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Pakistani enginers attacked in kandahar 7 killed.

Indians cannot be killed coz most Americans dont have that much brain and dedication to work - and moreover it is all about saving money

Really? And the Indians are a special breed that the lazy and dumb Americans need to do their programming for?

I am sure having a GDP that is about $14 trillion with 1/4 the population of India is the work of brainless and non-dedicated idiots that the Americans are. :rolleyes:

Seems like many Indians have a very high and mighty opinion of themselves. When less than 0.01% of the Indian population makes it out to the USA and these are typically the more educated and the brighter of the minds, then obviously the perception would be that Indians are dedicated. You go back to India, and its a sea of mediocrity.

You would be lucky in India to have the ethics of hard work, honesty and dedication that most Americans have. At least that has been my personal observation in my exchanges off and on with the dumb and lazy Americans. :rolleyes:
RIP to the departed, may God give strength to the relatives of the departed souls.
Now instead of accusing one another, don't we think we should try to find the real enemy.
Sir, I hope the measure of 0.01% was used as a metaphor. The 2007 census indicates that there are 2.7 million Indians living in the USA, which is approximately around 0.22% of India's total population.

The sea of mediocrity is transforming into an ocean of opportunities.

RIP those who lost their lives.
I am just curious, it seems that many Indian construction workers have been targeted and killed in the past. How do we know whether this was a mistake or not?

Maybe some Taliban were told to kill more Indians and they caught these six guys and killed them thinking they were Indian. It is not like they walk around carrying Pakistani flags or avatars.

On the other hand a lot of Afghan Taliban leaders have been caught and killed in Pakistan recently. Could this be retaliation for those actions?

I do not believe that R&AW has the authority to hire anyone to do targeted killings. They would need the GOI's authorization which they would not get.

My reasoning is that if R&AW had such authority, Dawood Ibrahim and a few Khalsa guys would have been targeted a long time ago. This has not happened yet. If GOI ever authorized such actions (which I do'nt think it will) the target would have to be extremely dangerous to Indian interest as the fallout of such actions are huge(eg. Israel in Dubai).
You know apart from the fact that precious lives were lost, whats more depressing is the fact that not one statement has been heard from our governmental and political sector on this tragic event. How shameful is that?
It is an establish truth that this regime will go to any lengths in selling Pakistans interest while making money and we cannot expect voices to be raised when it comes down to Pakistans interest.
Sad but this is what you get when you make one wrong decision.
I am just curious, it seems that many Indian construction workers have been targeted and killed in the past. How do we know whether this was a mistake or not?

Maybe some Taliban were told to kill more Indians and they caught these six guys and killed them thinking they were Indian. It is not like they walk around carrying Pakistani flags or avatars.

On the other hand a lot of Afghan Taliban leaders have been caught and killed in Pakistan recently. Could this be retaliation for those actions?

I do not believe that R&AW has the authority to hire anyone to do targeted killings. They would need the GOI's authorization which they would not get.

My reasoning is that if R&AW had such authority, Dawood Ibrahim and a few Khalsa guys would have been targeted a long time ago. This has not happened yet. If GOI ever authorized such actions (which I do'nt think it will) the target would have to be extremely dangerous to Indian interest as the fallout of such actions are huge(eg. Israel in Dubai).

It seems you have already established facts based on what you think can happen and what you dont think cannot happen, does not leave much room for debate however i'll like to add one thing unfortunately it maybe but in real world things dont run according to our believes.
I hope you realize this before making assumptions.
I am just curious, it seems that many Indian construction workers have been targeted and killed in the past. How do we know whether this was a mistake or not?

Maybe some Taliban were told to kill more Indians and they caught these six guys and killed them thinking they were Indian. It is not like they walk around carrying Pakistani flags or avatars.

On the other hand a lot of Afghan Taliban leaders have been caught and killed in Pakistan recently. Could this be retaliation for those actions?

I do not believe that R&AW has the authority to hire anyone to do targeted killings. They would need the GOI's authorization which they would not get.

My reasoning is that if R&AW had such authority, Dawood Ibrahim and a few Khalsa guys would have been targeted a long time ago. This has not happened yet. If GOI ever authorized such actions (which I do'nt think it will) the target would have to be extremely dangerous to Indian interest as the fallout of such actions are huge(eg. Israel in Dubai).

I feel that Indian govt are the biggest bunch of p***ies in Asia. No matter how dangerous a target is, they won't do jack. If they had half the guts of the Israeli or US govt, Dawood Ibrahim and other anti-india terrorist scum would have been getting deep fried in hell a long time back.
How many skilled workers are their in Afghanistan, how many engineers and technical people??? Some buddy got to do the job form them on ground. Japanese are not nut jobs to take Pakistani skilled labors if they can find cheaper Afghan workers and engineers.

