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Pakistani Army asks for Respect.

Ignore them Xeric.

These are bhaands who will do maskhara punna even with their own women.

They are bunch of tribals who refuse to civilize and utterly refuse to see the light that Pak army has saved over and over again.

They are like fools who cut the same branch where they and their families dwell.

They tribal bhaands have no idea of Pak history, and thus do not know where our future is.

So just ignore them.


dude, please!
you are not on orkut or some entertainment community sitewhere you can post all this rubbish!

i am a textle engineer from Taxila. my father in an mechaniclal engineer here. now if you know some pakistani geography (other then your 3rd rock) you can better guess which organization he is in. my uncle in army colonel. half of my family is directly or indirectly linked with forces but this cannot make me turn blind.
go to other threads and see the post, i have always been a strong follower or armed forces of pakistan. what we are trying to do here is a healthy debate in which, sorry to say, i dont think you fit in!!


Asalan Aslam
Ignore them Xeric.

These are bhaands who will do maskhara punna even with their own women.

They are bunch of tribals who refuse to civilize and utterly refuse to see the light that Pak army has saved over and over again.

They are like fools who cut the same branch where they and their families dwell.

They tribal bhaands have no idea of Pak history, and thus do not know where our future is.

So just ignore them.

I disagree - Yes, there are some trolls who for some unknown reason are rabidly anti Army (Example: Mutee this guy supports Taliban, Love India and Hate Pakistan Army..go figure..)..Anyway Army does need to work on its PR because even its strong supporters are now questioning it....In all honesty our Army will be more mean and tough if they leave the corporate stuff to others and concentrate 100% on Defence.
that the point, that what the author have said.
he claims that that army is just sitting on the sideline watching the situation to get from bad to worse. then when it is at the breaking point they will come in, do some cleaning and blame all the wrongs to others.
the point is, why wait to play and win the blame game and making the nation suffer. i think this is criminal neglegence. why wait till the end. the situation might get so bad by that time that the country will be graged back a decade.

The nation have always stood by the army and so will they today if the army take step in right direction.
Arsalan Aslam

In today's Pakistan, army cannot "fix" the broken down economy. The only thing army can do is to save the country when "tribal" politicians from Karachi and Lahore try to burn us down by launching "pahayya Jaam" hartaals.

As long as politicians do not create anarchy, army will and should stay out of assembly halls.

We have a broken down dhoom-Kratic system. Let's ask politicians to do their job. They need to pass laws to improve our economy, upgrade our taxation system, and move the country forward.

Army has its hands full with islamists trying to turn Pak into Islamist Jahannum of Afghanistan.

Let me give you guys a bit dose of reality.

Army's recent successes in Swat and FATA were only possible because of our so-called corrupt "Zardari" like politicians. Had it been the governement of Mush, the army action in Swat and FATA would have been turned into ethnic fasad not too different from BDesh fiasco.

So let's ask our politicians to pass new laws. and update the old ones. It will at least take 25 years to put Pakistan back on track. And army by itself cannot do that.

I disagree - Yes, there are some trolls who for some unknown reason are rabidly anti Army (Example: Mutee this guy supports Taliban, Love India and Hate Pakistan Army..go figure..)..Anyway Army does need to work on its PR because even its strong supporters are now questioning it....In all honesty our Army will be more mean and tough if they leave the corporate stuff to others and concentrate 100% on Defence.

Agreed with the approach.
This is probably the first time in the hostory of Pakistan that the military (Army) is just doing exactly what it is supposed to do. But hawks ki jaan ko sakoon ab b nahi hai. i think someone needs to punch this thing hard into their brains that life (and this world) is not bounded by their fringing rules! Instead, the rules are quite simple:

1. Lead
2. Follow
3. Or get out of the fcuking way!

Lead: The jumhoori hakoomat should grow the balls and should start calling the shots, which indeed they have already started. Tax reforms, ruthless cut down against corruption, single handedly prevalence/implementation of justice, formation/pursuance of a foreign policy that PRIMARILY (and in an ideal case ONLY) suits Pakistan and Pakistanis and important of all, being loyal to the Nation instead of to ones own carcase.

Follow: Well, if they cant do the above (for which infact they posses the capacity to), they should then let others do it for them. In this case, the (Supreme) Court(s), media, civil society etc, and in the past, the military.

