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Pakistani women gives a great reply to India and Pakistani media

Oh man you are still crying because we cut your country in half in 71? Don't worry i will buy u a lolipop

India the toothless tiger. :rofl:

Only beghairat 'thanks' mangnay walay fakeer napakistanis support you turds.

India's empty threats only work on Bangladesh.

Save the lollipop when Rahul becomes PM. :lol:
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Yawwwnnnnn .... didn't watch the utube....but just reading the title only one thing comes to mind..."who cares" :D

1000 years of servitude to us makes the hate amplify in you.

Btw, where those surgical strikes at?

Zara lollipop chup ke soch.

1000 years ? Did you get a madressa education perhaps ? Sitting in the US, you would be calling for surgical strikes in Pakistan now wouldn't you ?
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Yawwwnnnnn .... didn't watch the utube....but just reading the title only one thing comes to mind..."who cares" :D

1000 years ? Did you get a madressa education perhaps ? Sitting in the US, you would be calling for surgical strikes in Pakistan now wouldn't you ?

Weak and lame. Fail. Don't bother with the recycled replies.
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1000 years of servitude to us makes the hate amplify in you.

Btw, where those surgical strikes at?

Zara lollipop chup ke soch.

hahaha you pakistanis were the first people to bow before the foreign invaders whenever an attack happened on india;right from the time of aryans to recent mughals u people accepted defeat without any fight.shame on you people.had it not been for ur cowardice the fate of indian sub continent would have been different
More weak sauce again.

Apparently even Razia Sultana was whoopin dat bhartee @$$. :lol:

Umm Razia Sultan was a "Bhartee", She was the Sultan of Delhi. You do know that Delhi is in India right, not in Pakistan ?? :D

PS. Please don't address her as "Sultana". She was a Sultan in her own right....not the wife or mistress of a Sultan
I read a story of some purushottam ,a pakistani hindu king who they say almost defeated alexander.but i feel tht is also some fabricated story.tht bastrd might have run with his tail between his legs when he saw mighty alexanders army.its really shame tht pak had not even produced one,not even one great emperor like chandra gupta maurya,asoka or shivaji in its entire written history.since time immemorial they are habituated to accept others dominance without any resistance
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i thank our brave north indian rajputs,sikhs,marathas for bravely putting a fight against those foreigners and not allowing them to spread their rule into south india.they have shielded us for centuries.what did paakis do?just laid their arms before anyone who invaded their country right from the times of aryans.even to this day they are indirectly ruled by foreigners like talibans(pashtuns are originally afghans)and americans who drone them day in and day out.complete sissies
she has evey right to rise her openion . per mera to koi TV wala phone hi answer nhi kerta :P

Methinks Pakistanis have a very highly inflated opinion about themselves and their importance. I am repeatedly told they are very proud people and they may well be as almost all countries are. But there isn't much that I or the world can see for them to be proud of. Their best export product is terrorism. When the world starts banning this export and their market dries up it gets imported back and there is a backlash.
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