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Pakistani youth favors Sharia Law over Democracy.

Beerbal;4110878]BBC call them pessimist..

"ब्रिटिश काउंसिल के एक सर्वे में पाकिस्तानी युवाओं की एक ऐसी पीढ़ी उभर कर आई है, जो निराशावादी है"("A survey of British Council Pakistan has emerged a generation of young people, which is pessimistic") From BBC hindu Site

If zardari was installed on any country in the world they will all lose hope after a week plus Pakistanis don't really have had any good experience with democracy yet.

what you talking about?-

He made a very valid point that, while holds completely true, is rarely noticed by anyone.

The ultimate force that rules the people comes from nowhere but the people that are ruled. The system is such because it is made so by the same people that are subjected to it.

When dictatorship comes, unless it is accepted by the people, it will not survive. Same goes for the democracy, as well as for all versions of Sharia.

If the people are united, they will make greater efforts to make the country better, while practicing a high degree of perseverance. This development of culture can come from nowhere but the people themselves.

And the problem with the people of Pakistan (or any other nation - say India) is that they want a quick-fix for everything. But what really happens is, you rip off a fresh bandage that was hurting your wound with tincture iodine, and refresh the wound. Then you apply Dettol, and expect your would to heal in minutes. Again the results are not what you expected - more bleeding, sharper pain, and you rip off this second bandage as well, to give way for another. In the end, what do you think will happen? Too much of it, and you will bleed to death - from a small wound.

If people themselves do not want to work it out, then be it dictatorship/democracy/Sharia, nothing good will come out of it.

All the power rest with none but the people.
Again, Just to take it a little further, are you trying to say that a new system of Governance will make all the problems of Pakistan VANISH overnight??

In India we often wonder IF we had a Chinese system of Governance or IF we had the US system where there are only 2 parties, etc.

But what we are doing necessary is that we are IMAGINING that there is heaven on the other side & just getting RID of the duties we have towards our own state.

We don't have the Chinese system or the US system simply b'coz that doesn't SUIT us, they made those systems that suited them, we made that system that suited us better.

Mate, it's not cast in stone, a system that worked well in past or is working well somewhere else, doesn't mean will work everywhere. If that was the case, than every second country would have implemented the US system as it is & would have thought to become SUPERPOWERS overnight without working for the same.

There is some reason that even after 62 years of being an Islamic State, Sharia hasn't been implemented in Pakistan & yours is just WISHFUL THINKING that even after so many years, if implemented now, it will help Pakistan achieve the same glory as it used to give the muslims of middle ages.

change of system will guarantee new people- new faces-
and in shariah system it guarantees us pious caring God fearing people-
the system warrants accountability-
If the teachings of Islam are followed and practiced and enforces than i am very hopeful the future of Pakistan will change-
it united the illiterate unmanaged beduin arabs fighting with each other since centuries other under one banner and made them prosper- a power to reckon with-

I am not saying shariah will change the fate over night- but it will guarantee the change- the current system is bound to repeat the same fate we are facing since 47-

Again, what you are trying to do, is blame it on the system, while when you introspect, you haven't done anything for the country either. We just look out for the SCAPEGOATS in our life so that we come out CLEAN.

thats interesting- how many individuals can share the same blame- or even the individuals trying under this system what have they accomplished?- the only service i can do my country now is to vote-

He made a very valid point that, while holds completely true, is rarely noticed by anyone.

The ultimate force that rules the people comes from nowhere but the people that are ruled. The system is such because it is made so by the same people that are subjected to it.

When dictatorship comes, unless it is accepted by the people, it will not survive. Same goes for the democracy, as well as for all versions of Sharia.

If the people are united, they will make greater efforts to make the country better, while practicing a high degree of perseverance. This development of culture can come from nowhere but the people themselves.

And the problem with the people of Pakistan (or any other nation - say India) is that they want a quick-fix for everything. But what really happens is, you rip off a fresh bandage that was hurting your wound with tincture iodine, and refresh the wound. Then you apply Dettol, and expect your would to heal in minutes. Again the results are not what you expected - more bleeding, sharper pain, and you rip off this second bandage as well, to give way for another. In the end, what do you think will happen? Too much of it, and you will bleed to death - from a small wound.

If people themselves do not want to work it out, then be it dictatorship/democracy/Sharia, nothing good will come out of it.

All the power rest with none but the people.

i did not understand the bolded part on his post- thats why i highlighted it- did you get it?-
pakistan has just completed one term of democracy.its very immature to put up this discussion now..democracy takes time to mature.i dnt knw how the leader is selected in sharia if its a closed selection and not everybody gets a fair representation then it fails.with increase in literacy and development the people who want to get represented will increase.and they will be dissatisfied if their demands are not met
thats interesting- how many individuals can share the same blame- or even the individuals trying under this system what have they accomplished?- the only service i can do my country now is to vote-
@JonAsad saying this when you urself are contributing to the economy of KSA instead of your motherland :D
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The leader was chosen by consensus not forced on people

Isn;t that factually contentious? I mean the shia -sunni rift goes back right to the righteous khalifa days and it was about disagreement on khalifa. Where was the ''consensus''?

