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Pakistanis in Karachi supporting Indian team but no sedition Charges!

From a random pic with no source nothing ? :cheesy:
Us sy kia ho ga :p Learn tu krna hae na bahi.. be sensible ... You need reference for something that is a universal truth
Who taken this photo and from where? Is it a random picture of Indians celebrating? Or Is it just to show off for acomparison????

If it is true as stated by OP and they dont face any problem then these guys got really big hearted.....

Agreed. The photo is indeed a revelation if it's proven to be authentic in the first place.
Can some one confirm the source of this picture before congratulating or discussing it further?
Post a source.
they banned mki and anotherone for this kind of comments.. lets see how will they respond two guys are making personal insults here..
Arey, Trolling bhee Pakistaniyon se seekhay. :laughcry:
LOL, Topi nautanki.

I can assure you that I can stand in the middle of a Square in Karachi, Lahore or Islamabad and shout Hindustan Zindabad.

People will look at me like kind of strange and smile but no on is going to put a SEDITION charge against me or beat me up.

I think you guys have a weird mentality in INDIA.

LOL, Who's stopping you. In India people will be ducking for cover if someone shouts Pakistan Zindabad in the middle of the road.
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they banned mki and anotherone for this kind of comments.. lets see how will they respond two guys are making personal insults here..
Only post deleted

Dont start crying about it.
I know man, how things work here. Just a bit for fun ;)

Dont start crying about it.
Officially there were no sedition charges were put on the Kashmiri students.
Indians have also supported Pakistani teams. Thats not a big deal.

But these Kashmiri students supported Pakistan, not the team. Though it does tell us about their stupidity that they would raise such slogans in a University campus - along with other students. Its lucky they didnt get beat up badly by the other students and authorities intervened before that. Otherwise it was going to get much more ugly for them.

But Kashmiris are not Indians.

I don't think these guys in the picture are Pakistanis probably Indians.
But Kashmiris are not Indians.

Yes they are till they hold Indian passport :agree:
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