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Pakistani man gets sexually harassed by girls in Karachi, blogs about the ordeal

bhai you are too Jazbati to have a proper conversation ..
plus don't forget to google a Word " Sarcasm " this might help you :)
have a nice day
Ummm ... do remind me of a single solitary logical point you made in this entire thread ... maybe then we can talk about a "proper conversation" ...
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Ummm ... do remind me of a single solitary logical point you made in this entire thread ... maybe then we can talk about a "proper conversation" ...

Question is does this new deserve a Proper question ? i have been to 1 College and 2 Private universities in Karachi and see girls doing more than groping , and even some who don't like that does not go out and start crying over, cause they might have take this groping or accidental touching wrong, plus i invite you to go to Tariq Road in Eid Times and see for your self , there are women and men walking so close to each other than they can easily touch one another and yet it wont be considered bad until someone see anyone do it intentionally :)

as for your only Argument that i should make fun of women claiming sexual Assault well, if a girl is exaggerating than i will use SARCASM too, if you are too Jazbati over such news than i am happy that people like you are not in position of Power to chop of balls of every women complaining to be sexually assault or man complaining about his waist been touched by a random girl .. you investigate and than come to a conclusion not do Hawai firing
If this is true then shame on all the people who called it bs or congratulated him by saying 'lucky'. How you like if it happened to the females in your family, would you like it if people called females in your family lucky for being sexually harassed? Sexual harassment whether it happens to men or women its unacceptable, some peoples reactions are Unbelievable...
Earth to topgun: "Abort abort ... your literally justifying sexual assault ..."

Stop trying to put words in other peoples mouth ... making your own statement and now taking it to another level. Its you that needs to come back to earth. I simply meant it in a fun way in the statement I stated if you or others didn't like it I care less it was my opinion. Read my fist message and then understand it don't be so backward ....
This sort of argument is what gets under the skin of people like myself. Just on another thread, everyone was glorifying the behavior of a girl who stood up for her sister and beat up the man who sexually harassed her sister. When it comes to men, we've a thousands of reasons and arguments to belittle their suffering and practically do nothing about it. "Yeah .. men sexually harassed --- but women are sexually harassed more" is the kind of argument that should get under the skin of people, because the same argument could be made in the favor of men when it comes to different types of violent crime. Why don't we do it? Because we realize that violent crime just like harassment and other crimes is gender neutral.

If the problem is gender neutral, why is the solution gender specific ?
Very clear minded answer just cos it might happen more to women makes it acceptable that it happens to men disgusting reason, unbelievable reasoning isn't it...
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Boys don't cry...
Sexual harassment is acceptable when women do it and boys shouldn't cry after such a horrible thing happens great advocate for justice aren't you!!
lmao that's sooo funny. bet he was hard and enjoying through the procedure. would have been funnier if he had his sack chopped off too and balls boiled and served for breakfast. :omghaha:
when that incident happen the fellow media persons shared on our media group the image of the victim along with his damaged goods and it was such a horrible scene. i had to delete it. if a man had seen those pictures to pehlay to un ka haassa nikal jata. but seriously it was horrible.
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If they get bogged down with few acidic comments and gestures how can they face the sharp blades of swords flashing around????
This got nothing to do with that man, you need to be fair or don't say anything if you can't.
when that incident happen the fellow media persons shared on our media group the image of the victim along with his damaged goods and it was such a horrible scene. i had to delete it. if a man had seen those pictures to pehlay to un ka haassa nikal jata. but seriously it was horrible.
there's a line to guys rescue in the wake of such a thing "lut te gaye an par chus barri i a". :lol:
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