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Pakistani Christians retaliate


Apr 5, 2013
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United States
In Pakistan, a rare Christian retaliation against Muslim violence

Earlier this month, residents of a Christian neighborhood in Gujranwala did something unprecedented when their settlement was attacked by Muslims: They fought back.

As violence against religious minorities in Pakistan continues to grow unabated, at least one group of Christians has decided it is finally time to fight back.

Earlier this month, in what observers and locals characterize as a very rare occurrence, Christians in the Francisabad neighborhood of Gujranwala stood their ground when a group of Muslims from nearby settlements began attacking their property.

Mobs have stormed through Christian settlements in the central Punjab province with increasing frequency in the last few years, fueled by extremist right-wing sentiment and often using the pretext of blasphemy allegations to justify their actions. In March, for instance, a mob attacked the Christian Badami Bagh area of Lahore after a personal dispute between a Christian and a Muslim mired in blasphemy allegations.

But the clash that erupted in Francisabad was unique in that the Christian community fought back. And while the incident isn't likely to spark a wider campaign of retaliation by Christian groups, it serves as a cautionary tale for Pakistan as its sectarian rift continues to widen.

'Draw the shutters and hide'

Developed in the early 1990s, the settlement of Francisabad is located on the outskirts of Gujranwala and is now home to some 3,500 Christian families, of which 1,800 are Catholic.

The violence there earlier this month was sparked, as is routine in Pakistan, by a personal dispute. According to witnesses, a number of young men were traveling to Francisabad in a large shared rickshaw called a qingqi, listening to music played from the vehicle's speakers. En route, they were joined by two clerics from a nearby colony who were reportedly offended that the men were listening to music.

“The boys said they wouldn’t turn the music off,” says Father Ashraf Gill, the priest at the local Catholic church.

“The clerics asked the boys their religion,” says a local man named Arif, whose brother Mehran was in the rickshaw. “My brother and two of the other boys said that they were Christians. Then the clerics slapped them around and beat up the rickshaw driver as well. My brother came home and told us what happened.”

The same evening, some men from the nearby settlement of Naroke came to Francisabad to talk to Christian leaders about the incident. According to a resident, Emanuel, they were turned back and told that the matter would be discussed in the morning.

The next day, the Christian and Muslim elders scheduled to meet at a police checkpoint in the area. But the Muslim leaders, locals say, arrived two hours before the proposed time, and asked the police to register a blasphemy case against the Christian boys, accusing them of disrespecting the Quran.

The police, Father Gill says, “refused to register the case, because they said there was no proof of the incident.”

But that wasn’t the end of it. A few hours later, Tanzeela Rani – a mother of eight children – was shopping for groceries when she witnessed a new disturbance.

“I saw a mob of several hundred people, accompanied by a police van, storming into the main lane and destroying shops owned by Christians on the way,” she says. “They had arms with them. I said to the shopkeeper, ‘Son, draw the shutters and hide.’ ”

She had that knee-jerk reaction, she says, because of what she had heard about the Badami Bagh attack in Lahore this March, where an entire settlement of Christians in the city was burned by a mob similarly fueled by a false blasphemy allegation touched off by a personal argument.

“One of the mob members tore off my dupatta [a long scarf worn by women], and a police officer tried to hit me,” Ms. Rani says. “I told him that he wouldn’t be able to touch me. There was a whole crowd of women from the colony and we were ready to defend and save our Francisabad. I managed to rip off the belt and shirt of a police officer and we overturned a trailer that the mob had used.”

Rani says she felt no fear at having to defend Francisabad. “God helped us, and we were able to battle spiritedly.”

Link of the complete article -

In Pakistan, a rare Christian retaliation against Muslim violence - CSMonitor.com
Why are they being attacked in the first place?

I quite don't understand it myself. I heard one Pakistani Islamic "scholar" say on tv it is halal to eat donkey meat. So I guess this where these people might be coming from.
lol..retarded source...

Incidents of 'fighting' take place all over..but if one party is Christian..whoa! whole evangelical Christian media starts propaganda...

Christians are doing just fine...just tell them to stop preaching their religion
Why should they not preach their religion ?

Cuz it causes social agitation. Also, they just don't preach..but they 'trick' people to their religion..bribe them..take money from Western evangelicals..spread disgusting lies against Islam...all this causes a bloody mess!

So if Christians don't change their this attitude, they must bear the consequences! simple as that. While living here, if I start doing Al Qaeda's propaganda..then I must be ready to face the music too...simple.

If really they want to preach, then go to west...
I have friends who are Christian. I have some friends who are Shia. All of them, their far families and relatives are doing just fine, thank you. Or is it some other Pakistan that I must be living in?
lol..retarded source...

Incidents of 'fighting' take place all over..but if one party is Christian..whoa! whole evangelical Christian media starts propaganda...

Christians are doing just fine...just tell them to stop preaching their religion

Those Christians were minding there own business, it's the cleric who asked them what their religion was (like it's his fckin business anyways) then the kids got slapped around.

At any case do not try to downplay the problem or start the whole 'Christians should Not be preaching' nonsense.

My father is has been thrown in prison and tortured because he was Christian, this was back in the 70's-80's. Now he is a fairly well known religious activists that has testified to congress, personally met congressmen, senators, and has been on television not to mention in the news.

You don't know the half of it.

I have friends who are Christian. I have some friends who are Shia. All of them, their far families and relatives are doing just fine, thank you. Or is it some other Pakistan that I must be living in?

You know every Christian in Pakistan? That odd....
Cuz it causes social agitation. Also, they just don't preach..but they 'trick' people to their religion..bribe them..take money from Western evangelicals..spread disgusting lies against Islam...all this causes a bloody mess!

So if Christians don't change their this attitude, they must bear the consequences!

Great, so you support attacking Christians.

simple as that. While living here, if I start doing Al Qaeda's propaganda..then I must be ready to face the music too...simple.

This is almost too stupid to even respond to. Christianity now equates to al Qaeda? Funny Muslims freely preach on the streets of western or European countries, but it's not okay for a Christian to do the same? If they do they should face the consequences (your own words).

If really they want to preach, then go to west...

What about the 99% of Christians that do not preach?
Those Christians were minding there own business, it's the cleric who asked them what their religion was (like it's his fckin business anyways) then the kids got slapped around.

At any case do not try to downplay the problem or start the whole 'Christians should be preaching' nonsense.

My father is has been thrown in prison and tortured because he was Christian, this was back in the 70's-80's. Now he is a fairly well known religious activists that has testified to congress, personally met congressmen, senators, and has been on television not to mention in the news.

You don't know the half of it.

Your father was thrown in jail by Russians? Soviets I mean...

Soviet regime destroyed Christianity in Russia..and also damaged Islam alot!

What about the 99% of Christians that do not preach?

They should actively discourage preaching and christian apologists...but it doesn't happen. 99% of christians passively support preaching and even 'lies for getting converts'..In their mind, they are 'saving' people so everything goes! These christians in Pakistan build finance networks with highly anti-Islamic evangelicals..these western evangelicals fund christian extremism in Pakistan, which cause social unrest...

Funny Muslims freely preach on the streets of western or European countries
Christians can preach in the streets of Europe/America too, no one stopping them..
lol..retarded source...

Incidents of 'fighting' take place all over..but if one party is Christian..whoa! whole evangelical Christian media starts propaganda...

Christians are doing just fine...just tell them to stop preaching their religion

The name might be deceiving but actually CSM is similar to CNN,BBC,Al-Jazeera, New York Times, etc.

And to be fair Muslims do the same thing to in terms of preaching. In Pakistan certain preachers are always trying to convert non-Muslims.
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