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Pakistani troops fire on intruding U.S. choppers

west is certainly playing cold war games with pak trying to check our response if we don't respond quickly and aggresivly like the soviets used to, then our existence will be threatend a green signal to israel to hit our nuclear assets whenever they like,its a very important and historical time for the world as a new cold war could be started and we have no one else but america to thank for it pushing its allies away ,and frankly the best option i see is russia its abt time pakistani leaders should start visiting moscow to tell u the truth moscow is the best supporter for the muslim world the way it treated HAMAS and towards syria and iran russia does'nt care abt the world when it comes to supporting freinds diplomatically and technologically see irans case russia has made it clear no action will be allowed in iran and vetoed sanctions against it,supplied iran with s-300 sam's ,now thats the sort of a freind pakistan needs,look at iran its military is no where near pakistans military but america does not dare mess arnd with it ,why bcuz it has russia and china on its back,now a days the way world events are going any one who is anti american can easily become russia's best freind only by justifying its attack on GEORGIA,and accepting both states abkhazia and s.ossetia ,India is not the same as b4 with russia due to its intrests with the west,chinese have the same thing,but iranians,syrians ,venesuellans,bolivians have supported russia whole heartedly and a few central asian states if we join in with them putting in a good word and shaking hands and backing it up diplomatically on all issues we will be the new best freind of russia,and it will benefit both russia and pakistan,pakistan is situated in a GEOGRAPHICAL location from where through afghanistan america wants to build a oil pipeline (thats why there are nato and americans still in afghanistan they are there as oil pipeline security forget propeganda war,freedom ,democarcy ,womens right same case with georgia)there are only two routes through iran and pakistan once both these countries are allied with russia ,american plans will suffer horribly,secondly there are two supply routes to afghanistan for allied supplies through russia and pakistan aligning with russia will give both pak and russia a bargaining chip as they can cut of the supply routes and the coalition will be literally seiged in afghanistan ,what else benefits will pak gain well! west always sells us equipment thats no more required as frontline equipment by them and is going to be obselete soon but russia will be able to give us advance equipment ofcourse we will have to pay but its money well spent and much less then outdated western eqipment sold to us when ur getting the latest equipment i.e S-400,su-35s,mig-35s,tanguska-m,akula class nuclear sub, then only we will realise how the west treated us and the west will never sell us equipment with these capabilities bcuz then we will be able to counter their attacks and russian equipment is economical and high-tech and many of its radar systems claim to track down stealth jets (just like americans claim their jets are stealth i.e f-22,b2 lets remember they have come across only airforces with 60's russian technology or no airforce at all and that outdated tech managed to shoot down f-117 in serbia )so its the best bet for pak maybe this will make west realise its rampage against eastern nations is creating more anti western sentiments and forcing them to form coalitions to protect their soverignty against these wolves heading towrds them,and once we have russian support we can form a defence pact b/w pakistan,iran ,venesuell,bolivia ,cubaand syria (sort of like warsaw pact) and if this all happens beleive me west will think twice b4 taking any military action against any one nation and this will push many nations openly threatend or covertly threatend to join the coalition and beleive me many nations are just waiting for any such thing to happen bcuz almost every one is bullied arnd and tired of american tyranny and oppression rather then going down one by one all will prefer to join forces and if attacked fight united against selfish,imperialtic,zionist opportunistic forces who threat world peace,so my country men we have to take some action soon or we will go down as cowards in history who still kissed the hand that slapped them so guys lets hope for the best,peace and out,PAKISTAN ZINDABAD

I've been trying to tell this to our Pakistani friends. However, the problem is Zardari, he is not going to let that happen as he is doing the bidding for the Great Satan.
Dear Blain,

The balme lies 50:50 between USA and you.

Please answer the questions as you have a rational and analytical mind.

1. Who allowed for good or bad reasons the US to use them for getting rid of the Soviets ?

2. Who bullied you in being their allies after they got targetted ?

3. Why are you so dependent on them ?


1. US came running to whom to oust Soviets and why ???

2. Why US has to bully us why it did not bully any other country in the region for getting bases even when one nation offered them their bases for attacking Afghanistan.

A: Your third question in wake of the above two question i had posed to you, has an automatic answer and that is, its not WE, Its You who are dependent on us.

During all the proxy wars of US , Pakistan did not go to US to have us on board nor we had asked US for pouring in dollars.

