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Pakistani Christians Attacked by Jihadi's


Nov 27, 2008
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Pakistani Christians Attacked by Jihadi's

From the Pakistan Christian Post:

KARACHI: January 8, 2009. (ANS) Islamist fundamentalists in Pakistani city of Karachi in province Sindh attacked two churches on the eve of New Year.
Unidentified militants forcibly entered in Christ Awami Church located in Rasool Shah Colony on New Year night. They threatened the congregants to stop worshipping in the Church. When some Christian worshippers put up resistance the militants desecrated Holy Bibles, cross and hymn books besides smashing windows and door of the church.

Islamists also attacked a protestant church in Zia colony in Karachi. They broke church’s door and windows besides throwing garbage in the Church.

Local Christians told ANS that the attitude of the police officials of Boat Basin police station was callous and indifferent in the wake of attack on the Christ Awami Church.

Reacting to the apathetic attitude of the police the outraged Christians protested on Clifton road and dispersed peacefully after the police high-ups assured them stern action against the culprits.

Police lodged First Information Report on Jan. 2, a day after the occurrence. Police, ANS learnt have been lenient in imposing sections in the police information report.

Most of Pakistani based electronic media organizations came to cover the incident but they did not run the story. Three Pakistani based Urdu newspapers including Ummat, Daily Express and Victoria however covered the story.

Talking to ANS by phone former member of provincial assembly, Sindh, Michael Javaid said that he visited churches that came under attack in Rasool Shah Colony and in Zia colony.

He expressed solidarity with Pastors of the churches including Pastor Robi and Pastor Munir Bhatti.

Asked why the churches were attacked the former MP said it could be due to Muslim reaction over Palestine-Israel conflict

He criticized the police for not lodging a sterner blasphemy case against the culprits.
i am not sure if it actually happened but even if its true then, whts so special, bad ppl r every where, why they r tagged "jehadis" or "Islamist fundamentalists", i ask why, if some christian does the same thing against mosque he is termed as crazy or mental, but not crusader??? and normally is the reaction whts the big deal??, i can post several videos here, and as for the law enforcement agencies, police of karachi is good for nothing, they hide in mouse holes when they r needed, esp in panic tyms

even christians r discriminated in israel by each and every jew,"jews say v murdered your jesus" u ppl say hail israel, hail sionist!!!, double standards haan!!
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Wonder whether you posted any news regarding the recent heinous Hindu atrocities against the Christians with the same vigour... Nuns being raped, churches being burnt down etc. by Hindu fundamentalists. Or were we turning a blind eye and trying to cover up? Quite ironic for being a truth seeker. It does however prove that you Americans are very obsessed with maligning Pakistan and Islam.
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On another note, this is yet another proof for Pakistan to neutralize these fundamentalists as they pose a threat not only to non muslims, but to muslims aswell.
On another note, this is yet another proof for Pakistan to neutralize these fundamentalists as they pose a threat not only to non muslims, but to muslims aswell.

Very much so. If this incident really happened it's deplorable. Such violence can never be condoned. The perpetrators ought to be punished accordingly. We are all Pakistanis. Our beloved Quaid envisaged a Pakistan in which minorities have as much rights as the majority. Equality is also an integral part of Islam.
Very much so. If this incident really happened it's deplorable. Such violence can never be condoned. The perpetrators ought to be punished accordingly. We are all Pakistanis. Our beloved Quaid envisaged a Pakistan in which minorities have as much rights as the majority. Equality is also an integral part of Islam.

Well said brother. :tup:
News like this harms Pakistans image, and we owe it to ourselves to clean that image up, regardless of the fact whether it happens in India, Isreal or somewhere else, our own problems need to be dealt with.
The people who attacked these Christians/institutes should be punished immediately.
Well said brother. :tup:
News like this harms Pakistans image, and we owe it to ourselves to clean that image up, regardless of the fact whether it happens in India, Isreal or somewhere else, our own problems need to be dealt with.
The people who attacked these Christians/institutes should be punished immediately.

I wholeheartedly agree with that. It does however irritate me when some people only portray one side of the picture and apply double standards.
I wholeheartedly agree with that. It does however irritate me when some people only portray one side of the picture and apply double standards.