Having said that, why is it bothering you??? Pakistanis aren't stealing Indian jobs. And who are you lecture us if we are doing right or wrong. Take your petty rants somewhere else.
This is a said moment, innocent people have lost their lives, if you cant contribute something nice, then get the hell out of here or you will get more then you can take.



Brother, i am not against anybody working in AFghanistan. We are living in a much connected world today. But if we suggest that there are not enough engineers to work in AFghanistan is totally worng. We have got many many engineers who are jobless in the country and are thirsty to find somewhere to work.
We had to be there as we were partners of US, Mujahideen in driving out Russia from Afghanistan.

Thats right. And you should stop talking about NA anymore, cuz pakistan created them.
read the News again. It said a man riding a bike opened fire on them.


This is how the taliban carry out attacks. Although they havent got accepted this attack(and they wont accept it). But whoever have committed this crime are nobody but utter cowards.
I feel that Indian govt are the biggest bunch of p***ies in Asia. No matter how dangerous a target is, they won't do jack. If they had half the guts of the Israeli or US govt, Dawood Ibrahim and other anti-india terrorist scum would have been getting deep fried in hell a long time back.

thats difrent between a teen and manmohan:P
Indians cannot be killed coz most Americans dont have that much brain and dedication to work - and moreover it is all about saving money

Sorry bud. It has more to do with politics, than saving money. Fortunately for you, politicians here do not practice protectionism. Here is Lou Dobbs

One "Montek Sing" singing the gospel of free trade

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Thats right. And you should stop talking about NA anymore, cuz pakistan created them.

List ahmed.In previous post u ask werre unhappy tht i talked about u.But there are many reaons.You should know.
1)You say Pakistan created taliban?
A)Okay and what was USA doing?Who provided them weapons and finance?
2Q)You said pakistan has always fuelled pushton=tasjik tension?
A=Tell me how?how did we help them HATE tajiks?
3Q)You say Truth hurtz is a 100% Pushton nationalist?
A=Why doesnt he display his countrys flag?
2)Why the f...k hes calling PAKISTANIS who hate retards like him his PEOPLE?
3)Why was he so anti-Pakistan and was propogating durad line BULL CRAP?When Pakistani pushtuns hate it and his views?
4)You say we are helping talibans?
A=Who arrreste top alqaeda leader ship?Who arrested bradar and gang whos helping point out the target of drone strikes tht are killing these animals?
Q=Why was india supporting ussr to invade afghanistan?there was no taliban at tht time?why millions of afghanis were killed by russians?
Q=Should we had not supported taliban while soviets were regularly violating our airspace and aghan and russian spies were comming in our country in doves?
Q=Who supported ur 8 million refugees?while being a economically weak country itself?
Q)Why india has almost 3 doze consulates all near PAK-AFGHAN border wile ur country is in war?????
Q)Why we are catching indian and afghan spies from quetta,bolan and FATA?
Q)Why are we siezing in indian equipment coming from afghanistan?
Q0Why Karzai is so anti-Pakistan?didnt he study in india?
Q)Why taliban deny relations with TTP scums??
Q)Yesterday a letter from Governor of Kunar requesting taliban to keep fighting and ask for merger with afghanistan was recovered from a afghani?
Q)Why containers full of dead afghanis are siezed from chman while trying to enter Pakistan?
Q)Why afghan soldiers were killed a few days back while trying to enter pakistani teritory and firing at our posts?near Balouchistan-afghan border??
Q)Why indian army officers are caught supplying explosives to terrorists inside Pakistan?
Q)Why Pakistani people are specifically targeted by hit sqads?Unlike other attacks where everybody is the victim??
Q)Why terrorists arrested by Pakistan security forces admit being trained in indian consulates in afghanistan???????And confessing of meeting Balach mari and other bastard terrorists in indian embassies in Afghanistan????
Why NA mafia now the commanders or in govt of anti-Pakistan afghan government are running ANA?Why ANA is trained by indians?
Why afghan intelegence angencies are being created and organised by indians?RAMA is an example..........Arent indian terroprist agencis anti-pakistan?

We dont want afghanistan as our ALLY but we dont want it as our enemy either.But if afghans want enemity im sure hey will regret it more then anyone.
And the loser in the end will be anti-pakistan elements.
Maybe some Taliban were told to kill more Indians and they caught these six guys and killed them thinking they were Indian. It is not like they walk around carrying Pakistani flags or avatars.

Pakistanis were targeted . More ever these are talibans, not some sophisticated bombers who mistakenly bomb innocent women & children..!
they knew whom they were targeting.
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