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Pakistani medicines popular in Nigeria

they are pakistani medicines made by pakistani companies, companies just dont sell their recipe or formula to other competitors for anything they researched. so once their patent or whatever expires on something they researched and developed then all companies are welcome to make them if they are capable.

Can you give me a few examples of Pakistani made medicines, the ones that are developed by Pakistani companies?
Yeah. Let me just accept your words and also Abbott is a Pakistani company, so is Pfizer.

But just so you know, there is no shame in making generic drugs, India's most medicine exports have been generic. It's not easy to develop new drugs, the big companies and also research institutes spend billions of dollars for the development of new drugs and it takes years if not decades to make a real "game changer". If you get off that high horse of yours maybe you would realize that too.
There is no mentioned in article abt Company all it says is PRODUCTS let me write again for u PRODUCTS
These companies have their industry in my country n use our resources and labor to make them n satisfy the local n international demands!!!!!
They r exported as Pakistani products with MADE IN PAKISTAN written on their packs!!!!!!!
Read the post#7,10,11

Is it too hard for u to comprehend??
There is no mentioned in article abt Company all it says is PRODUCTS let me write again for u PRODUCTS

Didn't you thank this post saying Abbott is a Pakistani company? and you ask me to take your words.

These companies have their industry in my country n use our resources and labor to make them n satisfy the local n international demands!!!!!

As Pakistani products with MADE IN PAKISTAN written on their packs!!!!!!!
Read the post#7,10,11

Is it too hard for u to comprehend??

As it turns out you have absolutely zero knowledge about R&D of drugs. I am sure Pakistani companies make generic drugs, wasn't disputing that anyway. My point was the article makes it sound like it was talking about drugs that were developed in Pakistan, which is what I was asking about. Although you didn't tell me anything regarding that I guess I got my answer. So long!

this is list of medicines made by this company alone which is a pakistani company

Cool. But do you see a term in parentheses in all of them? That's the generic name of the drug which was developed by someone else. I already know that there are companies in Pakistan that make generic drugs. That's not what I was asking about. As I said before it's a good thing and not a matter or shame. Most of India's pharma sector in based on making generic drugs too.
Didn't you thank this post saying Abbott is a Pakistani company? and you ask me to take your words.

As it turns out you have absolutely zero knowledge about R&D of drugs. I am sure Pakistani companies make generic drugs, wasn't disputing that anyway. My point was the article makes it sound like it was talking about drugs that were developed in Pakistan, which is what I was asking about. Although you didn't tell me anything regarding that I guess I got my answer. So long!

1) im talking abt the article that is share by OP in the Thread by OP.


U know i have started to understand yr people's mindset n i had knew u would say that i have no knowledge of what im talking abt etc etc specially when i was writing '' they r made in pakistan''. As u people have a delusion that everything that is Made from Pakistan cant be called Pakistani:lol:

Then u say that ur sure abt Pak companies blah blah

but here is yr original post. Its actually u who had mentioned this (in bold parts)

Here is a question. When they say "Pakistani medicines" are they talking about generic medicines made in Pakistan? The line that got me confused is "Pakistani medicines are rated at par with European countries" :undecided:

So basically u thing we r less talented or basically gone cavemen who cant even make quality medicines?
This was yr point n thats why i had replied u to go inti post# 7, 10, 11 to educate yrself that medicines r being made in Pak too n r exported to the world from here!!!!!!!

Then u come up with a ''Companyphobia'' and i told u that!!!!!

our politicians arent the best source for this kinda of info lol.

there has has been incidents where fake meds killed people in pakistan but its far worse in india should i post some info or are you aware of that?

Cool. But do you see a term in parentheses in all of them? That's the generic name of the drug which was developed by someone else. I already know that there are companies in Pakistan that make generic drugs. That's not what I was asking about. As I said before it's a good thing and not a matter or shame. Most of India's pharma sector in based on making generic drugs too.

ok einstein lol
did i ever claim that these drugs are reserched and developed by that company?
as i said in earlier posts pakistani companies make "better quailty generics of meds then india"
pakistani companies developed these generic versions of these drugs.

what drugs does india make?
can you prove that india makes something better then pakistan?
dont give me something pakistan doesnt make.
pick two things made in both countries and compare them.
its that simple

i don't wanna humiliate other Pakistanis for the sake of ur ego but i think u guys were claiming u produce Motorbikes urself in some other thread, u can search google about Indian Bike industry n compare urself u'll get ur answer....:)
So basically u thing we r less talented or basically gone cavemen who cant even make quality medicines?

I went over that garbage this is the only line that I found worth replying to. No I don't think you guys are less talented. I think all people are equally made, there are smart people in every ethnicity. It's all about getting the right opportunity. All talented people are not equally fortunate to get that.
quality generics are produced in pakistan, better quality then all of south asia.
there aren't any drugs researched and made solely by pakistani companies if thats what you are looking for.

Sorry I didn't see this post before.
roughly around 400 million

That's the number for exports to the rest of the world.

Do you have any numbers for Nigeria ????



Pakistan should export pharmaceutical medicine across ME, Africa, Central Asia where it can gain market share.

Pakistan should lower the prices for own market and provide.

In Pakistan in bordering areas Indian medicines are popular because these are cheap. The same Multinational Co's medicines made under license in Pakistan costs double the price the same are made under license in India.
hate to say this i attended a seminar/presentation given by GETZ Pharma they do their research in india also companies like Searle have their supply chain linked to India for raw materials no need to fight over this
see everybody no trolling but their is nothing to fight over this issue .

As we know what we are capable of and what pakistanis are ??

No one in the world except US in this field can beat us.(we are the cheapest and best )

A nation which produces a vaccine of three types successfully in just 6 months for deadly swine flu virus , so anybody can imagine where we are in this field .
I see many Indian trolling and blabbering shamelessly. :disagree:Off course its generic drugs export. Only a handful of countries are in the game of inventing new molecules and India is not one of them.:rolleyes: And also PAK is most likely doing it within intl patent laws as they like BD is most likely exempted from global patent rights till 2016. But India even though agreed with TRIPS to honor global patent laws, they recently turned down the patent rights of an anti-cancer drug by novartis. Though I don't blame them for that as medicine should be out of this financial profiting for the sake of humanity, but please don't brag about inventing new molecules.:no: Even china doesn't fare well in this field against the likes of US (the top dog) followed by decent share of UK, Germany,sweden ,Japan and likes. Even S.korea is not on this game yet. Are Indians shamelessly trolling because, currently MNC companies may be, are opting to do joint venture with some IND companies but that's mainly because of the cheap clinical trial subjects India provides without giving a Damn to FDA standards or Intl law. Funny how Indians are bragging about being the largest producers of generic drugs. Being a country of 1bn, anything less would have been an abomination.:omghaha:
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