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Pakistani Christians Attacked by Jihadi's

The people who did so have to be punished but the US Administration of Bush did the same to the Muslims so I don't feel sorry for the victims. And please don't try to spread christian propaganda, we have a similar thread here

You can indeed look at it from an angle where you say: "Well the Americans do the same to Muslims so I don't care if it happens the other way around".

But is that the right angle..?
We should look at ourselves, this seriously needs to be addressed, Christians nor Hindus nor Sikhs or from any other religion should be attacked by Pakistani muslims.
This is completely against Islamic values and it doesn't make me any proud of my own country nor of my people.
I'm actually glad the TruthSeeker posts news like this so we can all be reminded that our nation has alot to work on, especially when it comes to being tolerant to other races and people.
Certain people inside our own country give us a bad image, these idiots should seriously get a good education and some proper discipline.

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