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Pakistani & Chinese air forces kick off, Shaheen III (2014) exercise.

Brother ... A little correction !
This image is from Shaheen-1 exercise. JF-17, neither participated in Shaheen - I nor in II .... JF-17 was flying with Flanker just for the sake of ending ceremony formation flypast.

Too bad that Chinese brought their top fighter "Russian originated" in Pakistan while we don't have good relation either with Russia or its top ally.
While being an ally of USA we can't even use our jets on our soil against their potential rival without its permission ..... FRUITS OF BEING AMREEKI PITTHU.

Yeah, let us hone our skills together.

There may come a day when these boys may be asked to fight a common Enemy.... :p:

Yes, our armed forces have good relations with each other, better than with anyone else. I think this will count a lot in a future war scenario, where we may be fighting together against the same enemy.

I don't like to predict the future, but being prepared for the future is always a good thing. :cheers:
Exercise Shaheen-I 2011
By Najam Khan | May 6, 2013 | JF-17 Thunder, Mirage-III/V, Uncategorized
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Exercise Shaheen-I (meaning “Falcon” in English) was the first version of this joint Pak-China air force exercise held in March 2011 at Rafiqui Air Base, Shorkot Pakistan.

PLAAF contingent comprising SU-27UBK Multirole fighters from 8th flight Academy (also known as “Agressors” ) participated in the exercise. The Exercise covered various air-to-air and air-to-ground combat scenarios. PAF’s Mirage-VEF, F-7PG and JF-17 also participated in Dis-similar Air Combat Training (DACT) missions with PLAAF Sukhois.
is this our najmi?

Here is one more point, at the ending / starting ceremony of any exercise the participants and their major accounts are lined up for a group photo .... JF-17 is missing from Shaheen-1 exercise.


What the This Su looks like a beast in front of F7s and mirage.
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is this our najmi?
What the This Su looks like a beast in front of F7s and mirage.

Su is like a medium size biz jet .. While it has advantage of long Range and higher load capability ... this BIGGER size also has a disadvantage of much higher RCS .. Inside Indian territory it will do just fine but in a PAF vs IAF scenario .. I dont think a higher RCS plane inside Pak territory is going to be a good Idea .. They will surely need Rafale to do the Air superiority Role inside Pak territory.
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Mady by me.

Pakistani and Chinese air forces have kicked off a joint air exercise codenamed 'SHAHEEN III' at PAF base Rafiqui. The main objective of this exercise is to develop interoperable synergy between the two friendly air forces in order to respond efficiently to a 'mutual threat environment' in the future.

These exercises are particularly important for PAF as its pilots get an opportunity to fly against the Chinese Sukhoi Su-27/Su-30MKK aircrafts which are similar platforms to Indian air force's frontline Su-30 MKI fighters. This helps PAF pilots greatly in studying, applying and validating tactics to defeat the Su-30MKI jets.

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one has to just inform the supplier ahead of the excercise. thats all. PAF is generally interested in evaluating their tactical-strike and point defence tactics with other airforces. PAF is a late enterant in the BVR tactics environment so its learning curve is steep. it tends to pick and choose when it comes to WVR and BVR scenarios.
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