Everytime it has been US that has came to us now its another matter that during the 80s US did not bully us and this time they had to bully us because they knew this time they (US) was invading Afghanistan wrongly and Pakistan was not going to support the idiots this time.

They knew that only option was to bully Pakistan and due to our weak economy and other problems we were not having any other option.
today a very sad event took place in islamabad which i condemn,the enemies have succeded in 1st phase of their secret agendas of dividing and eventually breaking pakistan (which will never happen till we have blood in our veins) this is the project of new american century these vultures have thier eyes set on pak for a very long time Islam does not justify suicide in any case rather is treated as greatest sin of all,as the things were normalising america had to poke its nose into pakistan attacking fata and pakistan in return had to face the consequences,for god sake this is our holy month on both sides who is bleeding our brothers and sisters ,this has to be stoped we can't kill our on citizens or let anyone enter and kill our citizens,america thinks best way to deal with these terrorist's is blunt military force well good luck ! the only way this militancy can be controlled is talking to them addresing their differences and resolving them on the table and bringing them in to political system if u could remember IRA in uk well same could be done here.
Pakistan made a grave mistake by joining this never ending war on terror now we have the biggest enemy of pak in afghanistan the northern alliance which traditionally has been suported by the INDIAN's in every way ,from what i have heard these attacks in pak are designed by different intelligence services active in afghanistan who have bought some rogue muslim scholars and tricked illiterate muslim youth into thinking pak as enemy trained in afghanistan in camps funded by these intelligence services unhindered and sent into pakistan armed by them and targets are designated by them so its not one intl service the list as i have heard is CIA,MI6,MOSSAD,RAA these are behind these terrorist cells infiltrating into pak from afghan border with the help of their masters and the recruits have no idea that they are being used for enemy's purposes's hence doing the unforgivable sin killing their own muslim bro,s and sisters and killing them self there is a code for true mujahedin from the begining of islam never kill unarmed people who r no threat to u ,attack military targets only and much more there is whole instruction manual to jihad given by hazrat ABUBAKR while sending out his forces to war who does'nt follow them is not a mujahid thus these people who are carrying out these attacks are no different then any other terrorist in the world,
So whats the solution ,the solution is we start negotiating with the tribes men and asure them they won't be attacked without any justification(not like the american justification) and let them know they are a part of our nation and are our brothers and their pain is felt by all of us and make sure no forign attacks are lead into that territory infact any of our territory we have to revive their trust on the fedration and we should give them charge of their areas and give them the responsibility of securing the whole fata and making sure no infiltration is carried out in any direction the only thing we r not doin is talking to them whenever we start talks americans sabotage it by carrying out a attack on them and resulting in civilian deaths so if they are angry at the fedration or the americans they can't be blamed for that place urself in their position so the moral of the whole thing is force does not always resolve issues sometimes engaging in negotiations will win the hearts and minds,ofcourse americans do every thing by force but that is just their imperialistic nature but we have to take steps b4 the situation outbursts into full blown civilwar in few years ALLAH save our gr8 country and help us out in this crisis,love and peace is my message and the message of our religion so lets spread it ,PAKISTAN ZINDABAD
Ok lionheart a few points

1) try using punctuation
2)Let everyone know that you are in the UK and not pakistan
Ok lionheart a few points

1) try using punctuation
2)Let everyone know that you are in the UK and not pakistan

i am not good at writing english,nice try dude i am any where but there keep guessing i will give u a hint the national language of this country does not use english alphabets in writing but moreover i am 100 percent pak and when my country will call upon me i will be there for it,PAKISTAN ZINDABAD,peace and out my freind:smitten:
I've been trying to tell this to our Pakistani friends. However, the problem is Zardari, he is not going to let that happen as he is doing the bidding for the Great Satan.

