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Pakistani Taliban set 10 preconditions for peace talks

Wow abibi u r DREAMING 2008....... just look outside ur home daily bombblasts,DRONE:omghaha:

I don't cheer death of innocent people just to win an online argument, I m not dreaming about it, just stating a mere fact.
I don't cheer death of innocent people just to win an online argument, I m not dreaming about it, just stating a mere fact.

FACT is no Ram,David,Jew DOING BOMBBLASTS or mumbai ATTACKS on innocent PEOPLE &shouting allahu akbar:rofl::rofl:
NO sharia law...
NO immunity... All TTP terrorists must be tried for their crimes against humanity & Islam...
And NO protection for Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais... He is a loser terrorist supporter.

Rest offers can happen...
We can clearly see these are scripted demands not prepared by these brainless SOB's but this carp is prepared by their foreign bosses. We have already seen Gen. kayani's message to these rented terrorists & to the spineless politicians.

Around 4,500 rented terrorists in Pakistan prisons this shows how incompetent CJ is. All of these rented terrorists should had been hanged for their crimes against Pakistan.
Thanks god they have not ask for Mulla Umar as pakistan army chief ....

Keep this crap with you, Mullah Omer has clearly said he’s got nothing to do with TTP & they are not part of (Afghan) Taliban. He (Mullah Omer) also told these rented sob’s that the real enemy is here in Afghanistan who are the invaders & they should fight against them, TTP reject Mullah Omer’s call. (Afghan)Taliban & rented TTP both are enemies, so cut your BS & STFU.
The frightening thing here is pak govt - which obviously have sympathisers for these groups - might start fulfilling demands one by one and I think it will be an unending cycle..

Even these demands were not made public or came into discussion in the public domain because they are ridiculous.

Taliban members are already being released openly or by pak courts for lack of evidence.

as someone said, army is pulling back out of some sectors.

recently there are number of attacks on nato containers and no action is been taken or being provided security - so clandestinely stopping cooperation on WOT.

Compensations being given to drone victims? no idea.

shariah in pakistan?? not possible, but some shariah laws might get enforced, especially in the tribal and north regions.

etc etc.

Keep this crap with you, Mullah Omer has clearly said he’s got nothing to do with TTP & they are not part of (Afghan) Taliban. He (Mullah Omer) also told these rented sob’s that the real enemy is here in Afghanistan who are the invaders & they should fight against them, TTP reject Mullah Omer’s call. (Afghan)Taliban & rented TTP both are enemies, so cut your BS & STFU.

You clearly live under a rock. All these groups are networked and operate under a wider umbrella.
Pakistani Taliban set 10 preconditions for peace talks

By Burrāq
[Terminal X Desk]

Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the outlawed terrorist organisation operating against the Pakistani State, announced ten preconditions for peace talks, in reply to a Government offer for dialogue.

In a statement released on the internet, including a few social media sites, by the Umar Media, the so-called media wing of TTP, it was said that the Taliban don't want to waste time in what they call is a 'fruitless' dialogue, unless their ten demands are met, before the beginning of the peace process.

Below is the translation of the statement released by the Umar Media:

“In the name of God, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.

Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan is going to present following ten conditions to the government, in order to start the process of dialogue;

1. Collective immunity for all the Mujahideen residing in Pakistan - that the Government of Pakistan will announce the immunity for every Mujahid operating or staying in Pakistan, whether he be present in any area.

2. Immediate release of all imprisoned Mujahideen - all the Mujahideen imprisoned in all the jails of Pakistan should be released immediately, whether they belong to any country, region or ethnicity. In this regard, 10-member body of the Taliban has prepared a list of 4,500 Muajideen and their helpers imprisoned in the jails of Pakistan.

3. Enforcement of Sharia'ah in Pakistan - Sharia'ah law should be enforced in Pakistan. Shaia'ah courts should be established, where decisions are made on the basis of Qur'an and Sunnah.

4. Immediate separation from American crusade war and alliance - Pakistani Government and Military should immediately separate Pakistan from American crusade war.

5. Withdrawal of Pakistan Army from whole tribal region - Pakistan Army should be withdrawn from the tribal areas.

6. Tribesmen be made responsible for the security of tribal areas.

7. Justified compensation be paid to the families of those who were 'martyred' or wounded in Military operations.

8. Compensation be paid to the affectees of drone attacks.

9. A source of livelihood be provided for one member of the family affected with drone strikes.

10. Guarantee of Imam of Masjid ul Haraam, Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais be provided as a sign of honesty - Government, as a sign of honesty, should provide such a guarantee by the Imam of Masjid ul Haram, Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, that he while staying in Masjid ul Haraam, making Allah his witness, gives assurance.

These 10 demands are the conditions to start a dialogue, which are being presented to the Government, so the dialogue process begins. Apart from this, after the start of formal negotiations, Mujahideen will present their further demands, of which 25 conditions have already been prepared by the Mujahideen. According to some of these demands, practical measures must be taken to handover Pervez Musharraf and Shakil Afridi, and ensure the release of Aafia Siddiqui.”

This is not gonna happen. I think Taliban have been smoking too much hashish these days. No deal.
Indirectly they are asking for TTP to form government in pakistan and rule them..
They basically want their own country where they live and to top it off they want to rule the rest of world with their own shariah courts. Sounds reasonable. Why spend money on tanks and planes when all you need to do is make everyone illiterate and then bark unreasonable demands or even blackmail people to give them what they want or else they will go to heaven.
Maybe when hell freezes over. And we have no place to send these idiots to.
The great part about that research was that it attacked the root cause of the problem. Money. The thing is that this money is usually dispersed by a third party which takes funding from many different sources which are unfamiliar to the terror outfits. When intel agencies point the finger at India, arabia or russia, it does not mean that the money is directly traced back to them. It just means the disperser of funds is making a pool of funds and then cleaning it of ties and then fulfilling needed requirements of the outfits. This is where the proposal of targets "could" be suggested as well. But the overall object is to let these outfits perform on their own as much as possible to keep links to a minimum. There should definitely be courses taught in our encampments on the high value of finding ties and links to money. South asia is severely lacking with 21st century warfare skills.

It surely needs a concerted genuine effort from all countries to starve them of their sources, one country cannot do it on its own. As Zawahiri said in his speech these groups have merged themselves under a banner and have possibly divided their area of operations and delegated responsibilities amongst themselves.

Most financing they receive are from clandestine sources and from clandestine operations and businesses and many of their donors are unaware that they are funding them indirectly.
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