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Pakistani doctor jailed for Treason - helping a foreign intelligence agency

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Dude committed treason, now paying the price.
move along people, nothing to see here.

help the world?

yea right
he was after the money and sold his profession
he even betrayed his own staff and wanted to bag all the cash for himself
Ah those long and not so lonely nights in the prison.

he has brought shame to his tribe and his nation
he will be forgotten by his clients in few months when the US election fever will hit the roof

I would suggest that the CIA save that prize money and actually contribute it to the 9/11 victims charity fund.

because according to Indians and Americans, the doctor did this out of his passion and commitment for world peace and prosperity didnt he? so what good use other than giving away that cash to the 9/11 victims families etc?
His punishment is enough for his part in deceiving his own nation, but i still think he should be hanged till death for putting innocent kids at risk with this fake polio thing he did...
Let's also hang Kayani, Zardari and Gilani. Why not the whole government for committing treason. Not stopping the drones which kill innocent people. :disagree:
Why was he convicted in a tribal court rather than a State or military one?
It is good example for future Dr Shakeel's of the country to not betray your country for the sake of money or you will be hanged or imprisoned for life!

The outcome of his investigation is secondary but if he was able to find Osama, the only authorities to inform was the Govenment of Pakistan.
Why was he convicted in a tribal court rather than a State or military one?

Crime committed on Pakistani soil - its a matter for Pakistan in how and where they see fit to put him on trial. He i repeat committed treason and set up fake polio immunization program - how would you respond if someone namely an Israeli citizen did that in Israel against Israeli citizens? Forget the objective as this isn't the issue hear - what IS the issue is what he was put on trial and that treason...
help the world?

yea right
he was after the money and sold his profession
he even betrayed his own staff and wanted to bag all the cash for himself
Ah those long and not so lonely nights in the prison.

he has brought shame to his tribe and his nation
he will be forgotten by his clients in few months when the US election fever will hit the roof

I would suggest that the CIA save that prize money and actually contribute it to the 9/11 victims charity fund.

because according to Indians and Americans, the doctor did this out of his passion and commitment for world peace and prosperity didnt he? so what good use other than giving away that cash to the 9/11 victims families etc?

Even if he did the US bidding for money, he did not do anything wrong. Tracking a terrorist if is wrong morally and consitutionally then god help you all!
This is unfortunate. Not like I had any high hopes of the Pakistani judciary; a judiciary which can hang its own PM on the directions of its Army can do anything. However, it still is sad to see such fate of a man who only helped make the world a safer place.
The outcome was predictable.

He committed treason - the definition of treason being " Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies."
As per the constitution of Pakistan which I guess you have quoted, America is not your enemy, you are mixing up the popular sentiment and constitution.. that enemy of yours, gives aid and helped you in some wars. How silly all this sounds!
Even if he did the US bidding for money, he did not do anything wrong. Tracking a terrorist if is wrong morally and consitutionally then god help you all!

Was he supposed to be loyal towards the government of Pakistan or America? he is a Pakistani citizen and has brought shame to us from all over the world. If he wanted he could have given the details to ISI or the Government of Pakistan and possibly similar action would have been taken with pride. He committed treason for the sake of money and life imprisonment is mininum in my opinion
The outcome of his investigation is secondary but if he was able to find Osama, the only authorities to inform was the Govenment of Pakistan.
Suppose a Pakistani discovered OBL was in a large comfortable home in a military town, would he have believed that the authorities were not sheltering him? Didn't Pakistan declare OBL "dead" and cease looking for him years before?

What should any citizen of Pakistan have done under such circumstances? Under international law Pakistan has the obligation to root out such terrorists, but demonstrably refused to do so. Where would there have been to turn other than the Americans?
The outcome was predictable.

He committed treason - the definition of treason being " Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies."

Now whats important is NOT to look at the eventual outcome of his actions but to look at what he was put on trial for.
To allow him to walk away after committing treason would clearly send out the wrong signal.
I am sure any sovereign nation would not allow one of its citizens to walk away after this. He betrayed his nation and most importantly those people that he conned into his false "medical screening" he was carrying out.
I believe he has got off lightly and shame on the ones that encouraged his treason and then leaving him at the peril of the nation he conned....

Yes he committed a crime technically, agreed, but the outcome was a great one. Similarly A Q Khan committed treason by selling national top secrets of pakistan to other nations for money. Those actions did not have a good outcome, infact the outcome may yet come in the form of millions of dead civilians. But he was pardoned due to other considerations, similarly this guy could have been too. There is precedence.

It can be argued that (as per surveys) a majority of pakistanis thought Osama's death was a bad thing, and that is the difference.

The other similarity is that in both the cases the role of pakistan's armed forces was questionable and their story rather lame.
He i repeat committed treason and set up fake polio immunization program -
Can you point me to proof that the polio immunizations were fake? Or maybe the source of this story? Wasn't this charge just a calumny circulated by the military to throw the doctor in a bad light?
Was he supposed to be loyal towards the government of Pakistan or America? he is a Pakistani citizen and has brought shame to us from all over the world. If he wanted he could have given the details to ISI or the Government of Pakistan and possibly similar action would have been taken with pride.

He committed treason for the sake of money and life imprisonment us mininum in my opinion

Man, you are truly amazing. I honestly mean it.

Osama Bin Laden is found chilling in your equivalent of Sandhurst and West Point. Guy was enjoying with his entire entourage in your military town for years.

...and all you end up being ashamed about is a Doctor who brought the news to the Americans.

I mean, wow man, you guys truly have a screwed up sense of nationalism.
Dr. Afridi will be traded as a bargaining chip at the correct time. His sentencing was timed on cue given the negotiations going on presently over the supply routes.

In the meantime, his punishment will be used to further deteriorate Pakistan's already battered image in the international media.

Mate what is the matter with you. You want us to let a traitor off??

Guy helped to get rid off the most wanted terrorist from the face of this earth! Maybe Zardari should use his power & pardon this doctor. Afterall he used his authority to pardon his buddy Rehman Malik!

Obviously a traitor to Pakistan would be a hero to you Indians
Was he supposed to be loyal towards the government of Pakistan or America? he is a Pakistani citizen and has brought shame to us from all over the world. If he wanted he could have given the details to ISI or the Government of Pakistan and possibly similar action would have been taken with pride. He committed treason for the sake of money and life imprisonment us mininum in my opinion
Im not sure why you said that he could have given the details, when the country funded the activity but your country did not. There is no proof available which can say that ISI did not know his presence..
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