People want power, and that will not change under a religious system.
change of system will guarantee new people- new faces-
and in shariah system it guarantees us pious caring God fearing people-
the system warrants accountability-
If the teachings of Islam are followed and practiced and enforces than i am very hopeful the future of Pakistan will change-
it united the illiterate unmanaged beduin arabs fighting with each other since centuries other under one banner and made them prosper- a power to reckon with-

I am not saying shariah will change the fate over night- but it will guarantee the change- the current system is bound to repeat the same fate we are facing since 47-

thats interesting- how many individuals can share the same blame- or even the individuals trying under this system what have they accomplished?- the only service i can do my country now is to vote-

i did not understand the bolded part on his post- thats why i highlighted it- did you get it?-

Its very simple. Come home when there is a vote to change the system to Shariah law and I will happily vote with you for it. There is no amount of explaining that will actually bring that understanding about this subject then to bring it and then live with it.
@JonAsad saying this when you urself are contributing to the economy of KSA instead of your motherland :D

Well ever heard of remittance money?- No?-
never mind- hear it now- remittance Money?- Infact individually we contribute more to the economy than an individual in Pakistan paying taxes- :tup:-

the KSA governmant is already mad enough on us for sending their money to Pakistan- :whistle:-

epic pail- :omghaha:-
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I don't think its strange that there are people who favor mundane concepts such as Sharia law and killing a minister just because he was a poor Muslim (yes I am talking about Salman Taseer)... the question is why has democracy failed us each and every time. I do not say this as an enemy of democracy. I have learned that democracy is indeed the best system for Pakistan... however the issue is here parties that mention the word democray use it only as a tool and do not deliver to the people.

On account of the incompetence of elected governments and a series of failures the name democracy has been blackened. The population now simply thinks they are being tricked with promises of democracy. However it is not democracy that has failed, the common people do not see this... it is the rulers that have failed and they blacken the name of democracy by using it.
i did not understand the bolded part on his post- thats why i highlighted it- did you get it?-

Yes, he was talking about a country like Saudi Arabia that has enough oil to turn the desert into a luxurious resort. Or say USA, that has more resources of all kinds and no hostile powerful neighbors that could create any nuisance.

He mainly talked about KSA though, because it is an Islamic country and people tend to shower praise that despite dictatorship, the citizens are so well off.

But Pakistan is not like that. It is neither better, nor worse, it is just different and cannot be compared with the likes of the KSA where any version of Sharia can prevail under a dictatorship and yet people can enjoy a resourceful life.

For all I understand, this is precisely what forcetrip meant to convey.

As far as what resources Pakistan has in comparison to the KSA, I would say Pakistan is way far ahead of that country, but for now, that goes out of scope.
@JonAsad saying this when you urself are contributing to the economy of KSA instead of your motherland :D

Lol what a stupid logic! Overseas Pakistanis of which 60% are in middle east contribute to the Pakistans economy by sending remittances which keep the economy afloat!
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Well ever heard of remittance money?- No?-
never mind- hear it now- remittance Money?- Infact individually we contribute more to the economy than an individual in Pakistan paying taxes- :tup:-

the KSA governmant is already mad enough on us for sending their money to Pakistan- :whistle:-

epic pail- :omghaha:-

Everyone needs to understand the difference between earning money in a country and sending money to a country. You are using your education to further another country and powering their system and economy by creating ideas materializing into jobs among other things. What you send is more like "Pittance" of what you could do in the country you love. Being honest with yourself would be important in all further discussions as well as brief knowledge of how world economies work and how it affects us.
i guess the media and ngos brain washing did not work

shair nay kia khoob kaha hay

ja apni hasraton par ansoo baha k soo ja

garbage tribune,safma and chirchiri burhiya a.k.a Asma jahanger will not be happy

USAID program is not working


lanat beshuram in sab par

Sharia Zindabad
Isn;t that factually contentious? I mean the shia -sunni rift goes back right to the righteous khalifa days and it was about disagreement on khalifa. Where was the ''consensus''?

People want power, and that will not change under a religious system.

what you terming a shia- sunni rift was actually abbassids and Umayyads dynasties differences- and yes that was for power- but it was later on-
the consensus was always there on choosing a khalifa- there were never two different khalifas at one time-

Its very simple. Come home when there is a vote to change the system to Shariah law and I will happily vote with you for it. There is no amount of explaining that will actually bring that understanding about this subject then to bring it and then live with it.

I am living in a shariah system- removing few inequalities and some extreme laws- restoring it to the original- then it is sweet-
so i can live with it pretty easily- :pop:-
Yes, he was talking about a country like Saudi Arabia

yup thats exactly what i thought- i wanted to hear it from his mouth-

Piece of Advice-
He should talk to the individual not the 'other' flag he is carrying- :pop:-
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