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Pakistani girls fear US blackmailing

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These are subtle humiliation tactics Americans have often used around the world, especially in Russia during the cold war. Failures of WOT are hurting them really bad and they better not be trusted with anything. US actively targeted soviet women as a result upon the collapse of Soviet Union, the new Russia became the hub of "blonde export". Its moral and social fabric collapsed rapidly..now the same game is being tried in Pakistan..I will shun the member here crying hoax because I have witnessed these events in a close up. In Pakistan those who get invited are usually the "burger" type kids of general kernal mafia and business men. Sorry to say but a large part of our drunkard general and kernels are too happy to be american bit_h..!
The girls in the photos look like pro's for sure this has not been their first party, anyways why dint they invite me for this party. :cry:
I cant believe the quality of posts in this thread. It is a non news, check the publication first before posting your view. If it is dawn or some real news source then okey, this one I have never heard about.(some random online news site)
There's hypocrisy on both sides.

On the one hand, we should wait for credible confirmation of these allegations.

On the other, the dismissive comments are also ridiculous. It is the usual male chauvinism blaming the girl because she did not detect the rohypnol, or because she was probably 'immoral' anyway. The fact is that even a little amount of alcohol can have an immediate effect on someone who does not drink, especially young girls with low body weight.

Finally, would the US embassy stoop to these tactics? Not the top level brass, of course, but people here are acting as if nobody ever heard of spiking the juice. This is not a Presidential dinner where every step of the process is monitored. The event was probably catered by some private company. Plenty of room for mischief here.
I don't think the girls are correct... Even a tumbling person due to the influence of high alcohol will definitely differentiate his wife and mother & Food and sh!t (Nothing offense).

US diplomats may gave them alcohol in the name of beverages, but there is no chance for other things without the girls wish.
I dont want to sound like the devils advocate but I find this news fishy. No one could have fed anyone vast amounts of alcohol so that these girls became so drunk that they did not have any control over themselves. This is either a hoax to pressurize the USA or the girls are not as innocent as they look and sound. My suspicion is that this is a hoax and a poorly crafted one at that. I know that the US issues visas, but why were only girls invited and not boys? It all sounds too good to be true.

Yeah, I too thought exactly the same. There is something fishy going on here. The girls were upto something in the party and now they realise that they are in big trouble and trying to cover up themselves. Looks like Veena Malik pictures Deja-vu again..
Ok guys, I find this treating of women like children to be illogical. I mean no one forced them to get drunk, to dance or whatever. They're not children, they can make their own decisions. We need to stop letting mistakes that women make go and treating them as if evil men forced them to do this. They need to take responsibility for their own actions. It's really unbelievable how often women are given a free pass because "they were influenced by some man".

On the other hand, if US is using the photoes for black mailing, then yes we have another story. I hope these SOBs are assassinated if it's true.
Islamabad: The Pakistani female students, who attended a cultural party hosted by US embassy in November 2011, are concerned over possible blackmailing by the organisers.

According to a report, a few of the female participants alleged that they had been invited to the party titled “Kuch Khas” (something special) to see Pakistani dance and get information about American universities.

The report said that many students from across the country registered themselves to attend the party because they had been told that their participation would open a way for them to get scholarship of US universities.

However, a US official had told media after the party that they had invited students to the party to improve relations with Pakistani people.

A participant told the media that US officials had given them alcohol in the name of beverage during the party. He said that most of the female students had faced immoral and objectionable acts in the party after drinking the juice (alcohol).

“The female students were forced to dance immorally with the other students and the Americans after the drink,” he said and added that the officials also took their pictures and videos while dancing with the US men and Pakistani students.

“The student are worried that the snaps and footage could be used to blackmail them,” the student said.

It is pertinent to mention here that those Americans who were invited to the party were also caught by Pakistani security forces in Rawalpindi city for making snaps and footage of sensitive areas.

Pakistani girls fear US blackmailing | The News Tribe

Theyt cheated girls into dancing with them and drinking....Young people are generally gullible anywhere in the world..~Its the responsibility of adults not to misuse them...

I wonder if there were under 18s in the Party? Thats just shameful...

the US embassy has other important things to do.
These "girls" went there on their own free will.
and they did what they did free as a bird.

If they were THAT "naik parveen" they should have stayed away...

Now why cry ?
OK how can one tell one is having a drink which has some alcoholic content ?
OK how can one tell one is having a drink which has some alcoholic content ?

the taste and smell of alcohol can not be masked.
even the most gentle of wine is very easily found.

Either put some raunchy pics here, or close the thread,
This news and the subsequent discussion is just ridiculous !
The girls are trolling. End of story!
well i'm not sure if the story is 100% accurate or whether its been spiced up a bit

but hey, use your brains.....those girls werent dragged over there. Nobody put a funnel down their throat and told them to get pissy on booze. And dont tell me that they thought a Miller Lite or a cup of vodka was Rooh Afsa or Arak Gulab :rofl: that's garbage.....these werent street kids.

in life, you are ACCOUNTABLE for your actions.....you care about your reputation, dont hang out with a bunch of losers at some creepy embassy event. If you forget your culture and who you are and act like a bozo in public (or private) then be ready to face the music.

credibility takes years to built; so does commanding RESPECT.....these things can be lost at the snap of a finger.

i have no sympathy at all for tramps
I've met many of these kind of chawal girls in Pakistan. I hold the embassy accountable if true but do not think I will give these girls a free pass either. Both should should be humiliated, in the proper Pakistani way! :flame:
The girls in the photos look like pro's for sure this has not been their first party, anyways why dint they invite me for this party. :cry:

no offense dude, but if you want to go to a PROPER party ---go to Peshawar or Karachi.......if you think this is a party, then i think you need hang out with more proper friends and you need a proper paying job! :laugh:
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