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Pakistani troops fire on intruding U.S. choppers

Officially both Pakistan and the US have denied any such incident took place, though Pakistan has said there was some 'firing', though not by Pakistani forces.

The newspaper reports are based on unofficial interviews with officials and tribesmen in the area.

:) it dosnt matter that what the official version from both sides is as face saving have to be done now after lesson learnt.

The best thing for Pakistan is that US had noticed the change.

Simple as that.

As far as tribesmen are concerned i had talked to few people from that area over phone and well yes fire did take place now it doesnt matter if tribesmen fired on them or army.

:) it dosnt matter that what the official version from both sides is as face saving have to be done now after lesson learnt.

The best thing for Pakistan is that US had noticed the change.

Simple as that.

As far as tribesmen are concerned i had talked to few people from that area over phone and well yes fire did take place now it doesnt matter if tribesmen fired on them or army.

Although it DOES seem more n more like the tribesmen chased the US soldiers out, not PA/PAF.

Which is good news as it shows that their loyalty still resides with the Green and the white! As long as WE are united, all hostiles will be retreating quite often.

Most commentators are predicting that a US attack would further destabilize Pakistan. To many of their dismay the very opposite has happened. We as the givers of the mandate should take that message up to the leaders of our respected constituencies and demand a unified front.
Although it DOES seem more n more like the tribesmen chased the US soldiers out, not PA/PAF.

Which is good news as it shows that their loyalty still resides with the Green and the white! As long as WE are united, all hostiles will be retreating quite often.

Most commentators are predicting that a US attack would further destabilize Pakistan.

United we stand, divided we fall!
So I guess its not all a lost cause. We shouldn't be sounding the war drums just yet.

Not at all.

This may have been part of a plan by the US to nudge/shove the GoP into taking more action.

Could have been Dubya up to his usual shenanigans.

I am encouraged by Bruce Reidel's comments (who serves on Obama's foreign policy panels) that there needs to be a more comprehensive approach to the region, and he mentioned addressing Pakistan's concerns with respect to finalizing the Durand by using US influence with the GoA.

Its the nuanced approach often advocated by Obama and his close advisors on various issues that makes me respect him - though I have to say that he is being forced to dumb down his message of late to click with all them 'workin class blue collah' folks'.
Of course both sides would prefer to say that it did not happen.

As Fatimah Jinnah says in the movie "The British are our friends and our rulers, we do not want them to be our rulers, but we want them to remain our friends".

It will be a great loss to both sides to ruin a decades old partnership.

there are no Enemies or friends in International politics .. but when a government behaves as an enemy for the sake of showing off to its own people .. then it has to look deep inside its own policies
.. but when a government behaves as an enemy for the sake of showing off to its own people .. then it has to look deep inside its own policies
Indeed - hence all of the recrimination on this forum directed at the US because of her pursuit of a deeply flawed policy that attacks another nations sovereignty - all to show that it is 'doing something'.

The US should stop acting like an enemy.
Not at all.

This may have been part of a plan by the US to nudge/shove the GoP into taking more action.

Could have been Dubya up to his usual shenanigans.

I am encouraged by Bruce Reidel's comments (who serves on Obama's foreign policy panels) that there needs to be a more comprehensive approach to the region, and he mentioned addressing Pakistan's concerns with respect to finalizing the Durand by using US influence with the GoA.

Its the nuanced approach often advocated by Obama and his close advisors on various issues that makes me respect him - though I have to say that he is being forced to dumb down his message of late to click with all them 'workin class blue collah' folks'.

The only time i had an admiration of the Senator from Illinois was when in 2004 DN Converntion he talked of defending the rights of an Arab/Muslim American family................Otherwise the man with the most liberal record doesnt appeal to me as much as the man on the bottom of the ticket, Joseph Biden!

Obama is all hot air, a friend of Inida and as noted earlier, the man with the most liberal voting record in the US Senate.

The US is a pragmatic nation, a nation that exists to advance its interests by any means. India, like Israel, will now find support from both parties - don;t expect the Repubs to do any less for India.

It is a republican administration after all, fueled by conservative analysts and think tanks, which has initiated a dramatic strategic relationship with India, and opened up US military and technology supplies for her.

The US is a pragmatic nation, a nation that exists to advance its interests by any means. India, like Israel, will now find support from both parties - don;t expect the Repubs to do any less for India.

It is a republican administration after all, fueled by conservative analysts and think tanks, which has initiated a dramatic strategic relationship with India, and opened up US military and technology supplies for her.

You are absolutely right sir...........But do you expect a change in the Congress bringing a slight end to the policy of the superpower of this day. Because McCain does blabber about his conservative credentials, safeguarding the economy and following a disticnt foriegn policy!
Indeed - hence all of the recrimination on this forum directed at the US because of her pursuit of a deeply flawed policy that attacks another nations sovereignty - all to show that it is 'doing something'.

The US should stop acting like an enemy.