3. Hmm..as i have said in a previous post in this thread; Shutup or Die.


And guess what, b!!tching moaning and complaining does not form part of this (golden) rule
sorry to say sir but that pathetic. . .
is army seekig some kind of revenge from the nation?

democracy is claimed to be the right choice for countires (though i have never been a strong supporter and term the Musharaff era, atleast the first 3~4 years as the best time of Pakistan) but gurding democracy DO NOT mean guarding corruption.

what is the difference in forces and corrupt politician if both are deliberatley allowing and making the country go down?

Yes, the army is seeking revenge from Pakistan - however, it is seeking revenge because the nation refuses to bestow on the army the kind of deference it once did.

But why has the nation decided that the army must earn it's keep? What has gone wrong?

Well, lets rephrase this, what has the army done right? Has it been successful against the Islamist enemy?? How could it possibly be successful against the Islamist enemy when that enemy is the army's own creation, when the army is itself the largest Islamist force in the country.

Has the army's control over policies delivered a better economy? Has it delivered peace with India? Has it delivered peace with Afghanistan? With Iran? With Arabia?

Have Pakistanis and their property safer with the army? Are Pakistanis safer when the army first stands by and lets a foreign force conduct operations inside Pakistan and here I don't mean just the Americans, but also the foreign Jihadis - and then arrests what it claims are informers for Americans within it's ranks, while it negotiates with Islamists angry over the dismissal of Islamists within the ranks of the armed forces - just who is safe with the army running things? Other than the generals, of course.

Beyond these, the basic fact is that the army is simply inept at what should be it's strong suit but is extraordinarily adept at politics and pushing the Pakistani people about -- this is a sad thing to say, but we have to say it -- and the army has to learn to accept it and better itself.

Instead of threatening the nation, the army should be explaining herself to the nation, instead of issuing demands that it not be held accountable, the army should be shaping the debate - instead it's begging for respect.

But wait, did we not warn of this eventuality? Have we not discussed that if the army continues to be seen as a obstacle, that it will be dealt with in a manner not conducive to it's national and security relevance? Lets hope there are those in Kiyanbi's army that may still want to be part of Pakistan's army - because Kiyani's army has no future.
But wait, did we not warn of this eventuality? Have we not discussed that if the army continues to be seen as a obstacle, that it will be dealt with in a manner not conducive to it's national and security relevance? Lets hope there are those in Kiyanbi's army that may still want to be part of Pakistan's army - because Kiyani's army has no future.

There were many warning signs given to Pakistan throughout the course and now the pivotal point was Waziristan Haveli. This marked the death of secularists and pro-western elements in Pakistan for good with the way things are starting to roll. American informants of Pakistani heritage now, and then finally Americans. What can eventually happen from here on out, all we can do is watch but Pakistanis are failing at home because they are brainwashed.
Don't get wrong, I don't have the slightest problem with security agencies cleaning up , policing, if you will, those who are in the pay of or cooperating with foreign intelligence services.

What I am looking forward to is a smart Pakistan army, always steps ahead of events, a Pakistan army that is not just connected with the aspirations of Pakistanis, but is a promoter of those aspirations, is a leader, is visionary, not just with weaponry and management but a leader in the world of ideas, and in particular is the depository and beacon of the idea of Jinnah's Pakistan, a Pakistan where all are equal before the law -- and a serious, lethal army, the source of strength to the state and the nation.
If you double triple even more numbers of games simultaneously ,soon the games starts playing on you .
a smart Pakistan army, always steps ahead of events

A smart Army without a smart Nation, rulers and civilian society, right?

How is this going to work? Doesnt this supposed to work the other way round?

Nation makes/build/form an Army not vice versa, so you get (and no wonder are still getting) what exactly you deserved, why BMCing now?

It's so sad that you are actually an officer - now you claim the Pakistan army can't be smart because well, the Pakistani nation is not smart - Youi deserve a kick up your rear and booted out -- and we'll find you among that CIA bunch just arrested-

So you want to put the cart before the horse!

Great! No wonder you are in the British Isles!
In today's Pakistan, army cannot "fix" the broken down economy. The only thing army can do is to save the country when "tribal" politicians from Karachi and Lahore try to burn us down by launching "pahayya Jaam" hartaals.

