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Pakistanis, where would you choose to live in India, and vice versa!

Self delete......:rofl:....lord have mercy....:P
oh....wow....i dont want to hurt your feelings or anything man. But what were you thinking?!......,posting this pic? Its true what they say....beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder...or something like that.

lol.. looks like i hurt urs... ur reaction was pretty epic..... thanks man.. i had a good laugh.

@boris... why do u want to visit cherat "the nest of eagles-SSG" for?

Lol. What a standard Indian response; as if the rest of Pakistan is no good. Lahoris are one step above Israelis Jews in the department of superiority complex. Lahoris feel like their city is independent ofPakistan and they are the best. They wouldn't tolerate other Pakistanis, much less Indians. I can't speak for all Lahoris, but I must admit they are the most disrespectful people of all in Pakistan.
Lol. What a standard Indian response; as if the rest of Pakistan is no good. Lahoris are one step above Israelis Jews in the department of superiority complex. Lahoris feel like their city is independent ofPakistan and they are the best. They wouldn't tolerate other Pakistanis, much less Indians. I can't speak for all Lahoris, but I must admit they are the most disrespectful people of all in Pakistan.

I lived there for 3 years... dnt like the city or the people either... no offence to lahoris.

I showed the comment and the pic to a few of my hostel mates:P . Yes, it was pretty epic......:rofl:

Low self esteem issues? :rofl:

Ok man... il delete my posts.. n u delete urs.... lets not derail this thread n be buzz killz!
Lol. What a standard Indian response; as if the rest of Pakistan is no good. Lahoris are one step above Israelis Jews in the department of superiority complex. Lahoris feel like their city is independent ofPakistan and they are the best. They wouldn't tolerate other Pakistanis, much less Indians. I can't speak for all Lahoris, but I must admit they are the most disrespectful people of all in Pakistan.

Alright Karachi...
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