I agree with you on that, this unfortunately happens all the time.
What can you do? People choose to read what they like and what appeals to them, and ignore what they want to ignore.
Some readers simply post news because it is news(worthy), and some post news just to damage something or someones image or tell only one side of the story.
In this case however, I am carefully saying that I don't think the article, or writer or the creator of this thread had in mind to potentially target Pakistan in a negative way.
We know Christians are attacked in other parts of the world too, it's a known fact, and we should be satisfied with the thought that atleast Pakistan will do its best to not let it happen again especially with these newsreports popping up.
So if Pakistan takes care of this, we hopefully won't see any negative newsreports about it anymore, and instead, see newsreports popping out from other countries where it still happens and where the problem still hasn't been tackled.
Christians in Pakistan are treated far better than Christians in India, atleast Muslims dont rape nuns or burn churches down, or burn living christians to death.

I have a Pakistani Christian friend who loves Pakistan and would do anything for his country.
those werent jihadists or muslims becuase equality to the jews and christians is a major rule of islam
it says in the quran to treat them with respect, tolerance, loyalty, and honesty. Also, it's ok to live beside each other and help, talk, visit, and marry (in some situations) each other.
the only case one should attack them is when THEY [themselves, the specific individuals] provoke you.
Christians in Pakistan are treated far better than Christians in India, atleast Muslims dont rape nuns or burn churches down, or burn living christians to death. I have a Pakistani Christian friend who loves Pakistan and would do anything for his country.

You simply cant compare pakistan and India. India has christans ruling the coutnry in many positions. Sonia Gandhi our national leader is a christian. You can find many ppl in central cabinet.
Now regarding violations christans too have many organizations publishing illigal material about hindu gods and trying to forcefully convert ppl. They killed hindu saint who tryed to stop. Even hindus have religious believes and when it get hit its normal that some idiot ppl misuse it.
You simply cant compare pakistan and India. India has christans ruling the coutnry in many positions. Sonia Gandhi our national leader is a christian. You can find many ppl in central cabinet.
Now regarding violations christans too have many organizations publishing illigal material about hindu gods and trying to forcefully convert ppl. They killed hindu saint who tryed to stop. Even hindus have religious believes and when it get hit its normal that some idiot ppl misuse it.

Sonia Gandhi is Italian, you Indians worship white people.

As for christians publishing material against hindus.. i thought india was largest democracy? dont you have freedom of speech in worlds largest "democracy"? is publishing material a reason for hindus to rape nuns, burn churches, burn living christian children, women, and men to death?

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well it keeps on happening both the sides...governing a multi-cultural society is not cake-walk.but i would lik to point out that whenver something lik this happens in india...the reaction in pakistan is like "they are minority killers"! they fail to understand that ruling a multi-racial society is a nightmare...
Sonia Gandhi is half Italian, you Indians worship white people. As for christians publishing material against hindus.. i thought india was largest democracy? dont you have freedom of speech in worlds largest "democracy"? is publishing material a reason for hindus to rape nuns, burn churches, burn living christian children, women, and men to death? YOU WILL NEVER SEE THOSE THINGS HAPPENING IN PAKISTAN!

The identity of the nation is not the religion unlike pakistan. Country like India starting a violation is not that difficult. In Inida ppl can easyly misuse the religion but in pakistan they gave differnet name. What if someone writes bad about Allah! Do you accept. Definitely not. Samething happened to start the violations. Some anti social elements misuse the situation and media reports very big. Again its a politics congress didnt allow the make these material public. If its BJP govt they would have taken the issue properly. One cant change the religion either by force or by bribe. Christian missions (illigal ofcourse) offering 5000 rs to poor ppl to convert them to christanity. All they have to do is just wear cross and goto church once a week. Except that they dont know even what is bible is.....you should understand both side stories rather than media reports.

Yeah In pakistan it wont happen. If it happens it wont be violation . it will be death sentense without media report
Sonia Gandhi is half Italian, you Indians worship white people.

As for christians publishing material against hindus.. i thought india was largest democracy? dont you have freedom of speech in worlds largest "democracy"? is publishing material a reason for hindus to rape nuns, burn churches, burn living christian children, women, and men to death?


omar...you should've been in the BJP!
you see her half-italian and we see an italian lady struggling to gain the faith of a nation..i respect her not for the colour of her skin...but for her patriotism which exceeds that of many others...
please act mature.

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