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That is what I am saying Jana Ji. we learnt our lessons. Question is whether your people have learnt it or not ?
If they had learnt it then these repeated events of oppression would not have happened . I am afraid your people have learnt nothing from these events. text books are still there, these sad incidences are still happening in large scale and still people blame it on hindu slave mentality. This is the difference Jana Ji.

oh why forget history? after all its NOT millions of years old.

but ok for moment lets accept what did you say, then its funny that there was a comment from Indians in this thread that hindus are second class citizen in Pakistan whereas the REALITY even today is that your own low cast Hindus in India are treated worst than third class citizen by your own Hindus in your Own India.

So better not speak about us

Those some of us who do that what you claimed are doing the same to Muslims in Pakistan.

We cant help these oppressed people who do not want to come out of hindu enslavement mentality including Muslims.

When you bow to human (feudals) in Sindh you are bound to present your @$$ to them out of compulsion.
More Hindus die in 1 day from poverty in India, than an entire decade in Pakistan. :coffee:

That still doesn't relieve your state of its duty to protect Hindus.

Pakistan should stay true to remaining white of it's flag. With extreme doubt I hope Hindus will get justice in Pakistan and all notorious Muslims who consistently have been inflicting harm upon them will be punished.
Of course sir I checked it and I know too. But that was a hate filled atmosphere. So this could not have been stopped. But it should be stopped in present day as we are free nation s now.

my father and I went for trekking and driving some 15 or more years ago and he took me through the runes of Hindu village and the temple ad he took me to a bridge where he said that immigrating hindus were ambushed and butchered like cattle , it was a humbling site, my grand mother also told me how the wells and kareez (our version of underground water system in Balochsitan) were littered with hindu women who committed suicides to save their honour from muslim looters.
it didnt go well and didnt compute for me back then when i was a late teenager but then I read stories about the muslim immigrants who couldnt buy their way out to cross the river between new India and Pakistan it was Pakistani "muslim" Malah or boatmen who looted them of any remaining belonging as a charge to cross the river and those who couldnt pay were left to be cut down by Sikhs and Hindus while the "muslim" boatmen simply rowed the boats to the safer end of the river. in the end I realised we muslims as as good or as bad as our neighbouring hindus and in current times we are beating hindus in terms of terrorism

our written history is worth as much as the zardari speech for me, you might want to check yours too but needs steel nerves and heart. I would understand that your patriotism and national pride will prevent you from admitting or disclosing darker side of your history but at least you would know ( damn the ignorance and its bliss see what it brought to us today)

by the help of new government and taliban we will beat them in this field very soon
Lets face it guys the British fucked us all lol they withdrew the troops to ensure that partition was as bloody as ever and in the end it was our people which paid the cost with their lives and that is something still today we have not moved on from and will we ever? God only knows
That is what I am saying Jana Ji. we learnt our lessons. Question is whether your people have learnt it or not ?
If they had learnt it then these repeated events of oppression would not have happened . I am afraid your people have learnt nothing from these events. text books are still there, these sad incidences are still happening in large scale and still people blame it on hindu slave mentality. This is the difference Jana Ji.

You learnt your lesson?

Not at all. Lets wait and see . India had been home to deadly religous riots whereas Pakistan never saw these.

Pakistan is facing terrorism which does not diffrentiate between sects/faith and creed and color.

In case of Pakistan hindus had been victim of Feudalism as much as Muslims had been specially in Sindh province whereas case of Muslims is 180 degree different.

as far as your silly reference o textbooks well only neo liberals are flowing such an excuse for paid blogs otherwise here our students only crame these books to pass exams and nothing more than that.

i dint even come across while studing in my province.

anyway as far as your lesson learning claim i dont think so . Gujarat and Orissa were NOT in distant past.

Still cow slaughter can create religious violence in India. your media is bowing line of govt policy when it tries to use words one community vs other community instead of saying Hindus Vs Muslims in these riots.
I dont mean to be harsh here, but nobody can fUUUUck you if you are not willing to present your a$$ to them. that is what we did earlier. After partition in this part of the world we learnt our lessons, still in a process to correct it. I can not say the same thing for the other part by looking at their trnd in last 65 years.

Lets face it guys the British fucked us all lol they withdrew the troops to ensure that partition was as bloody as ever and in the end it was our people which paid the cost with their lives and that is something still today we have not moved on from and will we ever? God only knows
You learnt your lesson?

Not at all. Lets wait and see . India had been home to deadly religous riots whereas Pakistan never saw these.

Pakistan is facing terrorism which does not diffrentiate between sects/faith and creed and color.

In case of Pakistan hindus had been victim of Feudalism as much as Muslims had been specially in Sindh province whereas case of Muslims is 180 degree different.

as far as your silly reference o textbooks well only neo liberals are flowing such an excuse for paid blogs otherwise here our students only crame these books to pass exams and nothing more than that.

i dint even come across while studing in my province.

anyway as far as your lesson learning claim i dont think so . Gujarat and Orissa were NOT in distant past.

Still cow slaughter can create religious violence in India. your media is bowing line of govt policy when it tries to use words one community vs other community instead of saying Hindus Vs Muslims in these riots.