As long as politicians do not create anarchy, army will and should stay out of assembly halls.

We have a broken down dhoom-Kratic system. Let's ask politicians to do their job. They need to pass laws to improve our economy, upgrade our taxation system, and move the country forward.

Army has its hands full with islamists trying to turn Pak into Islamist Jahannum of Afghanistan.

Let me give you guys a bit dose of reality.

Army's recent successes in Swat and FATA were only possible because of our so-called corrupt "Zardari" like politicians. Had it been the governement of Mush, the army action in Swat and FATA would have been turned into ethnic fasad not too different from BDesh fiasco.

So let's ask our politicians to pass new laws. and update the old ones. It will at least take 25 years to put Pakistan back on track. And army by itself cannot do that.


its all about approach to the things.
PA must work on sustaining its image. must make the nation realize that what is going wrong and what they are doing to keep check.
it nation spends millions to feed the army then they also deserve that the army ensures that the are my there side and taking a tight check on all matters. sitting by side and watching it all go wrong wont leave then as ionnocents at the end. they must and will be held equally responsibel.

one more thing, you are repeatedly shwing hatred and dissatisfaction toward tribal areas.
i guess you must know that these areas are part of Pakistan. do you want these areas to be seprated as in your tone, its a land of morons?
remember, the name of country is ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN, why refereing something as ISLAMIST JAHANUM
Don't get wrong, I don't have the slightest problem with security agencies cleaning up , policing, if you will, those who are in the pay of or cooperating with foreign intelligence services.

What I am looking forward to is a smart Pakistan army, always steps ahead of events, a Pakistan army that is not just connected with the aspirations of Pakistanis, but is a promoter of those aspirations, is a leader, is visionary, not just with weaponry and management but a leader in the world of ideas, and in particular is the depository and beacon of the idea of Jinnah's Pakistan, a Pakistan where all are equal before the law -- and a serious, lethal army, the source of strength to the state and the nation.

The real word that you may have been looking for is "apolitical". A professional army does its job not because it should be looking for special rewards from the nation, but because they chose a profession with a certain value and belief system. Army has no job promoting or creating any sort of aspirations of people. It is their job to ensure the fulfillment of the aspirations of the people and that too only when the nature of these aspirations fall within their ambit of responsibility.

Any other activism from the army will only promote anarchy in the nation. Has that not been evident since 47 to this day? Sir?
a smart Pakistan army, always steps ahead of events

A smart Army without a smart Nation, rulers and civilian society, right?

How is this going to work? Doesnt this supposed to work the other way round?

Nation makes/build/form an Army not vice versa, so you get (and no wonder are still getting) what exactly you deserved, why BMCing now?

Smart is nice. Smart Alec??

Is it not true that Pakistan army has had a nation for all these years? A knowall army who knew the best about the nation and hence decided to thrust its own ridiculous governance and policies and also a little bit of the greed for the plots and nice plush homes and of course some paltry funds for the wives to go shopping in Europe or US. Has that not been the claim of the Pakistani Army as it has been trying to legitimize its dictatorial rule over Pakistan and oversaw a few battle disasters and of course not to forget a few socio-demographic and also economic disasters? Has it not been the case that whenever the bl@@dy civilians could not rule, it was necessary for the Pakistani Army general to step in and ..... ahem..... set things right?

Now when the horses are buckling, then it seems that suddenly it has been all of Pakistan nation's fault. What else can the nation do for the Pakistan army? The army has the biggest budget (something that they do not even want to discuss and let the Pakistani civilians let a look as to how it is being spent), army runs the foreign policy as it likes, army has been given a free hand in managing the "strategic assets" and running the defence and even the press? What else can the average Pakistani civilian give O Generals to create a smart army?

Actually you are right. Pakistanis have been so dumb to let the gun toters rule them for so long and hence they deserve the humiliating pit that they find themselves in to. Pakistanis got exactly what they deserved. An army which eats the biggest share of the budget, is not accountable in any way to the Pakistanis, disrupts and destroys civilian and governance institutions whenever they feel like, screws the foreign policy, screws the defence policy and in the process, gets pretty well reimbursed with a few plots and plush assignments in Pakistan steel or coal or some other stupid bl@@dy civilian organization like that.

You are right. Pakistanis deserve everybit of this army that they have.

What say you Sir?

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