thanks bro atleast u understood what i am trying to say to world peace my freind,long liveour motherland:pakistan:
west is certainly playing cold war games with pak trying to check our response if we don't respond quickly and aggresivly like the soviets used to, then our existence will be threatend a green signal to israel to hit our nuclear assets whenever they like,its a very important and historical time for the world as a new cold war could be started and we have no one else but america to thank for it pushing its allies away ,and frankly the best option i see is russia its abt time pakistani leaders should start visiting moscow to tell u the truth moscow is the best supporter for the muslim world the way it treated HAMAS and towards syria and iran russia does'nt care abt the world when it comes to supporting freinds diplomatically and technologically see irans case russia has made it clear no action will be allowed in iran and vetoed sanctions against it,supplied iran with s-300 sam's ,now thats the sort of a freind pakistan needs,look at iran its military is no where near pakistans military but america does not dare mess arnd with it ,why bcuz it has russia and china on its back,now a days the way world events are going any one who is anti american can easily become russia's best freind only by justifying its attack on GEORGIA,and accepting both states abkhazia and s.ossetia ,India is not the same as b4 with russia due to its intrests with the west,chinese have the same thing,but iranians,syrians ,venesuellans,bolivians have supported russia whole heartedly and a few central asian states if we join in with them putting in a good word and shaking hands and backing it up diplomatically on all issues we will be the new best freind of russia,and it will benefit both russia and pakistan,pakistan is situated in a GEOGRAPHICAL location from where through afghanistan america wants to build a oil pipeline (thats why there are nato and americans still in afghanistan they are there as oil pipeline security forget propeganda war,freedom ,democarcy ,womens right same case with georgia)there are only two routes through iran and pakistan once both these countries are allied with russia ,american plans will suffer horribly,secondly there are two supply routes to afghanistan for allied supplies through russia and pakistan aligning with russia will give both pak and russia a bargaining chip as they can cut of the supply routes and the coalition will be literally seiged in afghanistan ,what else benefits will pak gain well! west always sells us equipment thats no more required as frontline equipment by them and is going to be obselete soon but russia will be able to give us advance equipment ofcourse we will have to pay but its money well spent and much less then outdated western eqipment sold to us when ur getting the latest equipment i.e S-400,su-35s,mig-35s,tanguska-m,akula class nuclear sub, then only we will realise how the west treated us and the west will never sell us equipment with these capabilities bcuz then we will be able to counter their attacks and russian equipment is economical and high-tech and many of its radar systems claim to track down stealth jets (just like americans claim their jets are stealth i.e f-22,b2 lets remember they have come across only airforces with 60's russian technology or no airforce at all and that outdated tech managed to shoot down f-117 in serbia )so its the best bet for pak maybe this will make west realise its rampage against eastern nations is creating more anti western sentiments and forcing them to form coalitions to protect their soverignty against these wolves heading towrds them,and once we have russian support we can form a defence pact b/w pakistan,iran ,venesuell,bolivia ,cubaand syria (sort of like warsaw pact) and if this all happens beleive me west will think twice b4 taking any military action against any one nation and this will push many nations openly threatend or covertly threatend to join the coalition and beleive me many nations are just waiting for any such thing to happen bcuz almost every one is bullied arnd and tired of american tyranny and oppression rather then going down one by one all will prefer to join forces and if attacked fight united against selfish,imperialtic,zionist opportunistic forces who threat world peace,so my country men we have to take some action soon or we will go down as cowards in history who still kissed the hand that slapped them so guys lets hope for the best,peace and out,PAKISTAN ZINDABAD

Well put....:cheers:
I've been trying to tell this to our Pakistani friends. However, the problem is Zardari, he is not going to let that happen as he is doing the bidding for the Great Satan.

Dear friend from BD indeed we know that and the positive thing i have noted and by meeting with even staunch PPP members and supporters, is that they all regret bringing zardari in.

Inshallah zardai is going to chew his own tail.

There is a saying in Pashto "Ukhraya marghay geeri gi na au chi kala geeri gi no da twaroon khpo na geeri gi"

Translation " A wise sparrow never let herself caught by the trappers but when she get trapped she gets her both legs traped."

in otherwise a cunning man get caught at the end due to own cunningness.
Pakistani troops fire on intruding U.S. choppers

By Augustine Anthony
16 minutes ago

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistani troops fired on two U.S. helicopters that intruded into Pakistani airspace on Sunday night, forcing them to turn back to Afghanistan, a senior Pakistani security official said on Monday.

It was the second such incident in a week, and reflects frayed relations with the United States over Pakistan's failure to act more forcibly against Islamist fighters in the tribal lands bordering Afghanistan.

The number of missile attacks by U.S. drone aircraft in the remote tribal areas has multiplied in recent weeks.

The helicopters violated the border in the area of Lowara Mandi, 40 km (25 miles) west of Miranshah, the main town in the North Waziristan tribal region, at around 9 p.m. on Sunday, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject.

There was no official confirmation.

"We don't have any information on border violation by the American helicopters," Major Murad Khan, a military spokesman, said.

