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Pakistani FM Hina Rabbani avoids Bangladeshi FM Momen’s call to seek apology for 1971 genocide at Colombo

Exactly, Stop whining and Move on.

I don't understand why they even bring up this issue with Pakistan. It's like giving importance to a worthless person. Pakistan is nobody basically and there is no need to give them the importance they don't deserve.
how did bongabundu win all but 2 seats in East Pakistan? did he go back to the future to take democracy lessons from hasina sadam and putin?
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I'm not joking one Bengali girl was actually saying this that she asks every Pakistani she meets if they are sorry about it and to apologise about what they did

This dude speaks like Bangladesh is China or something

Forget China, if we can survive severing ties with India, what is Bangladesh in comparison? 😂
UK Bengali shows effects of Indian influence, these traitors supported India against their own country, loss of life was due to these traitors, who gave space and support to enemy. In reality, there is not much difference between Indians and Bangalis.
I thought India will become super power first and force Pakistan to do anything, but looks like Bangladesh feeling like a super Power after Hasina visited RSS R..,e camps.
I don’t understand why Bangladesh picks up the apology topic.

There were massacres committed by both sides. Best for both countries to move on.

Hamood ur Rehman report is still not published in Pakistan. The Pakistanis should make it known to the rulers that the report needs to be published and the public deserves to know the truth.

Pakistan and Bangladesh can benefit from improving trade relations.
Genocide is ones sides narrative

Others is that it was a civil war atrocities happened on all sides

Book written by Indian nri professor sehrmila Bose
Dead reckoning detail atrocities from all sides

Would Bangladesh apologize for the atrocities committed by Bangla nationalists against Bihari and pro Pakistan bangalis and west Pakistani civilian


Then it's just cheap political point scoring at a serious meeting
there was no genocide, jsut indian and bangali propaganda. no need for an apology. and since the bangalis were traitors, there should have been one.

I don’t understand why Bangladesh picks up the apology topic.

There were massacres committed by both sides. Best for both countries to move on.

Hamood ur Rehman report is still not published in Pakistan. The Pakistanis should make it known to the rulers that the report needs to be published and the public deserves to know the truth.

Pakistan and Bangladesh can benefit from improving trade relations.
hamoodur rehman commission report is not reliable at all, compiled under bhutto, and compiled during the time that all major actors of 71 were still POWs.

Genocide is ones sides narrative

Others is that it was a civil war atrocities happened on all sides

Book written by Indian nri professor sehrmila Bose
Dead reckoning detail atrocities from all sides

Would Bangladesh apologize for the atrocities committed by Bangla nationalists against Bihari and pro Pakistan bangalis and west Pakistani civilian


Then it's just cheap political point scoring at a serious meeting
not onyl that, the bangalis need to read "behind the myth of 3 million". book by a bangali scholar, who cites official bangali sources to prove that there was no genocide.

had there been a genocide, there would have been no muktis, and no bangladesh today, just east-pakistan.
Pakistan should take the Biharis in Bangaldesh as its citizens.
View attachment 915209

Transfer of power was their (establishment) F up, may be they had their reason (unreasonable demands from Bangalis). Bangalis were in majority and should have use political means to fight back, instead the resorting to target non-bangalis and govt building. Bangalis started the bloodshed and colluded with the enemy. Pakistan Army was totally justified to use force to bring back law and order.

For as corrupt as the present day Pakistani leadership is, what makes you think they were any less so at that time?

You don't think Bengalis were wronged?

Despite that, I say move on.

Bengalis did what they had to do.

As for being called traitors, you have lost any right to call anyone else traitors considering the events of the last year.

I don't understand why they even bring up this issue with Pakistan. It's like giving importance to a worthless person. Pakistan is nobody basically and there is no need to give them the importance they don't deserve.

Pakistan since 1979 has been involved in conflicts that have changed the world. Since that day to today it is almost 44 years, we have faced destruction, loss of life, attacks, isolation every hurdle that you can name we faced it and we still stand, bad good worst whatever we still stand, we leave a mark where ever we go.

What remarkable did bangladesh and india achieve during these 44 years that makes a stark difference in life of you lot (combined) to a Pakistani today? I have seen your midget bangladeshis at traffic lights and working as labor here, weak looking, malnourished, depressed.

At least Pakistanis have the heart to accept that what happened in 1971 is part our fault and mismanagement, you on the other hand don't even have the character to accept that it were your people who rebelled and colluded with the enemy state.

Next time when you try belittle us, just be thankful that your father was spared for his treason.
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