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Pakistani man gets sexually harassed by girls in Karachi, blogs about the ordeal

He's complaining because he's still a virgin or a Gayyyyyyy probably.

You probably don't have anything there. That's why out of curiosity the girl in your office tried to check the empty space. :lol:

Make sure you come for science tution.
I take it you have been groped by females while out in public places?
you can take anything that suits you, but do try and get out of home more often.
you can take anything that suits you, but do try and get out of home more often.

All those more reasons why people [men] should stay at home and help out in the kitchen room. Or better yet, get burka for protection. :D

Aside from that, i think it is about time men should carry pepper spray for protection just to be safe.
Don't know what to say
@Mentee @Doordie aur iss mamla ko ghari negah sa dekhna wala @war&peace :D
@Sarge @Dijnn @SherDil

Men and women can equally be perverted and there is no genetic reason for women to exhibit a different behaviour than men but it is the society that establish the norms and taboos. In my experience girls in a group can be even more dangerous than a group of men.

Nooo man rights we are the unseen victims :cray:

But i won't mind if these women try me :enjoy:
Starting to feel like po** fantasy thread
“The thing is, that the society we live in, doesn’t recognize that men can be victims as well. But when faced with such situations, they are much [more] helpless than the women,” he wrote in his article.
This is the truth my friend, lust is there in man as well as woman.
In my experience girls in a group can be even more dangerous than a group of men.
They are like wolves, always more dangerous in a pack.
I have seen women become ruthless in certain situations with no morality at all.
If a man can not harass a woman, but a woman can harass a man, that's called hypocrisy. Everybody knows where the hypocrite goes.
Why is it bullshit?
its bullshit becuase women dont need to assault men.... a woman can go out and have sex with out any effort what so ever becuase of all the thirsty men out there especially in pakistan.
its bullshit becuase women dont need to assault men.... a woman can go out and have sex with out any effort what so ever becuase of all the thirsty men out there especially in pakistan.

Clearly not. I am sure some men would be more than happy to accept such advances but the one in the OP is not, and neither would a ton of other men either.
i doubt this really happened, but if it did, lucky sob! :lol:
chhuri tarbooz pe giray ya tarbooz chhuri pe giray :rofl:
Lucky? Maybe the woman who molest this young and handsome chap are some 40s oldhag. You called that lucky?
i doubt this really happened, but if it did, lucky sob! :lol:
chhuri tarbooz pe giray ya tarbooz chhuri pe giray :rofl:

I was looking for this comment, Why are u so low take a upvote!
oh wait this aint 9gag :-)
Could the perpetrators actually be Kawaja Sehras that groped the young man?
There are several issues in what you are saying.

1. Men, when facing harassment, assaults, domestic violence, are usually not taken seriously either, especially in subcontinent. People act like the man 'must have wanted it' and if he doesn't, then he's either weak or gay or some other BS like that.
2. Because of that, far more violence on men goes unreported.
3. If women report something happening to them to a group of white knights, those white knights will beat the living pulp out of the alleged perpetrator. The same cannot be said the other way around.
4. Issues of groping and molestation especially will not be 'very insignificant' especially if a proper study is done about this problem. Because of the fact that no study exists, most of us just fall back to our intuition, which tells us it is almost impossible for men to be victims. But the same logic is used by uneducated people about domestic violence. And then look at domestic violence studies, that show that in nations (including "misogynistic" ones like Iran) where proper studies have been conducted, domestic violence is roughly equally perpetrated by men and women: https://pubpages.unh.edu/~mas2/ID41-PR41-Dominance-symmetry-In-Press-07.pdf
we are not talking about domestic violence, we are talking about eve teasing, molestation, rape etc, are you suggesting in pakistan a proper study will suggest there is a parity between sexes as far as being victim of these crimes are concerned.
I have never been to pakistan, but I would seriously doubt if that is the case. I would still maintain that women are victims by such an order or magnitude that number of men victims will be insignificant.
Not suggesting the case should not be pursued if the guy complains.. and I totally agree that judges and police should be sensitized about male victims.
i doubt this really happened, but if it did, lucky sob! :lol:
chhuri tarbooz pe giray ya tarbooz chhuri pe giray :rofl:
Betay kch terbozon main churian ghayab hojati hain... :-)
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