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Pakistani Taliban set 10 preconditions for peace talks

They, it seems have 25 more demands lined up once the first 10 are accepted.....and these are just to come to the table...wondering what they will demand then?

The Afghan taliban are better - they hardly had any demands for talks, the americans would have laughed their *** off on their faces if they demanded these.

if true than ttp is making a mockery of pak govt. They are taking them for fools.
Secular lobby is active to sabotage peace talks.

Well if these are the ' preconditions ' for the talks , should we hand over Islamabad after they consider the option of actual talks ? We have a functioning country , wake up and realize that . This is nothing but asking the Govt and Military to hand over power to the Taliban . Their conditions will get tougher and tougher after the talks actually begin . If you achieve peace after surrendering to these terrorists , then I do not believe that it is " peace " by any definition and context .
Well as far as this document of conditions is concerned yes it has been published on a pro-TTP website/forum jhuf.net which is banned in Pakistan and would need a proxy to open. Anyhow yes the document is present there in urdu and purported to be from TTP. And Allah knows best.

I am pasting the text in urdu of the doc here for anyone who might be interested to read the original.

حکومت پاکستان اور تحریک طالبان پاکستان کے مابین مذاکرات

تحریک طالبان پاکستان کی مذاکرات کرنے کیلئے حکومت کو دی جانے والی پہلی دس شرائط

خاص پیشکش :: جہادِ پاکستان

الحمد لله رب العالمين و الصلاة و السلام على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.. وبعد

حکومت پاکستان نے، پاکستان میں جہاد کرنے والی مرکزی جماعت تحریک طالبان پاکستان سے مذکرات کرنے کیلئے حال ہی میں ایک کل جماعتی کانفرنس منعقد کروائی ہے، جس میں پاکستان کی تمام سیاسی جماعتوں، فوج اور خفیہ اداروں کے افسران نے شرکت کی۔ چھ گھںٹے طویل اس کل جماعتی کانفرنس کے اجلاس کے ختتام پر نواز شریف نے تمام جماعتوں، فوج اور خفیہ اداروں کو اعتماد میں لیتے ہوئے، متفقہ طور پر تحریک طالبان پاکستان کو مذاکرات کی پیشکش کی ہے۔

حکومت پاکستان کی طرف سے مذاکرات کی پیشکش کے بعد، تحریک طالبان پاکستان کے جید علما و مجاہدین (اللہ انکی حفاظت فرمائے) پر مشتمل شوری نے مرکزی امیر شہزادہِ امت حکیم اللہ محسود حفظہ اللہ کی سر پرستی میں، حکومت سے مذاکرات کیلئے دس رکنی شوری تشکیل دی ہے اور ساتھ ہی مذاکرات شروع کرنے کے طور پر دس شرائط بھی پیش کی ہیں، جنکی بنا پر حکومت سے مذاکرات شروع کیے جائینگے۔

تحریک طالبان پاکستان مذاکرات شروع کرنے کیلئے دس مندرجہ شرائط حکومت کے سامنے رکھ رہے ہیں۔

۱۔ پاکستان میں بسنے والے مجاہدین کیلئے مجموعی استثنا۔ یہ کہ حکومت پاکستان، پاکستان میں بسنے والے ہر مجاہد کیلئے استثنا کا اعلان کرے، چاہےوہ کسی بھی علاقے میں موجود ہو۔

۲۔ جیلوں میں قید تمام مجاہدین کی فوری رہائی۔ یہ کہ پاکستان کی تمام جیلوں میں قید تمام مجاہدین کو فوری رہا کیا جائے، چاہے ان مجاہدین کا تعلق کسی بھی ملک، علاقے، رنگ و نسل سے ہو۔ اس ضمن میں دس رکنی شوری نے ساڑھے چار ہزار سے زائد محاجرین و انصار پر مشتمل مجاہدین کی فہرست تیار کر لی ہے، جو پاکستان کی جیلوں میں قید ہیں۔

۳۔ پاکستان میں شریعت کا نفاذ۔ یہ کہ پاکستان میں شریعت کا نفاذ کیا جائے۔ شرعی عدالتیں قائم کی جائیں، جہاں پر قرآن و سنت کے مطابق فیصلے کیے جائیں۔