Residents said drones had been flying overnight and early on Monday over Miranshah but did not attack.

"It's really so scary, we just can't sleep when you hear them flying," said Zia-ur-Rehman, a resident of Hamzoni village near Miranshah.

Relations became strained between the allies in the war on terrorism after U.S. commandos raided a border village in South Waziristan and killed 20 people, including women and children, on September 3.

Pakistanis were outraged by the raid and the six-month-old civilian government issued a diplomatic protest.

It was the first overt incursion by U.S. ground troops into Pakistani territory, though the U.S. military has conducted numerous missile strikes against al Qaeda and Taliban targets in Pakistan's tribal lands.


The U.S. action prompted army chief General Ashfaq Kayani to issue a statement saying that foreign troops would not be allowed on Pakistani soil and Pakistan's sovereignty and territorial integrity would be defended at all costs.

Pakistani troops fired on two U.S. helicopters that crossed the border at the same village, Angor Adda, a week ago, again forcing them to turn back, according to residents and security officers.

Pakistan and the United States issued denials.

Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari is scheduled to meet President George W. Bush on Tuesday in the United States, and is also due to attend the U.N. General Assembly.

Pakistan's support is regarded as crucial to the success of Western forces trying to stabilize Afghanistan, and in the fight against al Qaeda.

Admiral Mike Mullen, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, held talks in Islamabad with top Pakistani officials last week. Mullen "reiterated the U.S. commitment to respect Pakistan's sovereignty," the U.S. embassy said in a statement.

The United States is Pakistan's largest donor, and the dissonance between them has been a factor pushing down Pakistani shares and the rupee because Pakistan needs an inflow of dollars to rebuild rapidly depleting foreign currency reserves to prop up its ailing economy.

(Writing by Simon Cameron-Moore; Editing by David Fogarty)

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It seems that US is helping in infiltrating Baitullah Mehsud men through such advendurs.

Good show on part of Pakistani troops.

They dont have standing orders to shoot down these helis otherwise we must have been showing wreckage of few helis :azn:
Pakistani troops reportedly fire on US helicopters
By ISHTIAQ MAHSUD, Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 31 minutes ago

DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan - Pakistani troops and tribesmen opened fire on two U.S. helicopters that crossed into the country from neighboring Afghanistan, intelligence officials said Monday.

The helicopters did not return fire and re-entered Afghan airspace without landing, the officials said.

Pakistan's army and the U.S. military in Afghanistan said they had no information on the reported incursion late Sunday, which will likely add to tensions between Islamabad and Washington.

A spate of suspected U.S. missile strikes into Pakistan's border region and a raid by U.S. commandos said to have killed 15 people have angered and embarrassed Pakistani leaders while signaling Washington's impatience with Pakistani efforts to clear out militant havens.

During a recent speech to Parliament, newly elected President Asif Ali Zardari, who is considered U.S.-friendly, warned that no country would be allowed to violate Pakistan's sovereignty in the name of the war on terror.

Zardari is on his way to New York to attend the U.N. General Assembly, and he is expected to meet President Bush.

The two intelligence officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to media.

They said informants in the field told them of the incursion around one mile inside the disputed and poorly demarcated border in the Alwara Mandi area in North Waziristan, a tribal region the U.S. considers a sanctuary for Taliban and al-Qaida fighters.

A week ago, U.S. helicopters reportedly landed near Angoor Ada, a border village in nearby South Waziristan, but returned toward Afghanistan after troops fired warning shots.

A Pakistani military spokesman said last week that troops had orders to open fire in case of another cross-border raid by foreign troops.


Associated Press writers Zarar Khan in Islamabad contributed to this report.

Pakistani troops reportedly fire on US helicopters - Yahoo! News
It seems that US is helping in infiltrating Baitullah Mehsud men through such advendurs.

Good show on part of Pakistani troops.

They dont have standing orders to shoot down these helis otherwise we must have been showing wreckage of few helis :azn:

jana jee - apparantly both incidents have not been confirmed by either party.
USA wont confirm this since they violated our airspace and Pakistan wont since ... you know People in Islamabad.
jana jee - apparantly both incidents have not been confirmed by either party.

well before speaking about both the incidents indeed i confirmed from the direct concerned ones ;)

So i had laught at the statements from both the side first time too and if they come up tommorrow with the same statment my lungs will have some excercise again :azn:
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