead.

Make a seperate institude that funds and runs the madrissa network with gocernment approved syllabus that is compatible with modern standards.
If any organization is found getting any unauthorized funds from Saudi Arabia GCC or Iran for religious activities, Charge them with treason cases.

And hang the likes of Molvi Abdul Aziz Burqa
For Muslims 'Misaak-e-Madina' is the best example to protect state first despite any religion of the state inhabitants. If contractors of Islam teach this to people their shops close down. State has to be strong and buy these people, they can be bought. Alongwith providing healthy life to the public in general.
Maybe for some other religion but for Muslims, Islam should be above nation. And most of agree on that but if we followed that then there wouldn't have been the war in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Saudis and Iranians would have been buddies.

And yet these can all still fall under the Sunni-Shia Conflict.
Regardless, identifying nation first before religion is more beneficial to avoiding sectarian violence.
Pakistan as a state needs to look very closely at her social ecosystem to maintain equilibrium and patriotism.

The US example is perfect for this. Americanism was a term coined during the formation of a united states of America in an attempt to bring Christianity and Judaism in line with American values. See the book below, a very interesting read.

Americanism: The Fourth Great Western Religion: Amazon.co.uk: David Gelernter: 9780385513128: Books

In order for Pakistan to progress her society and become independent she must push attachment from the Army and Religion to the state as the masses opinions can change. However the state is as is and to achieve true synergy all eyes must be focused on this entity.

You will be asking how? I don't know how, its a complicated process and will take years of weaning the public away from current mindset.

What I do know is by Pakistanizing Islam would mean a destruction of Sunni/Shia divide which is currently bringing Shia hegemonic champions Iran/deobandi takfiri Saudis into play in internal affairs and will stop sectarian conflicts from being bred in future. Essentially it will ensure society falls into line with true Pakistani values and foreign intelligence agencies will no longer have a playground to have fun in.

A good place to start would be to start reworking the curriculum in school and madrassahs. But what content and how to avoid becoming heretics. Ahmadiya movement was an epic failure by British who tried to do just this.

Very, very good point. We need Pakistani's to look upto the state, the pakistani state and I think there is a perfect example of this. Turkey. just go over to the Turkish forum and you will feel this over powering feeling of "Turkishness". The red Turkish crescent star is everywhere. They literally all stand behind that flag, they are 100% fervently patriotic. That is what makes the country.

Edit: The non residents this year will be sending close to $20 billion in remittances that is almost the same as total Pak industry and agriculture exports. this is what keeps the country afloat. In fact the single biggest industry Pakistan has is the "expat Pakistani's" who bring more money to Pakistani then any other industry.
And to the point of your post, the only way Pakistan can stop this sectarianism is by trying to teach those who believe in it that "Allah doesn't live in Iran or Saudi Arabia and that the Quran doesn't mention Sunni or Shia either".
Excellent point!
Pakistan as a state needs to look very closely at her social ecosystem to maintain equilibrium and patriotism.

The US example is perfect for this. Americanism was a term coined during the formation of a united states of America in an attempt to bring Christianity and Judaism in line with American values. See the book below, a very interesting read.

Americanism: The Fourth Great Western Religion: Amazon.co.uk: David Gelernter: 9780385513128: Books

In order for Pakistan to progress her society and become independent she must push attachment from the Army and Religion to the state as the masses opinions can change. However the state is as is and to achieve true synergy all eyes must be focused on this entity.

You will be asking how? I don't know how, its a complicated process and will take years of weaning the public away from current mindset.

What I do know is by Pakistanizing Islam would mean a destruction of Sunni/Shia divide which is currently bringing Shia hegemonic champions Iran/deobandi takfiri Saudis into play in internal affairs and will stop sectarian conflicts from being bred in future. Essentially it will ensure society falls into line with true Pakistani values and foreign intelligence agencies will no longer have a playground to have fun in.

A good place to start would be to start reworking the curriculum in school and madrassahs. But what content and how to avoid becoming heretics. Ahmadiya movement was an epic failure by British who tried to do just this.

I have no idea what you are trying to state, the rise of judeo-christian values in american society is some sort of inspiration for us? How come, when we are already suffering from blowbacks of Wahabism and now we should take up evangelical experiment which is turning US into a completely non-functional state.
The only thing I agree on is we must come down hard on any kind of religious hatred no matter which sect is doing it. Madrassahs are an unfortunate need of Pakistan as the state lacks the abilities to provide an alternate, but what state can do effectively is regulate them. Nothing is bigger than the state.

Most Americans like Jews because they are killing Muslims in Gaza and fight Muslims. Otherwise a lot of them hate Jews too, just less than Muslims.

They are a nation that can shoot black unarmed men to death for resisting but can catch 100 white skinheads fighting among themselves (a mini-war) without any casualties, curfew or the National Guard (all were required in Baltimore and Ferguson).

Don't think US is going to be a good example to use.

And to the point of your post, the only way Pakistan can stop this sectarianism is by trying to teach those who believe in it that "Allah doesn't live in Iran or Saudi Arabia and that the Quran doesn't mention Sunni or Shia either".

I am sorry but you are completely wrong about majority of Americans, you are no better than those who think all muslims are blood thirst savages yelling Allah hu Akbar and ready to cut throats of everyone for showing ankles. If they are idiots for thinking like this, you are one as well.
America have some real racial problems, but its a matter for another time and besides unless us muslims and last time I checked Bangladesh ranked really really low on tolerance index for other races.