۴۔ امریکی صلیبی جنگ اور امریکی اتحاد سے فوری علیحدگی۔ یہ کہ پاکستانی حکومت اور فوج فوری طور پر پاکستان کو امریکی صلیبی جنگ اور امریکی اتحاد سے علیحدہ کریں

۵۔ تمام قبائلی علاقہ جات سے فوج کی واپسی۔ یہ کہ پاکستانی فوج تمام قبائلی علاقہ جات سے واپس بلائی جائے۔

۶۔ قبائلی علاقہ جات میں سیکیورٹی خدمات، قبائلیوں کو سپرد کیے جائیں۔

۷۔ فوجی آپریشن میں شہید ہونے والے یا زخمیان کے لواحقین کو جائز معاوضہ فراہم کیا جائے۔

۸۔ ڈرون حملوں میں ہونے والے نقصانات کا لواحقین کو معاوضہ ادا کیا جائے۔

۹۔ ڈرون حملوں کا نقصان اٹھانے والے، اور اسیروں کے لواحقین میں سے ایک فرد کو فوری ماہ وار روزگار فراہمی

۱۰۔ مذاکرات میں نیک نیتی کی ضمانت کے طور پر امام مجسدِ حرام عبد الرحمن السدیس کی ضمانت۔ یہ کہ حکومت نیک نیتی کہ طور پر امامِ مسجد حرام عبدالرحمن ا السدیس کی ایسی ضمانت ادا کرے کہ وہ مسجد حرام میں ٹہر کر اللہ کو گواہ بنا کر ضمانت دے۔

یہ دس شرائط مذاکرات شروع کرنے کی شرائط ہیں، جو حکومت کو مذاکرات شروع کرنے کیلئے پیش کی جا رہی ہیں۔ اسکے علاوہ، مذاکرات شروع کر دیے جانے کے بعد بھی مجاہدین دیگر شرائط پیش کرینگے جن میں سے ۲۵ دیگر شرائط بھی مجاہدین نے تیار کر لی ہیں، ان میں بعض شرائط کے مطابق، لعین پرویز مشرف شکیل آفریدی کی حوالگی اور ڈاکٹر عافیہ صدیقی کی فوری رہائی کی عملی اقدامات بھی شامل ہیں

وَلِلَّهِ الْعِزَّةُ وَلِرَسُولِهِ وَلِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَلَكِنَّ الْمُنَافِقِينَ لا يَعْلَمُونَ

أخوكم العبد الفقير لله : ابو مصعب الباكستاني


ادعو لإخوانكم المجاهدين

مؤسسةالاجہاد فی الباکستان

ہمارا جہاد کرنا، صرف پاکستان تک محدود نہیں

Source: http://jhuf.net/showthread.php?19321-حکومت-پاکستان-اور-تحریک-طالبان-پاکستان-ک-1746&p=89901#post89901
[Bregs];4779998 said:
I have heard that only 4500 TTP activist are active then how came they are able to dictate or put forth such tough n some impractical demands to a govt

what r u sayiing? more than 4k are in pak jails according to ttp, imagine how many r outside.

The FBI might be watching you , be careful , unless of course you want to be put to the next plane from JFK to Pakistan .

Waging cyber Jihad against America whilst living in United States of America ? :azn:
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what r u sayiing? more than 4k are in pak jails according to ttp, imagine how many r outside.

i read some where here in PDF thread i am not sure though trying to find that post
these demands will descend soon when GOP uses 'good taliban card'.
Nawaz Sharif will accept it and pack his bags and go back to Jeddah? You think he fought tooth and nail and took countless blessings to pack up and work for the Talibans? I mean Sharif zaroor hai, magar abhi itna bhi Sharif nahin hai.

He better pack his bags and pushes off. That will be in the betterment of this country.

Now only reinstated Parvez Musharraf can deal with these faggots. I am also starting to believe that Pakistan is better governed under military rulers.All these Nawaz and Bhuttos are trash.

Is 'Sauds' correct answer for fill in the blank question ??

100% and you are right put Mush back in seat and see how he kicks people now.
Idiots, absurd demands, i will not be surprised if NS accepts it under the pressure of ...........

IK should open his eyes now and stop singing the song of negotiations.

People wake up, see what these rulers are upto. And do not restrict yourself to NS and IK. All those who were in APC are to be blamed for settling on negotiations.