How can you have riots? Hindus and Christians do not have power to fight back in India the muslim population is over 170 million so they can look after themselves, your logic is flawed.

Only thing Hindus and Christians can do is protest but nobody will hear their call because they do not matter as much as they are a small minority.


Street protest is all the minorites can do they have no other option
See Jana ji. what ever you said are just statements like "wait and see", "Pakistan never saw these riots" etc. you know that 1 blasphemy case = 1 riot, homes burnt, so imagine for number of Blasphemy cases. And those are recent Jana Ji. Gujurat, Orissa and other riots have happened more than 15-20 years ago Jana Ji. So its prove that we have learnt our lesson. Regarding cow slaughter, you said "riot it may happen" but its not happening now. that is what I am saying Jana Ji. And Jana Ji you have included, Gujurat, orissa. I have not yet included shias and Ahemadis. I am only just talking about Hindus and at the best Christians. So we learnt our lessons. Question is whether your people have learnt it ? I doubt.

You learnt your lesson?

Not at all. Lets wait and see . India had been home to deadly religous riots whereas Pakistan never saw these.

Pakistan is facing terrorism which does not diffrentiate between sects/faith and creed and color.

In case of Pakistan hindus had been victim of Feudalism as much as Muslims had been specially in Sindh province whereas case of Muslims is 180 degree different.

as far as your silly reference o textbooks well only neo liberals are flowing such an excuse for paid blogs otherwise here our students only crame these books to pass exams and nothing more than that.

i dint even come across while studing in my province.

anyway as far as your lesson learning claim i dont think so . Gujarat and Orissa were NOT in distant past.

Still cow slaughter can create religious violence in India. your media is bowing line of govt policy when it tries to use words one community vs other community instead of saying Hindus Vs Muslims in these riots.
Lets face it guys the British fucked us all lol they withdrew the troops to ensure that partition was as bloody as ever and in the end it was our people which paid the cost with their lives and that is something still today we have not moved on from and will we ever? God only knows

that was their "parting" shot, they moved the partition date ahead knowing very well what is going to follow.
my father and I went for trekking and driving some 15 or more years ago and he took me through the runes of Hindu village and the temple ad he took me to a bridge where he said that immigrating hindus were ambushed and butchered like cattle , it was a humbling site, my grand mother also told me how the wells and kareez (our version of underground water system in Balochsitan) were littered with hindu women who committed suicides to save their honour from muslim looters.
it didnt go well and didnt compute for me back then when i was a late teenager but then I read stories about the muslim immigrants who couldnt buy their way out to cross the river between new India and Pakistan it was Pakistani "muslim" Malah or boatmen who looted them of any remaining belonging as a charge to cross the river and those who couldnt pay were left to be cut down by Sikhs and Hindus while the "muslim" boatmen simply rowed the boats to the safer end of the river. in the end I realised we muslims as as good or as bad as our neighbouring hindus and in current times we are beating hindus in terms of terrorism

our written history is worth as much as the zardari speech for me, you might want to check yours too but needs steel nerves and heart. I would understand that your patriotism and national pride will prevent you from admitting or disclosing darker side of your history but at least you would know ( damn the ignorance and its bliss see what it brought to us today)

by the help of new government and taliban we will beat them in this field very soon

What does Taliban have to do with attacks on hindus?

How many Hindus are actually attacked?
that was their "parting" shot, they moved the partition date ahead knowing very well what is going to follow.

I dont think they knew this was going to happen this bad, and merely trying not to get caught in the middle if they had any such idea. Respect to americans for going through hell in iraq while trying to stabilize it.
Hindus of Pakistan are a lost case,we ll protect them if they want to come here.
What does Taliban have to do with attacks on hindus?

How many Hindus are actually attacked?

I didnt mention the word taliban in that post. and I am not keeping the score of Hindus killed by the Taliban but I know they are also victims of Taliban when the bombs are exploded in the shopping, schools and other public places.

lets face is brother, we are a radicalised society with no patience or tolerance, I fear to even thing and stop my thought trail when I imagine what we "Muslims" would have done to Prophet Muhammad PBUH & Sahabah RA had they they been in present times and tried to stop us from blowing ourselves and beheading minorities and burning their property and places of worship
I dont think they knew this was going to happen this bad, and merely trying not to get caught in the middle if they had any such idea. Respect to americans for going through hell in iraq while trying to stabilize it.

no please dont say that and dont insult yourself, they knew very well what they were doing. to hell with them they are not the subject here any more.
I am more concerned about the course of people of South Asia, not just Pakistan, just because the bombs and killings are not as frequent in India as in pakistan doesnt mean there is nothing brewing slowly out of the public radar, our gods might be different but we are the same make and model so have same issues.
no please dont say that and dont insult yourself, they knew very well what they were doing. to hell with them they are not the subject here any more.
I am more concerned about the course of people of South Asia, not just Pakistan, just because the bombs and killings are not as frequent in India as in pakistan doesnt mean there is nothing brewing slowly out of the public radar, our gods might be different but we are the same make and model so have same issues.
of course there is massive inequality in India, maoism is a symptom of that...
Thankfully most of them are part of political process, and although social empowerment will take time, political empowerment has happened in big way.
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