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Pakistani doctor jailed for Treason - helping a foreign intelligence agency

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This conviction did that, certainly. However, Pakistan is wrong as far as law goes. A defense lawyer can argue that Pakistan's gov't demonstrably lacked the credibility to root out OBL and because of that under international law Pakistani sovereignty was nulled so Pakistani courts lack jurisdiction to pursue a treason trial against the doctor for approaching a foreign organization with the purpose and effect of furthering Pakistani compliance with international law.
1. It's not been demonstrated anywhere by any competent authority that Pakistan lacks credibility to nab OBL - provided credibility means the intent to nab him. Its not been proven. He was not the authority to make that judgement and even if he still tries to make that judgement the court has to agree with his arguments - provided that not a single entity in the entire world has been able to prove complicity of any Pak institution, your first argument falls flat.

2. Sovereignty in Abottabad is well established to the point where the SSG team was able to overpower the CIA team guarding OBL's premises while the operation was going on. If we can respond to a CIA/Navy Seal attack within minutes, we had full competence to undertake this operation on our own against OBL.

3. International law states you may not interfere with another country's own lawful authorities. He did that. Vigilanteism is a crime in all countries for this express purpose. Why don't the navy seals come and attack pick-pockets and jay-walkers?

He did nothing to compromise Pakistani security - just the security of people's jobs in the Pakistani establishment. Was there ever any proof that the vaccines he administered were fake? No? Then the damage to "people's trust" can be traced back to the entities originating and propagating the rumor, not the doctor, yes?

The damage was in working with the CIA, people can't trust vaccination drives done by NGOs since who knows which one is working for CIA now. There are certain lines you never cross, CIA and Afridi did it.

Since when is conviction by majority of public opinion justice?
A competent court has sentenced him after a trial according to the existing Constitution of Pakistan.
1He was not the authority to make that judgement and even if he still tries to make that judgement...International law states you may not interfere with another country's own lawful authorities.
Here we have a difference between Western and what boils down to Islamic legal theory: the Western relationship of the individual to the law is direct, whereas the Islamic has an intermediary.

the court has to agree with his arguments -
Reasonable doubt isn't enough of a standard?

- provided that not a single entity in the entire world has been able to prove complicity of any Pak institution, your first argument falls flat.
The UNSC has classified reports of Pakistani noncompliance for the past six years. They could choose to release that at any time - would that make you happy?

The damage was in working with the CIA, people can't trust vaccination drives done by NGOs since who knows which one is working for CIA now.
I think we can agree that the allegation that the vaccinations were fake should never have occurred.

A competent court has sentenced him after a trial according to the existing Constitution of Pakistan.
I do wonder how these tribal courts work. Obviously closed sessions. Which is odd because, presumably, the only secrets that could have been exposed were American ones, right? Unless, of course, Afridi's defense arguments were substantial and implicated Pakistanis as willing partners with international terrorists.
ON TOPIC : traitors deserves such fate . He will become example for other traitors
Whatever Americans and Indians think about it we damn care . So no need to reply Indian . He is traitor and we will do with him whatever we want to so its none of your business you should take care and think about your own countries .
Pakistani doctor jailed for helping CIA find Osama bin Laden - The Times of India

PESHAWAR: A Pakistani doctor accused of helping the CIA find Osama bin Laden has been jailed for 33 years for treason, television channels and a local government official said.

The official said Shakil Afridi was accused of running a fake vaccination campaign believed to have helped the American intelligence agency track bin Laden in a Pakistani town, where he was killed in a US special forces raid last May.

The imprisonment is likely to anger ally Washington at a sensitive time, with both sides engaged in difficult talks over re-opening NATO supply routes to US-led troops in Afghanistan.

US officials had hoped Pakistan, a recipient of billions of dollars in American aid, would release Afridi, detained after the unilateral operation which killed bin Laden and strained ties with Islamabad.

In January, US defense secretary Leon Panetta said in a television interview that Afridi and his team had been key in finding bin Laden, describing him as helpful and insisting the doctor had not committed treason or harmed Pakistan.

very sick news indeed,, it shows how pakistan is run.. its not in favour of alqaeda being destroyed.. it wants to use it fore its own nefarious designs..

this news should be on the front pge of all global nations newsppers and media.. that shows how pakistan is concerned about alqaeda..

first it was not enough that one of the worlds most wanted terrorist was foun in the arsewhole of pak army living lavish life that this news of the very man who paved the way for his caputre is so much tormented and abashed by pak and its mil inc

also how was the vaccination fake ? were the vaccines fake?
Good riddance. His actions are the textbook definition of treason, & he is very lucky he hasn't been given the death sentence.
its our internal matter Indians ............. and who the hell are u to tell us whats right and whats wrong? he was brought to justice in all legal parameters of our laws and he will meet his fate ..... he worked as CIA agent for money so he diserve this i will love to see him hang till death so that no one else would dare to be another countries agent in Pakistan
No one disputes that Pakistan has an "unfair" share of terrorists to root out. All the more work for Pakistan to do.