These dont seem like ordinary criminal demands to me...as I said in another thread the TTP are ideologically motivated and are looking for a country of their own.

Here is what I think will go on following this if these points are truly from the TTP.
1. Collective immunity for all the Mujahideen residing in Pakistan - that the Government of Pakistan will announce the immunity for every Mujahid operating or staying in Pakistan, whether he be present in any area.

On the surface there would be a no but possibly the Tribal Areas would be handed over to them, recall the SWAT agreement was also kept secret and basically had the Talibs run SWAT as they please.

2. Immediate release of all imprisoned Mujahideen - all the Mujahideen imprisoned in all the jails of Pakistan should be released immediately, whether they belong to any country, region or ethnicity. In this regard, 10-member body of the Taliban has prepared a list of 4,500 Muajideen and their helpers imprisoned in the jails of Pakistan.

This clause will be negotiated some Talibs released some not, again probably done in secret.

3. Enforcement of Sharia'ah in Pakistan - Sharia'ah law should be enforced in Pakistan. Shaia'ah courts should be established, where decisions are made on the basis of Qur'an and Sunnah.

That would be a no, most likely done by the Talibs to seem legit to the centres that support them, I mean in the population at large.

4. Immediate separation from American crusade war and alliance - Pakistani Government and Military should immediately separate Pakistan from American crusade war.

Seems improbable: Pakistan needs the aid to survive at this point.

5. Withdrawal of Pakistan Army from whole tribal region - Pakistan Army should be withdrawn from the tribal areas.

Already in progress.

6. Tribesmen be made responsible for the security of tribal areas.

Quite possibly, the Talibs find it easier to infiltrate the Tribal Pakhtuns using the cloak of Pakhtun culture so it works for them to have an indirect power hold on the region in terms of legitimate power.

7. Justified compensation be paid to the families of those who were 'martyred' or wounded in Military operations.

There were some rumours of payment to the terrorists even during the Swat hand over, possibly done again.

8. Compensation be paid to the affectees of drone attacks.

Again, possible.

9. A source of livelihood be provided for one member of the family affected with drone strikes.


10. Guarantee of Imam of Masjid ul Haraam, Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais be provided as a sign of honesty - Government, as a sign of honesty, should provide such a guarantee by the Imam of Masjid ul Haram, Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, that he while staying in Masjid ul Haraam, making Allah his witness, gives assurance.

A veiled message to have a third party guarantee this time either from a like minded support network possibly from Saudi Arabia or elsewhere the Swat agreement was bilateral, now they want a third party to gain more ground.

Why is this happening?

Very simply because though the operation has been unsuccessful in destroying the Talibs the have been severely damaged, their focus now has shifted to gaining an economic infrastructure which will allow them to recuperate. There have been reports that moderate Talibs, the guys who actually want to earn using terror tactics, are gaining power in these groups. This agreement works for the government which gets to breathe a little and the Talibs who get to focus on investing in a economic infrastruture. Refer to my posts on Learn by doing by Shuja Nawaz and Testing the closed-system theory on Taliban for more details.
These dont seem like ordinary criminal demands to me...as I said in another thread the TTP are ideologically motivated and are looking for a country of their own.
As i said in the same thread, they are sponsored. If funding stops they will be no more. Someone is giving them money to survive and weapons to fight. It is certainly not Pakistan.
These dont seem like ordinary criminal demands to me...as I said in another thread the TTP are ideologically motivated and are looking for a country of their own.

Possibly so but for now their aims seem more like towards economics, they as a political entity cannot say it outloud of course and need to show a strong face but it seems unlikely. See my article on that on PDF: Testing the closed-system theory on the Taliban: do they need foreign money?
As i said in the same thread, they are sponsored. If funding stops they will be no more. Someone is giving them money to survive and weapons to fight. It is certainly not Pakistan.

Militant funding is a complicated matter - there is not just one source as everyone believes - they have numerous interests from drugs, to weapons, hijackings, kidnappings, piracy, humanitarian aids, madrassah funds, collections made outside mosques in foreign and Muslim countries...heck, even NATO pays them 400 million a year for safe passage of cargo thru' militant infested areas..then they have various corporations, mineral interests, trafficking, hawala, extortion's etc. - it's a worldwide network of finance.

One of their major source of funding comes from their mercenary services and protection rackets.

Similarly, there is a network in place for weapons and for men.
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