Lol im really amused at these non resident pakistanis in western countries......No america or western or an eastern country is an example for us to follow.

We follow their examples when it comes to technology but the moment there is a social lesson we start to whine about how those societies are inferior to ours. Besides your argument lacks any sense when you state that why only western examples are used, please enlighten me by giving an example of a muslim country we can learn from in todays world.
Sometimes it seems people don't listen to what they are saying! America is The Most Divided Country on Planet Earth. There are more religious, economic, racial differences here then anywhere period. Cities are divided in rich and poor neighborhoods they are then further divided in gated communities and projects. There are ethnic neighborhoods and religious neighborhoods. Now you may say it is working no war or discrimination. Wrong! discrimination in jobs housing and education. What's keeps it together? Money! to be precise dollar. Nobody cares as long as their stomach is full. Crimes are concentrated in colored neighborhoods with gang violence and drugs. People however will care on how you looked at them once the economy is not delivering. Final thoughts there is no Saudi, Persian or Pakistani Islam! You either Muslim or not! Muslim submits to Allah so you're not towing to nobody's line.
Uniform education system consisting both religious and formal education fused as one for everyone and rule of law
Pakistan as a state needs to look very closely at her social ecosystem to maintain equilibrium and patriotism.

The US example is perfect for this. Americanism was a term coined during the formation of a united states of America in an attempt to bring Christianity and Judaism in line with American values. See the book below, a very interesting read.

Americanism: The Fourth Great Western Religion: Amazon.co.uk: David Gelernter: 9780385513128: Books

In order for Pakistan to progress her society and become independent she must push attachment from the Army and Religion to the state as the masses opinions can change. However the state is as is and to achieve true synergy all eyes must be focused on this entity.

You will be asking how? I don't know how, its a complicated process and will take years of weaning the public away from current mindset.

What I do know is by Pakistanizing Islam would mean a destruction of Sunni/Shia divide which is currently bringing Shia hegemonic champions Iran/deobandi takfiri Saudis into play in internal affairs and will stop sectarian conflicts from being bred in future. Essentially it will ensure society falls into line with true Pakistani values and foreign intelligence agencies will no longer have a playground to have fun in.

A good place to start would be to start reworking the curriculum in school and madrassahs. But what content and how to avoid becoming heretics. Ahmadiya movement was an epic failure by British who tried to do just this.
Those who talk about some sort of local Islam are bunch of fools and masters of ignorance, their is no such thing never was and never will be so wake up guys. I know you have some delusions but get out of those you are just becoming a laughing stock and nothing else.
Pakistan as a state needs to look very closely at her social ecosystem to maintain equilibrium and patriotism.

The US example is perfect for this. Americanism was a term coined during the formation of a united states of America in an attempt to bring Christianity and Judaism in line with American values. See the book below, a very interesting read.

Americanism: The Fourth Great Western Religion: Amazon.co.uk: David Gelernter: 9780385513128: Books

In order for Pakistan to progress her society and become independent she must push attachment from the Army and Religion to the state as the masses opinions can change. However the state is as is and to achieve true synergy all eyes must be focused on this entity.

You will be asking how? I don't know how, its a complicated process and will take years of weaning the public away from current mindset.

What I do know is by Pakistanizing Islam would mean a destruction of Sunni/Shia divide which is currently bringing Shia hegemonic champions Iran/deobandi takfiri Saudis into play in internal affairs and will stop sectarian conflicts from being bred in future. Essentially it will ensure society falls into line with true Pakistani values and foreign intelligence agencies will no longer have a playground to have fun in.

A good place to start would be to start reworking the curriculum in school and madrassahs. But what content and how to avoid becoming heretics. Ahmadiya movement was an epic failure by British who tried to do just this.

It is the first time, you wrote to something sensible.. o_Oo_Oo_O. @Menace2Society

Pakistan was made on the basis of religion and not on the basis of sect but eventually went down on the road of Sunni ideology...
Those who talk about some sort of local Islam are bunch of fools and masters of ignorance
So why you defended taliban many times, cried here after death of terrorist hakeem Ulla Mehsood , and shouted when JI chief said our army is not shaheed and you said this is just revengue of taliban....You shamelessly defended them many times. Mentality like you are responsible for religious bigotry, sectarian violence , and bloodshed in Pakistan...... No vision,confused person, and extremist mentality ....People like you want to Isolate Pakistan from whole world....As you have nothing to contribute towards the progress of Pakistan , and you are deprived from whole world, you want to take down whole country with you.
Maybe for some other religion but for Muslims, Islam should be above nation. And most of agree on that but if we followed that then there wouldn't have been the war in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Saudis and Iranians would have been buddies.

If that is the case then why do you need a nation if you have Islam ?
Those who talk about some sort of local Islam are bunch of fools and masters of ignorance, their is no such thing never was and never will be so wake up guys. I know you have some delusions but get out of those you are just becoming a laughing stock and nothing else.
Then I think you do not have holistic knowledge about the root cause of menace in the country... if you think insurgents are killing just for fun then dude you are highly mistaken...

The extremist problem in Pakistan is basically a power struggle

Every other group has power ie Army ; Judiciary ; Politicians ; Media
So Religious groups assert themselves on this basis

It is a fight for political space ; influence ; authority and power
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