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Pakistani Scientist Among 10 Global Thematic Icons of the Decade 2001-2010

Did you guys see the same ids Salawal Salah , bubli and tigerincage have also commented on express tribune? They also clime to have met him each in different countries. I don't know what the purpose of such hoax could be.

YouTube - Global Thematic of the decade: Dr Aurangzeb Hafi

Sane view:

Prof Hafi wanted to make a name for himself (for a job probably), hired some people to do propaganda.

Conspiracy Theorist view :

It's a technique by the ISI to inject nationalism into the Pakistani populace :pakistan: (esp after the Qadri episode)

The picture of Prof Hafi is interesting, sporting a beard and all. Might also have to do with convincing people that "look you secular extremists, not all bearded guys are crazy".
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my foolish fellow plz do a single attempt like dr hafi for a job.i think dr hafi go to jail after this,you may get job.it is like a besetting sin for us all pakistanis,that some people think before they express,but most of pakistanis like you never think even after they vomit.plz stop thinking superficially.
2day i read this web but the great new behind many jealous peoples, peoples used bad language, this is Pakstani nation or indian nation how are use senseless languge?
Hey guys you must celebrate, I think this is true,I read about him in many web, Mr Aurangzeb Hafi is a great personality because he have long history,






---------- Post added at 07:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:10 AM ----------





all the personalities are great
I am Mahnoor from CIMR Punjab University.

I really feel very sorry for all people, who oppose Dr. Hafi on different forums in disgusting manner. I have read all stories and this all is not more then hue and cry. You all should not play fast and loose with any person, you don’t know. All of your arguments are platitudes and hold no water I think all of you are superficialls.

I met Dr.Hafi first time when he came to Punjab University for an orientation. All science faculty deans and V.C. attended that orientation. He is really a man of letters. People like Dr. Aurangzeb Hafi ought to be respected. His achievements are above board. It is not the right way to inquire anybody.

This is my mobile number 03344489646.

If any one wants to know about the ins and outs of Dr.Hafi make a call to me or come to CIMR Punjab University.

so at last some solid stand for dr. HAfI is here. PUNJAB UNIVERSITY is the only best university PAKISTAN has.
so at last some solid stand for dr. HAfI is here. PUNJAB UNIVERSITY is the only best university PAKISTAN has.

And India doesn't even have that :lol:
Now seriously was it a sarcasm???? Who in the HELL told you freshi that Punjab university is the 'only' 'Best' university??? :hitwall::hitwall:

Did you do your English homework boy???

What do you mean by 'Only BEST'?? I guess BEST is always 'only' :lol:
Human greatness and its recognition hardly go together. It is a tragic irony that a very few of such great men have duly been recognized , much less honored in their life-time even by their own people……….the people for whom they lived, suffered and died.` They are denunciated by their own people. When the heroes ,…the great men…are alive, they are misunderstood ,misjudged, abused, attacked, and even persecuted if not put to death. it is only after their death ,when controversies are over and when the distance of time dispels the mists of misunderstanding , prejudice and conflict of interests, that the great men receive their real honor and place ,and then shine in all their glory, but, they are then beyond the reach of the cries uttered, the tears shed and the praises showered.
The great men of the world , who illuminate the course of history in all ages, are men of ideas, of vision and of farsighted imagination. They are seekers of truth and justice , and always refuse to support wrong, injustice and oppression, and fight to establish truth over falsehood .They are dreamers of highest human happiness and of equal right for affluent and deprived .
Actually heroes are indeed a group of special persons, and they live for mankind at large ,and strive all their lives to bring about the establishment of the highest humanity in the entire world .obviously they are quite different from the rest of human beings.
Whenever they begin to promulgate their principles and ideas, few support them, but many oppose them and are abused, condemned and criticized by people., and when they strike blind prejudices and superstitions they are fanatically resisted and often persecuted. In case his ideas are against the established system of society ,the people who have vested interest in it , force the government to punish him for promulgating his ideas. even when they begin to succeed in their mission, the people, in the height of their blindness, refuse to recognize their achievements. actually most of the people are selfish ,egocentric,, submissive ,compromising and apathetic to the interests of their fellow beings, ,the great men are wedded to their ideas, and to their mission to eradicate injustice,, cruelty and oppression from the face of earth. This makes others jealous of them.
It is only after the death of the great man that his ideas, his untiring efforts and his passion of patriotism become the centre of attention of those who either failed or refused to understand them.
Dr aurangzeb hafi, you are surly one of them[/B].
I have written this all for real heroes and great men, not for actors and cricketers ,who are the heroes of people like stumpers, yousaf khan ,jayron and justan observer.
So doctor nothing is new with you. Sir it is our tradition.
But the tradition of heroes like you also going on, and all the sufferings and misunderstandings could not discourage the people like you.
And India doesn't even have that :lol:
Now seriously was it a sarcasm???? Who in the HELL told you freshi that Punjab university is the 'only' 'Best' university??? :hitwall::hitwall:

Did you do your English homework boy???

What do you mean by 'Only BEST'?? I guess BEST is always 'only' :lol:

Ok English man, let me teach you a little of English.

If i had written "one of the best university" then it meant that there were many best universities and punjab university was "one of the best university".
but what if you do not have any other university that can be called as best university ???
so if you do not have any other than you must say it "the only best university":bounce:

i am sure you will not mind the fact.
lesson is over.
class dismissed.
you can go home boy.
now you can play with your toys.:smokin:
This is fake, this Mullah did not win anything, I should have read the article before thanking it.

Look at the funny wordings used in this:

“International Assessment and Ranking Tapestry”
“The Decade Merit Scrutinum”
“The Sovereign Military Order Of Malta”

Retarded Children Guild Research Syndicate Berbly, Sri Lanka


This is some funny ****.

Ah well, we still have Dr Abdus Salam.
Special notes have been made for; Julian Assange’s Wiki-leaks’ contributions for bringing into the public domain, the tremendous and massively gargantuan horrifying evidence, that is compelling, undeniable and that tells the cores of conspiracy theories, otherwise untold, for; Aurangzeb Hafi’s ‘The Sea of Mirage in Eyes of The Water’ for it unfolds and dialogues logico-rationally the ‘contextualized falsifications’ in a classical argumentative scholastic way and manner that makes the transcendental discussions, the realms reserved for the trajectory of centuries to come, and for; Stephens Soldz’s talk on ‘Psychology and Coercive Interrogations In Historical Perspective--Aid and Comfort for Torturers’ for it’s contents, it’s massages, which are the reminders,

Hahahahah, :lol:

'Its massages', lol.

Just read this for Gods sake.
If something is not in your pocket knowledge, it couldn’t be real .what a rubbish
Standard for the assessment of any issue. everybody is going to celebrate this news,and you are blowing your own trumpet. Actually you just loose your head after listening or reading this news, just because one Pakistani is also there, don’t worry you just divert your attention towards other 9 members, than everything would be clear-cut, because everything is infact factual .So don’t play in to your own hands .
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