Us wasnt behaving like one .. till someone created Monsters to attack it ..
and then that "someone" milked US by taking its money to fight on his behalf ..
dont you think US will take the total cost of that expenditure ??
Us wasnt behaving like one .. till someone created Monsters to attack it ..
and then that "someone" milked US by taking its money to fight on his behalf ..
dont you think US will take the total cost of that expenditure ??

The monsters were created out of the cold war and US policies in the Middle East. In fact these monsters had a direct link to the US in that the CIA, ISI and GID played central roles in creating the conditions for such monsters to prosper.

It wasn't deliberate, no one knew that the situation would become what it has now, but that does not mean that the various parties did not play their role.

No one 'milked' US money. The US was aware of Pakistani concerns with respect to a hostile India, and helping modernize Pakistan's military was necessary for her to contribute resources away from the East and in FATA.

That said, the majority of the funding given, as pointed out ad infinitum, is reimbursement of expenses incurred through deploying troops in FATA and logistical support for the US. If the US has issues with its accounting practices, that is her problem, and her prerogative to fix, not Pakistan's.
United we stand, divided we fall!

United we stand, but if we go down, we will take India, israel and US with us!
I feel that we have become chickens. Pakistan may have weak economy, but we are talking about one of the worlds best forces, with Atomic Power.

Let nobody fiddle with us. Whats good and whats bad has been long discussed and belongs to the past. Anyone anywhere at anytime threatening our Motherland should be sent a clear msg of how strong we stand together if our stability or country is threatened. We might have 10000 issues to solve internally in our country, but when any outside threat of any kind from anywhere comes along, we will respond with deadly force, and make no mistake, we will fire A.bombs if we have to. That should keep all in check.

World is afraid of a Iran that may or may not have A-bombs. And here we are, confirmed to have them, and still afraid?

I don not want to see any kind of war. But i also dont want to see our boarders violated each and everyday...

We have so lousy leaders. They Should all be eliminated.... We have also become a nation that is used to get handouts of $$$. This is not how it should be.. As long as we cant manage to make our own $$$ and stop depending on Uncle Sam's cash, we will be a nation that always will be afraid and Cry due to situations as we see now.

If you take the same politicians (theives) that have rules this country in past, and put them in a box and mix it, to then pick out one to rule our nation - does anyone here expect any different outcome then what we have seen in the past?

We need new Blood badly to take control of our politics. All older should be eliminated, and new people like Imran Khan or others should be given a chance...

US could have taken Iran long ago, but they dont do that, as iran then threatens Israel. Pak should do the same. If Pak is threatened, we should also threaten to Nuke Israel, and you will see US will backoff as "JAHODIO KI MAH MARR JAE GI" by such warning...

Damn, we have all elements, but no strong leader. We dont need much economy to put all these points i have mentioned earlier in place. All we need
are good leaders, some loyal people.

Pak nation is crying all over everyday about how they love their country, and how bad things have become. Its time to get the hell out on the streets and KILL all the Politicians in Pakistan who have stolen from us in the past, and take over the nation and shape it up like it should be..

We have tried all to shape up this country. I really dont mind of you dont agree with the next i am gona say. But think about it.

UNLESS WE ELIMINATE = HANG all Politicians that have stolen from PAK in past, we wont have a stable country. We need new and strong leaders with new and fresh ideas that are loyal to our country and people. We need this badly, and nobody seems to give a damn. If we all paks threaten the Politicians in pakistan like i have said, then believe me you will see Results..
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Us wasnt behaving like one .. till someone created Monsters to attack it ..
and then that "someone" milked US by taking its money to fight on his behalf ..
dont you think US will take the total cost of that expenditure ??

IF FEW Necons in US eveytime Milk money of its people in the name of so-called WoT based on lies, dont you think it doesnt have moral ground question.

and BTW are these Necons so stupid that they are giving us money without any reason and they are stupid enough that they are not counting the coins?

And pitty that you are comparing killing of innocent people by stupid white yanks as cost of expenditur.

You are absolutely right sir...........But do you expect a change in the Congress bringing a slight end to the policy of the superpower of this day. Because McCain does blabber about his conservative credentials, safeguarding the economy and following a disticnt foriegn policy!

McCain is too much of a soldier for me to be comfortable with him, and teh conservative views around 'national security' are jingoistic, and black and white, with no room for nuance.

McCain's reaction to the Georgia crisis says it all IMO.

You know what they say about people with hammers - every problem looks like a nail...

No more warmongers please.
IF FEW Necons in US eveytime Milk money of its people in the name of so-called WoT based on lies, dont you think it doesnt have moral ground question.

and BTW are these Necons so stupid that they are giving us money without any reason and they are stupid enough that they are not counting the coins?

And pitty that you are comparing killing of innocent people by stupid white yanks as cost of expenditur.


WOT started to Stop the Monsters who belive in maiming humanity .. in the name of 'some" cause .and any war needs money ..

no they are not stupid .. thats why they will take the worth of every penny of it .. and they are ..

well its pitty that a nation takes money to kill "innocent people", to kidnap "innocent"people to take them to Guantanamo ..
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