no doubt, the problem was exacerbated when NATO failed to station enough troops on the border and prevent terrorists from crossing over the porous border to Pakistan-side.

for me, the issue is quite personal......i have my reasons. In our village, some of the locals had to take up arms and take law into their own hands because Arab/Uzbek terrorists were coming in from an Afghanistan in which NATO was already having presence.

as far as terrorism is concerned, i believe NATO is part of the issue and not necessarily part of the solution...that is because they made the same crucial mistake they made in their Iraq adventure (the other adventure of course); they alienated an entire segment/% of the population. In Iraq, it was the Baathist or pro-Baathist Sunnis and in Afghanistan it was the Pashtuns (many of whom the U.S. had once armed - which they conveniently forget)

Sure it does.

as far as i know, Afraidy is serving a 33 year sentence

so apparently, it's not ''kosher''

Really? Tell that to the Lebanese!


Besides, that's pretty much what Zia did when he warred against the Palestinians on behalf of Jordan during "Black September".

he warred against militants that were taking up arms against Jordan (our ally)......they had nothing to do with the legitimate Palestinian movement

and the Jordanians had requested our help. . .

so where on earth is the relevance and how do you connect the two? When you want to make a point or when you want to argue just for the sake of arguing at least be somewhat relevant
America should see to it that this guy gets his due. A Nobel Prize wouldn't be too out of order. After all, not many have the guts to do what this great man did.

At least some kind of international recognition should be given to him to acknowledge his efforts.
Love Bin Laden or Hate him, doesn't matter.
Fact of the matter is, the whole Nation will screw Shakil Afridi because he sided with AMERICANS !

If it was just reason, the nation would have slit Zardari by now.
its our internal matter Indians ............. and who the hell are u to tell us whats right and whats wrong?

We are just enjoying ourselves watching you put more nails in your coffin. Why should we care about this doctor or any other? Sad story it may be but it's just one of many. Our interest is how much you are going to help us in your own portrayal as a nation where terrorists get free passes+great accommodation & those helping catch them get 33 years(or whatever). Makes our job easier. Not that anyone needed any convincing anyways. We can always count on you guys delivering us the hammer that we are going to beat you with. Thank you very much. See how little sympathy Pakistan gets when it starts making out any case against India. You might pat yourselves on your backs at winning this silly battle but you are on course to do disastrously on a larger plane, even worse than your present pathetic performance.
We are just enjoying ourselves watching you put more nails in your coffin. Why should we care about this doctor or any other? Sad story it may be but it's just one of many. Our interest is how much you are going to help us in your own portrayal as a nation where terrorists get free passes+great accommodation & those helping catch them get 33 years(or whatever). Makes our job easier. Not that anyone needed any convincing anyways. We can always count on you guys delivering us the hammer that we are going to beat you with. Thank you very much. See how little sympathy Pakistan gets when it starts making out any case against India. You might pat yourselves on your backs at winning this silly battle but you are on course to do disastrously on a larger plane, even worse than your presently pathetic performance.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh....don't let it out.
We are just enjoying ourselves watching you put more nails in your coffin. Why should we care about this doctor or any other? Sad story it may be but it's just one of many. Our interest is how much you are going to help us in your own portrayal as a nation where terrorists get free passes+great accommodation & those helping catch them get 33 years(or whatever). Makes our job easier. Not that anyone needed any convincing anyways. We can always count on you guys delivering us the hammer that we are going to beat you with. Thank you very much. See how little sympathy Pakistan gets when it starts making out any case against India. You might pat yourselves on your backs at winning this silly battle but you are on course to do disastrously on a larger plane, even worse than your present pathetic performance.

What does this post have to do with the topic of the thread?
Talking of lawyers in Pakitsan, experience tells us that if somebody were to shoot the doctor in trasit to/from the counrtroom tomorrow, Pakistani lawyers would shower rose petals on him.

Had I wanted to beocme a hero in pakistan, shotting this doctor would be all I'd have to do.

what logic, when the ''hero'' you are alluding to is also in prison
in this case, not only did defendant circumvent the local authorities and work for a foreign spy agency (without informing local govt.) but he also breached the trust of the peopl...

Yeah right like this hasn't happened before. AQ khan "sold" pakistan for some bucks too, breached trust of people, but he was pardoned.

Anyway, my post was about ISI who claimed it provided the info that made OBL raid possible. Doesn't that conflict with Dr Afridi's story?

ive seen these bharti twits yap and rave when American Christian missionary groups operate in Orissa and other parts of N.E. india -- claiming they are enemies of hindus, spies, informants etc. And those are just missionaries. In this case, Afridi was a doctor. He should have used his profession and skills (assuming he had them) to help people.

-Offtopic. You being a "professional" personal insults are expected from you, keep them coming.
what logic, when the ''hero'' you are alluding to is also in prison

When have prisons stopped the flight of great men?

"They may torture my body, break my bones, even kill me. Then they will have my dead body, but not my obedience." - Mahatma Gandhi.
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