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Pakistani Fashion

Watching the photos of female models in the Karachi fashion show, I can only say 'Subhanallah.' They are beautiful. But, of course Pakistani women are usually more beautiful than these models. Congratulations for such a show in the midst of fighting against Talibanism. It is indeed courageous.
Madam, what's your point exactly? Surely, some Mullahs (i.e. suicide bombers) are no place to live in Pakistan. I have no problem simply with Fashions but seeing these picture is too much. Something went wrong far away based on some individuals like this.

its Too much yet You are seeing them, as i told u don't see them if u don't want to, in todays world u just cant avoid it, In this particular event there were ALL kinds of Dresses, Cant u see the traditional dressings, Those special dresses can atleast promote Pakistani designers & their Design
its one hell of a business if we Exploit it but unfortunately every where we Involve religion

Hope you are making Pakistan a true Moderate nation, not secular or terrorist state.

Peace out!

nation in which people can practice their wishes within limits
Thank you for kind reply. It is over limits. Honestly, do you think Pakistani girl (instead salwar kameez) are going to wear like these examples of pictures ? Can they show 'half naked' on the street of Karachi, Islamabad, Peshawar, etc? :disagree:

That depends on How u define "limits"
U know that most of them wont wear it & i can tell u about Isloo, There are some places in Isloo where these kinds dresses are Common, There is a School in Isloo who's Functions etc are some where near this Fashion Show

Most of the Girls will like to have those traditional clothes but whats wrong in displaying them....
Well Miss,

last time I checked, Pakistan was Islamic country, according to Islam; We must stop actions which destroy moral fabric of society.

If they change Pakistan's constitution and make it secular, I would have no problem in you walking naked to school.

Sure it is. Ever thought that not everybody wants to be so Islamic and rigid? Some people like wearing these clothes, partying, drinking, and doing all that is 'sin'. So what to do, enforce the Islamic opinion of the more faithful and do moral policing? If somebody wants to indulge in such sinful acts, then it is their choice and responsibility. And what do we like saying, Allah is the only judge eh? So let Allah do his job and the faithful can do their job of following what they think is Islamic. When people can disagree without getting violent and forcefully altering the behavior of others, we shall see a civilized society in Pakistan.
That depends on How u define "limits"
U know that most of them wont wear it & i can tell u about Isloo, There are some places in Isloo where these kinds dresses are Common, There is a School in Isloo who's Functions etc are some where near this Fashion Show

Most of the Girls will like to have those traditional clothes but whats wrong in displaying them....

Emo these are more of a westernised culture stuff, dont lose ur own identity chasing things which are pleasing to eyes as man n women perceive certain things differently. These dresses might not look bad to you but from men prespective that is different. Hope it make senesce

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