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Pakistani Sikh grateful that his elders stayed in Pakistan in 1947.

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25 pages and more, and the thread was on the basis of a Pakistani Sikh Patriot - who loves his country, are indian's that insecure that they were trying to bust the contention that Pakistanis love Pakistan. Strange and more ammunition for those who believe there is a serious inferiority complex from your side.

I am not at all insecure and nor does other as long as you do not try to generalize one person experience. If he is happy, good for him but do not say Sikhs in India have taken wrong decision.
It could be that there would have been bigger genocide in Pakistan everyday? Like it happens with other groups (search for Shia genocide in Pakistan).

What is or was better for Sikhs and who they should have preferred was and will be decided by them. They have given their decision and minus few living in Canada, they are happy.

In this world everyone will have grievances and they have their own for 1984, but what is important is that it was one and only single such incidence.

Pakistani Sikh's are proud of their country, do you understand that.
Just 5 more years, and our western neighbors will completely lose the poverty canard. The "evil India Hindus hate minorities" canard will be in use then

Expect more Babri, Gujrat and 1984 arguments as they desperately try to justify the creation/existence of their nation.

Their liberals will perpetually be whining about "Jinnah's Pakistan" while the rightists will want "more Islam" to set right their nation
I am not at all insecure and nor does other as long as you do not try to generalize one person experience. If he is happy, good for him but do not say Sikhs in India have taken wrong decision.

That's his opinion - he has the right to express it. And yes you are insecure - or you and your compatriots would not have spent 25 or more pages trying to prove Pakistani Sikh's do not love their country.
Just 5 more years, and our western neighbors will completely lose the poverty canard. The "evil India Hindus hate minorities" canard will be in use then

Expect more Babri, Gujrat and 1984 arguments as they desperately try to justify the creation/existence of their nation.

Their liberals will perpetually be whining about "Jinnah's Pakistan" while the rightists will want "more Islam" to set right their nation

5 more years, don't make me laugh, 500 years more like - more than 80% percent of you are on less than half a dollar a day, indian hubris it does make you laugh.
When one is tongue tied, then one resorts to such comments. :)

Dude nor me or my brethren are being blown to bits and pieces, so that survival thing won't work for me.
Dude nor me or my brethren are being blown to bits and pieces, so that survival thing won't work for me.

No you are aborting female children and starving millions to death.
Forget 5 years. 13 months will be enough

Like I said hubris.

Nearly 80 pct of India lives on half dollar a day

Aug 10 (Reuters) - Seventy-seven percent of Indians -- about 836 million people -- live on less than half a dollar a day in one of the world's hottest economies, a government report said.
Pakistani Sikh's are proud of their country, do you understand that.

In Pakistan only a fool will take risk of saying he is not proud of his country or he is being oppressed for being a minority.
Because he can get prosecuted under Blasphemy laws. You never know how people can twist your things to make it look that way.

You want to live in fools paradise be my guest, but the fact about minority rights in Pakistan are well known.
Like I said hubris.

Nearly 80 pct of India lives on half dollar a day

Aug 10 (Reuters) - Seventy-seven percent of Indians -- about 836 million people -- live on less than half a dollar a day in one of the world's hottest economies, a government report said.

Change of topic means you are loosing the debate.
In Pakistan only a fool will take risk of saying he is not proud of his country or he is being oppressed for being a minority.
Because he can get prosecuted under Blasphemy laws. You never know how people can twist your things to make it look that way.

You want to live in fools paradise be my guest, but the fact about minority rights in Pakistan are well known.

Same with india - here laddie

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Like I said hubris.

13 more months and the per capita income of an Indian will be > 1.5 times of that of an average Pakistani. (with a comparable GINI coefficent=same wealth inequality) .

Just 13 months bhai jan, we'll see :azn:
No you are aborting female children and starving millions to death.

Oh come on boy, you can do better. You won't even pass the written exam for a terrorist camp. I am sure if you can make it to the interview round with this small amount of hatred and jealousy.
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