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Pakistanis in Karachi supporting Indian team but no sedition Charges!

Pakistanis will take mileage out of anything and everything.

These people were pretty sure making a drama of supporting India and rest of the crowd obviously figured it out.

Sedition charges against Kashmiri students were anyway withdrawn within 48 hours of putting them.

Its actually a slap on your face... think about it.

How do we even know that this picture is from Pakistan ?
Yeah im sure this guy Faiz Lakhani who tweeted the pic is from india... and Dawn is an indian news papers>?

This however is the truth-https://www.google.com.pk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCcQFjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fdawndotcom&ei=-EgvU4u1Fs_Y0QXAvIHwDw&usg=AFQjCNEI0ztnAzNApCAwS-L53TQ9BojPdQ

And KU is in bombay?

However this is bullshit from an indian source talking nonsense asusual.
Apparently Indians are beta males, so they get jealous of Pakistanis and expel Kashmiris from universities because they supported Pakistani cricket team. You won't see such jealous and vindictive behavior from Pakistanis.

Poor Indians. Nobody likes you. Not even other Indians. How sad.

Nobody likes Indians.

So what is surprising about this? We all know that Indians have very poor IQ. Hence the immaturity.

Pakistanis are relatively more mature than Indians. This forum is just another example. This is nothing new imo.


That's not a marriage Bhai, that's a pic of a man and a girl.:rofl:
Typical Muhajir...

Inbreeding in Pakistan is getting out of control, soon all Pakistanis will look like this:

I can also see that is the picture of a man and a girl genius. For marriage.

And in future Indians would be like.


Oh wait. Most of you already look like the above. :rofl:



Yup that is exactly Indians would look like. True.
So what is surprising about this? We all know that Indians have very poor IQ. Hence the immaturity.

Pakistanis are relatively more mature than Indians. This forum is just another example. This is nothing new imo.


you think we dont know or talk to pakistanis outside.
You guys would have been the first to have slapped sedition charges if Balochi students in Lahore cheered and raised pro India slogans!
So WTF are you ranting about?
Wow I've been living for quite some time in Lahore now, and I've never ever heard about pro Indian Baloch students of course never seen one in real..... seriously :wacko:

@A Town Please refrain from posting utter bullshit and if you're "that" smart looking why don't you post your own shit faced pic.? rather than taking shots at a whole nation?

Yup that is exactly Indians would look like. True.
Would look like? Most of our politicians already do!!! :p: :lol:
I can't believe people are still discussing this silly, ill-conceived, poor quality stage act that only morons would fall for. :lol:
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